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Ground laid to remove trump (1 Viewer)

I would not associate todays left with the loyalists but they are closer to resembling them than the right is. The left has a strain of facism in it which is why i say they are on the wrong side. They masquerade it as a plea for equality but its not that at all. Todays left is about controling and taking from those that have more than them. I dont see the right trying to force their control onto others.

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the right working to keep corporate welfare intact is ok?
Substitute 'hard right' for the American 'left', and you would be correct. The hard right loves Putin and his strong man approach. The hard right deplores democracy and embraces ultra nationalism and nativism and ethnocentrism, all attributes of fascism.

You keep referring to the hard right as if they are in control of the party. They do not have nearly the influence within their party as the hard left has in theirs. Nor does anyone except a tiny miniority are any of the things your trying to attribute to them.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
the right working to keep corporate welfare intact is ok?
Im not sure what your reffering too but as a general answer to your question, No all forms of welfare should go away along with the entire income tax system.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
You keep referring to the hard right as if they are in control of the party. They do not have nearly the influence within their party as the hard left has in theirs. Nor does anyone except a tiny miniority are any of the things your trying to attribute to them. Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
I am not discussing the relative strength of either hard left or hard right in their parties, so your comment is a deflection, which I will now ignore.

The hard right does love Putin, and I notice you do not deny the fascistic elements of Putin that the hard right loves.
If not trump then who?

If Trump is removed because of Russia - it was Pence elected on that same ticket with the help of the Russians so he should go also. The next in line would be Speaker Paul Ryan.
Although I do get what you're saying and found it funny, I'm going to see if I can give you a serious answer. Not that I have the answer, but I do think it is a rather interesting dynamic.

Kids are living at home longer, well into their 20's now. To me, this means more and more people will be holding onto their socialist Utopian fantasies longer than they would if they moved out at 18 and had to be self-reliant earlier in life. That's one group.

Another group is people of color. Although, the notion that immigrants from India or Latin America or SE Asia would not vote GOP is not a given. But, IMO, to win that vote, the GOP has to lose its angry white guy image. Same can be said for atheists, gays and professional women, of all stripes and colors. There is no reason they would not vote GOP except that the current GOP is too closely tied to fundie, culture warrior Christians.

If the party morphs, moves more to the Center on those social issues, they can remain healthy. If they dig in and go further toward being the Party of white, Christian straight males with women who do as they are told, they are soon going to be electorally doomed.

TLDNR: The "freaks" will soon be the majority. Why? Who knows?

The party will eventually move to the center, they have no choice. Remember the GOP autopsy report they did after Romney lost in 2012? They KNOW that they have to win more minority voters, particular hispanics, to be relevant in the future. Trump is basically a fluke, and they know it. I have no doubt once Trump is out of office, that the GOP will very much distance themselves from that idiot as much as possible. Hell, they never wanted Trump in the first place, period.

There's a reason why the establishment GOP wanted amnesty friendly Jeb Bush or Hispanic Marco Rubio as their parties nominee. They know what the future looks like, and they know that pissed off white guys waving confederate flags won't be enough to win them elections in the future.
If Trump is removed because of Russia - it was Pence elected on that same ticket with the help of the Russians so he should go also. The next in line would be Speaker Paul Ryan.

Trump is not going to be removed
you are confused, the lies are how trump made the deplorables.

that's beyond stupid. Most of the deplorables would have voted for Road Kill over the lying alpha member of the Clinton Crime family
Im not sure what your reffering too but as a general answer to your question, No all forms of welfare should go away along with the entire income tax system.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

on a federal level I agree. states are free to engage in policies that would attract those desiring to suck on the public teat. of course those states will tend to lose productive tax payers to states that do not cater to dependency
that's beyond stupid. Most of the deplorables would have voted for Road Kill over the lying alpha member of the Clinton Crime family

thats beyond stupid, they loved it when he went birther otherwise they would have stayed home.
thats beyond stupid, they loved it when he went birther otherwise they would have stayed home.

you, a hard core Hillary supporter, now pretends to speak for the people who voted for Trump or in many cases (such as me) voted against the Clinton Crime Family's Alpha boss.
you, a hard core Hillary supporter, now pretends to speak for the people who voted for Trump or in many cases (such as me) voted against the Clinton Crime Family's Alpha boss.

your post is another lie, I have never supported her. just more made up crap.
your post is another lie, I have never supported her. just more made up crap.

its more accurate than claiming that people voted for Trump due to the birther nonsense that was irrelevant at election time. so who did you vote for?
its more accurate than claiming that people voted for Trump due to the birther nonsense that was irrelevant at election time. so who did you vote for?

Neither one there were no good options. Clinton voted for the Iraq War so she was just flat out and Trump I can't even imagine voting for him without losing my self-worth
Neither one there were no good options. Clinton voted for the Iraq War so she was just flat out and Trump I can't even imagine voting for him without losing my self-worth

Fair enough, I won't refer to you as a Clinton supporter again.
this bill is about as worthless as the paper it is written on.
it will never make it to the floor let alone the presidents desk to sign.

it will die in committee.
I am not discussing the relative strength of either hard left or hard right in their parties, so your comment is a deflection, which I will now ignore.

The hard right does love Putin, and I notice you do not deny the fascistic elements of Putin that the hard right loves.

Why should i deny something i know nothing about nor do i feel obligated to defend it.

As for deflecting. I have not deflected anything. I stated my opinions.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
on a federal level I agree. states are free to engage in policies that would attract those desiring to suck on the public teat. of course those states will tend to lose productive tax payers to states that do not cater to dependency

Imo the federal govs role is to handle disputes between states.

State gov should be limited to handling county to county disputes, paying federal taxes, and writing laws.

Counties should in charge of law enforcement and tax collections.

Imo thats how the gov should be layered

Feds govern the states
States govern counties
Counties govern the people

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
"Why should i deny something i know nothing about nor do i feel obligated to defend it", then the logical answer is why are you babbling about it then.
I am very glad that our governments do not govern as describe by Trouble13.

We would have county elites suppressing everyone else.
You're right about that. Having a black president for 8 years motivated idiot GOP voters to vote for a birther as president.

It's not the skin color of the President that matters. That's a typical response from the demagogue party. I personally love people of all colors, but I voted for Trump because of how much we decline under liberal agendas.
fun times ahead folks...

Democratic Bill Lays the Groundwork to Remove Trump From Office - NBC News

the dems are working to make moderate repubs either **** or get off the pot when it comes to supporting Trump.

The successes of Trump are destroying the failed Obama legacy even faster than the successes of Reagan destroyed the failed legacy of Carter. Crap like this is the only chance Leftist think they have of stopping him, but like everything else it's blowing up in their faces.

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