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Happy Communist Day (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Today is May 1. It's the day that the Reds have their festivities to celebrate the 100 million dead, the many more that have lost their freedom and in general the boot they put at the neck of the human race.

We need a Freedom day that would celebrate the same things.
I for one am going to listen to the internationale and Soviet national anthem all day
Today is May 1. It's the day that the Reds have their festivities to celebrate the 100 million dead, the many more that have lost their freedom and in general the boot they put at the neck of the human race.


:lamo May Day began as a day to commemorate the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. Its also essentially "labor day" in almost every country besides the US and most/all workers in those countries have the day off.

But I get it since communist countries celebrate(ed) it as well then we gotta make a hit post on it!
Today is May 1. It's the day that the Reds have their festivities to celebrate the 100 million dead, the many more that have lost their freedom and in general the boot they put at the neck of the human race.

They celebrate the 100 million dead. Our feminazis celebrate 50 million American dead every Roe anniversary. Not exactly even numbers except that the commies no longer murder at the same rate, if at all. Our mayhem continues.
They celebrate the 100 million dead. Our feminazis celebrate 50 million American dead every Roe anniversary. Not exactly even numbers except that the commies no longer murder at the same rate, if at all. Our mayhem continues.

In other words, the cultural Marxists are catching up to the economic Marxists in their body count.
Hurray communists and their rockin' beards!
:lamo May Day began as a day to commemorate the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. Its also essentially "labor day" in almost every country besides the US and most/all workers in those countries have the day off.

But I get it since communist countries celebrate(ed) it as well then we gotta make a hit post on it!

You live in Kansas, so maybe you can let me or us know if you've ever noticed this. We lived in similar geographic and political climates.

When I was a small kid in the early 90's, all the kids in the neighborhood would leave little baskets of gifts for a random neighbor. Did you notice how the most stringent Reaganites and anti-unionists nevertheless had their kids do this? The origin of the holiday kind of never clicked with them.
:lamo May Day began as a day to commemorate the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. Its also essentially "labor day" in almost every country besides the US and most/all workers in those countries have the day off.

But I get it since communist countries celebrate(ed) it as well then we gotta make a hit post on it!

nah you don't get it, workers having the day off ever = communist from the view of the corporatist pigs
Are there really that many Happy Communists that they get their own day?
Today is May 1. It's the day that the Reds have their festivities to celebrate the 100 million dead, the many more that have lost their freedom and in general the boot they put at the neck of the human race.


Why 100 million? Why not 200 million? That's what someone said here a few days ago.
nah you don't get it, workers having the day off ever = communist from the view of the corporatist pigs

I suppose you've never heard of PTO (Paid Time Off). You even get to pick the days off! Imagine that. Many hourly people don't worry about needing to take days off. If you work an hour, you get paid an hour; if you don't work an hour, you don't get paid for that hour. If you need time off, bank some money and become unavailable for those days. What could be more simple?
Why 100 million? Why not 200 million? That's what someone said here a few days ago.

It could be as low as 94 million.


The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression is a 1997 book edited by Stéphane Courtois,

In the introduction, editor Stéphane Courtois states that "Communist regimes... turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government."[3] He claims that a death toll totals 94 million.[4] The breakdown of the number of deaths given by Courtois is as follows:

65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Ethiopia
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Eastern Bloc
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America, mainly Cuba
10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power."[4]
Courtois claims that Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement, including Nazism. The statistics of victims includes direct deaths through executions but as well as indirect deaths from famine, deportations, physical confinement, and forced labor.
I suppose you've never heard of PTO (Paid Time Off). You even get to pick the days off! Imagine that. Many hourly people don't worry about needing to take days off. If you work an hour, you get paid an hour; if you don't work an hour, you don't get paid for that hour. If you need time off, bank some money and become unavailable for those days. What could be more simple?

the corporatist pigs prefer everyone slaves for temp agencies that provide 0 PTO. America is last in the developed world in time off by a long shot for a reason

then by your approach, 62% of americans have less than $1,000 savings and are basically one injury from financial ruin. They certainly can't afford to take unpaid days off
the corporatist pigs prefer everyone slaves for temp agencies that provide 0 PTO. America is last in the developed world in time off by a long shot for a reason

then by your approach, 62% of americans have less than $1,000 savings and are basically one injury from financial ruin. They certainly can't afford to take unpaid days off

What's wrong with temp agencies? I worked for one less than a year ago and it was a good experience. My annualized pay rate was six figures. One just needs to learn how to access opportunity.
What's wrong with temp agencies? I worked for one less than a year ago and it was a good experience. My annualized pay rate was six figures. One just needs to learn how to access opportunity.

yeah i don't believe you

the whole point of a temp agency is to function as a middle man - they cut HR costs for the company, the agency takes a cut of the worker's pay/benefits, and the worker gets the short end. That's literally the busy model. They don't do anything that can't be done without them

why the **** a $trillion bank that gets bailouts needs to use a temp agency that makes unsolicited calls from india to random people, for a 3 year "temp" contract with very threatening language, as an acquaintance experienced, well, they shouldn't be surprised that no one showed up for a whopping $13/hr with no benefits
I suppose you've never heard of PTO (Paid Time Off). You even get to pick the days off! Imagine that. Many hourly people don't worry about needing to take days off. If you work an hour, you get paid an hour; if you don't work an hour, you don't get paid for that hour. If you need time off, bank some money and become unavailable for those days. What could be more simple?

I guess I could suggest "someone who describes him/herself as very conservative."

But that would be rude...so I won't.
Sure, if you love communism. I can see why it would appeal to you. ;)

I don't love communism...but I find it an incredibly moving anthem.

Some people allow things like political sensibility to interfere with delight in music...if you can imagine that.

The Black Book systematically errs on the side of minimal numbers - like, what is surely documented. Unlike their Nazi twin brothers, Soviet Communists were not into bureaucratic precision. Whole villages and towns that resisted "collectivization" had disappeared without any records officially made.

If you go by standard demographics - the Russian population at the time of the last census before the Bolshevik takeover, minus known emigration outflow (registered by welcoming countries), minus war losses, plus expected birth rate, etc - by the end of the 30ies you have a shortage of between 60 and 80 million people. Solzhenitsyn had chosen 66 million as a conservative estimate.

In any case, 20 million is a ridiculous number. Mr. Parteigenosse Gorbachev himself admitted to 40 - under Stalin only.

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