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Happy Father's Day, Dads!!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning

Happy Father's Day, dads. You'll never know how important you are to your kids.

Share a special moment with your child/children?
I pissed off my ex pretty good yesterday, so I might not even get a call!
To All those Fellow Fathers out there.


My ex and her new boyfriend think it's a good idea that I do not get to interact with my children. Last time I got to speak to them on the phone was 2 months ago. She says the kids are upset with me so stop calling because you're a half a$$ed father. So I have an attorney, a laundry list of evidence, and in 45 days we'll see what happens. Not a happy fathers day today, but I'll take a rain check until the judge lets her know how much of an idiot she is.
My dad taught me so much as a child -- and even as an adult. He was my "go-to guy" all my life when I had a problem that I just couldn't seem to sort out. He re-assured me when I was right; told me when I was wrong; and, sometimes, told me that, even though I was right, the important thing was to be happy. (That about marriage advice more than anything else.)

On my 17th birthday, I realized my dad had feet of clay. On my 17th birthday-and-a-day, I realized I still loved him very much.

Dads, don't ever under-estimate your importance in your kids' lives. Our first hero -- our first love.
At five today, I'm going to go thank my dad for successful procreation, and I'll reward him with beer and a great new Taylor Made golf cap.
My dad taught me so much as a child -- and even as an adult. He was my "go-to guy" all my life when I had a problem that I just couldn't seem to sort out. He re-assured me when I was right; told me when I was wrong; and, sometimes, told me that, even though I was right, the important thing was to be happy. (That about marriage advice more than anything else.)

On my 17th birthday, I realized my dad had feet of clay. On my 17th birthday-and-a-day, I realized I still loved him very much.

Dads, don't ever under-estimate your importance in your kids' lives. Our first hero -- our first love.

My ex and her new boyfriend think it's a good idea that I do not get to interact with my children. Last time I got to speak to them on the phone was 2 months ago. She says the kids are upset with me so stop calling because you're a half a$$ed father. So I have an attorney, a laundry list of evidence, and in 45 days we'll see what happens. Not a happy fathers day today, but I'll take a rain check until the judge lets her know how much of an idiot she is.

How often an ex- with a new guy/gal friend finds co-parenting an inconvenience. Don't give up. If they don't want you to call, send notes. At least they will know that you love them. Good luck.
At five today, I'm going to go thank my dad for successful procreation, and I'll reward him with beer and a great new Taylor Made golf cap.

No kids yet yourself?
My father denied I was his child from birth. On the bright side, missing out on one end of the father/child relationship left me with twice as much love for my kids.
My thirteen year old son gave me the funniest card today, but I'm having trouble posting a picture of it.
At the age of 19, my father spent parts of two years in a Nazi prison camp after being shot down in a B-17 over Czechoslovakia. Every year when I was a kid somebody sent a basket at Christmas time with fruit and candy and stuff and I always asked where it came from but my folks just said it was a friend. Then years later this guy shows up from some other part of the country and says my dad personally took care of him when he was badly burned and wounded parachuting from the same B-17 and saved his life.

When I was 19 I was in college.

Happy Fathers day to all. :peace

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