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Happy New Year from DP (1 Viewer)


Master of Shenanigans
Dungeon Master
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Oct 12, 2007
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MS Gulf Coast
Political Leaning
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year. I personally know people that have had a rough 2018, including one of our own staff members, and it is my hope that 2019 turns out to be a much better year for everyone. Be safe and have a good time if you're celebrating.

For all the dog people put there:

Happy New Year to you and to all !
happy new year!
I wish everyone great and improving health because after living a half century plus, I know it's the most worthwhile wish.

My humble best wishes for you and yours... Happy NY.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year. I personally know people that have had a rough 2018, including one of our own staff members, and it is my hope that 2019 turns out to be a much better year for everyone. Be safe and have a good time if you're celebrating.

For all the dog people put there:

View attachment 67247030

Bring on 2019! :2party:
2019! we made it.
I'm so damned drunk I can't tell what these cookies are made of any more!

Just call it a day and let me get to bed...please!
"Grant me a healthy year, and I'll make it a happy year."
Angel Trismegistus


Happy New Year DP!
"grant me a healthy year, and i'll make it a happy year."
angel trismegistus


happy new year dp!

happy new year everyone! Let's make it a great one!
Happy New Year 2019 to all.

How lucky many of us are to live in the United States of America!

Happy New Year to everyone! May 2019 be good to you all.

Happy New Year, my best wishes to you and yours as we welcome in 2019.

Happy New Year to you and yours and to everyone at DP! :2wave: :cheers:

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