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Guns Save Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)

ultra conservative

New member
Sep 3, 2005
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Now I Am Always Against Murdering Innocent People,but,if Someone Breaks Into My House,igot A Rifle Waitin' On The Other Side.they Is Gonna Have To Take My Guns From My Cold Dead Hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ultra conservative said:
Now I Am Always Against Murdering Innocent People,but,if Someone Breaks Into My House,igot A Rifle Waitin' On The Other Side.they Is Gonna Have To Take My Guns From My Cold Dead Hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my guns already saved my property, and possibly my life. A few years ago, someone broke out a window and came in. Didnt think I was home. Turns out I was. He didnt give me any trouble at all, and was pretty nice while we were waiting for the police to come, but he had no choice. It was either that or he would have been dead. LOL.
One of my guns already saved my property, and possibly my life. A few years ago, someone broke out a window and came in. Didnt think I was home. Turns out I was. He didnt give me any trouble at all, and was pretty nice while we were waiting for the police to come, but he had no choice. It was either that or he would have been dead. LOL.

So what was he looking for? Also I wouldve let him go if he was nice. I would give him another chance to clean his act up. If not karma wouldve gotten him eventually.
So what was he looking for? Also I wouldve let him go if he was nice. I would give him another chance to clean his act up. If not karma wouldve gotten him eventually.

let him go???? So he can possibly target someone else? I dont think so. Besides, I did give him a chance to clean his act up. He is in prison, thinking about his crime instead of dead. :)
let him go???? So he can possibly target someone else? I dont think so. Besides, I did give him a chance to clean his act up. He is in prison, thinking about his crime instead of dead. :)

You do have a point there. But you never know this might have been his very first robery attempt and you prolly scared him enough for him not to do it again. But that is all speculation.

Your not wrong. And neither do i disagree with you.
dont forget the right to bear arms was never meant to protect us from criminals solely.. the right to bear arms was also meant to protect us from governments domestic and foreign....

i forget what country but i remember a small parliament was going against its peoples wishes, until they came in with shotguns and ended the problem.... now imagine how much more likely our politicians would be to do whats really on our minds if they had that fear in them?

our government fears its own people...

wasnt it ben franklin who said those who traid freedom for security deserve neither?
ultra conservative said:
Now I Am Always Against Murdering Innocent People,but,if Someone Breaks Into My House,igot A Rifle Waitin' On The Other Side.they Is Gonna Have To Take My Guns From My Cold Dead Hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone breaking into your home is not innocent, so you have nothing to worry about from the conditions in your post.
danarhea said:
One of my guns already saved my property, and possibly my life. A few years ago, someone broke out a window and came in. Didnt think I was home. Turns out I was. He didnt give me any trouble at all, and was pretty nice while we were waiting for the police to come, but he had no choice. It was either that or he would have been dead. LOL.

A criminal saying 'please' and 'yes sir' is much better that YOU saying 'please please don't hurt me'. That is something that anti-gunners find tough to understand.
ultra conservative said:
Now I Am Always Against Murdering Innocent People,but,if Someone Breaks Into My House,igot A Rifle Waitin' On The Other Side.they Is Gonna Have To Take My Guns From My Cold Dead Hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you have to post that like a two-year old?

And yes, guns do save lives, and they also end them... Never overly simplify things.
GoldPheonix said:

Did you have to post that like a two-year old?

And yes, guns do save lives, and they also end them... Never overly simplify things.

Stop. Read that post you just replied to. Now think. Think really hard. What did you just read?

This is what you just read:

A criminal has broken into a house, while the ONWER IS HOME. Did you just read that? It is in the post. Isn't it?

Now think a little harder. What kind of person breaks into a house while the OWNER IS HOME? Is this a kind person? Is this a gentle person? Or is this person a VERY VERY VERY dangerous person? Try to understand what kind of VERY VERY VERY dangerous person will ON PUROPSE break into a home while the owner is there. Will this person have done this before? Is this an experienced criminal? Have they been in jail before? What kind of things does a person learn while in jail? Do they become meaner and more dangerous with lots of time to spend learning from other criminals in jail?

Did you think about all that before you posted your reply? Did YOU simplify things?
flight_engineer said:
Stop. Read that post you just replied to. Now think. Think really hard. What did you just read?

This is what you just read:

A criminal has broken into a house, while the ONWER IS HOME. Did you just read that? It is in the post. Isn't it?

Now think a little harder. What kind of person breaks into a house while the OWNER IS HOME? Is this a kind person? Is this a gentle person? Or is this person a VERY VERY VERY dangerous person? Try to understand what kind of VERY VERY VERY dangerous person will ON PUROPSE break into a home while the owner is there. Will this person have done this before? Is this an experienced criminal? Have they been in jail before? What kind of things does a person learn while in jail? Do they become meaner and more dangerous with lots of time to spend learning from other criminals in jail?

Did you think about all that before you posted your reply? Did YOU simplify things?

Hold on one minute? Are you so ignorant that making my exact point was some how intelligent after calling me simplistic? At any rate, thank you for making my point.

Perhaps you thought that me saying that about guns meant I didn't advocate all guns, because I do. I'm not a Republican either, nor am I liberal. That little puzzle should make your mind spin on end for a few days strait.

PS: Nope, the answer is not Conservative Democrat.
flight_engineer said:
Stop. Read that post you just replied to. Now think. Think really hard. What did you just read?

This is what you just read:

Have they been in jail before? What kind of things does a person learn while in jail? Do they become meaner and more dangerous with lots of time to spend learning from other criminals in jail?

The answer is, no. Prison does not reform. Nor does it make criminals more dangerous. It institutionalizes. You spend 15-25 years in prison, and your mind gets messed with. Your so used to it that you come out completely well, because you've had enough time to think about your mistakes. I spent 6 months in jail, and i came out hating every minute in it. Some criminals that spend 3-5 years would rather kill themselves then go back. Granted, there are some people who do nothing but plot on how to harm those who put him in there, but that is not the majority. Most people come out not wanting to do what they did again. 6 out of 10 people are in there for drug related offenses anyway, so if we legalize drugs, overcrowding would stop wouldn't it?

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