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Gripimus maximus about the va (1 Viewer)


proud ammosexual
DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Had to go to the va today for abdominal pain, seriously I have been many times and not treated badly, today I was appalled. It was like they let all but 2 doctors and a few nurses have vacation for the holidays, my normal provider was not there nor was anyone elses, the er was completely packed and running into the hallway, and taking one hour per patient to look at, by the time I aksed they tole me even though I checked in at 1pm I would have to wait there until 3-5pm the next day to be seen in the er.

I have been to a third world nation with a better run hospital than this, what leader thinks it a brilliant idea to let 90% plus of the staff go on a holiday in a profession where people die if they do so, any sane hospital administration would coordinate such in a way to ensure staffing stays optimal at all times even with vacations and holidays. To make it worse one guy who was missing one leg and one foot which looked like it was from diabetes complained he had been there 8 hours and no one had checked his blood sugar and that he needed his refill on insulin, another guy seemed to have the direct symptoms of acute appendicitis, even though other things can cause those symptoms no sane medical professional would leave someone to wait that long, as a burst appendix can litterally be fatal in a short time.

To make that worse that same guy with the symptoms of appendicitis was rejected by his local va and told it would take to to three weeks to get looked at, while his girlfriend made him drive to another va, where he had a rediculous wait. There were many others there in dire need of medical care combined with many with the common cold, however the va seemed to lack priority in cases. I myself finally gave up and said If whatever is causing all this pain was going to kill me it would do it long before I saw a doctor and then I left.

I will not say the exact va I was at but I will contact the white house over it, as seeing such treatment I had only seen prior in news articles is heartbreaking, and it would be even more so if any of those people I saw there made the news as dying in the er waiting room. Fyi if any of you have a similar problem with the va, it is very easy to email the white house, granted there are probably thousands of emails sent a day there, but if such issues plague you area, your va let it be known, the more messages sent to the white house the more the staff and even the president will have to notice.
Had to go to the va today for abdominal pain, seriously I have been many times and not treated badly, today I was appalled. It was like they let all but 2 doctors and a few nurses have vacation for the holidays, my normal provider was not there nor was anyone elses, the er was completely packed and running into the hallway, and taking one hour per patient to look at, by the time I aksed they tole me even though I checked in at 1pm I would have to wait there until 3-5pm the next day to be seen in the er.

I have been to a third world nation with a better run hospital than this, what leader thinks it a brilliant idea to let 90% plus of the staff go on a holiday in a profession where people die if they do so, any sane hospital administration would coordinate such in a way to ensure staffing stays optimal at all times even with vacations and holidays. To make it worse one guy who was missing one leg and one foot which looked like it was from diabetes complained he had been there 8 hours and no one had checked his blood sugar and that he needed his refill on insulin, another guy seemed to have the direct symptoms of acute appendicitis, even though other things can cause those symptoms no sane medical professional would leave someone to wait that long, as a burst appendix can litterally be fatal in a short time.

To make that worse that same guy with the symptoms of appendicitis was rejected by his local va and told it would take to to three weeks to get looked at, while his girlfriend made him drive to another va, where he had a rediculous wait. There were many others there in dire need of medical care combined with many with the common cold, however the va seemed to lack priority in cases. I myself finally gave up and said If whatever is causing all this pain was going to kill me it would do it long before I saw a doctor and then I left.

I will not say the exact va I was at but I will contact the white house over it, as seeing such treatment I had only seen prior in news articles is heartbreaking, and it would be even more so if any of those people I saw there made the news as dying in the er waiting room. Fyi if any of you have a similar problem with the va, it is very easy to email the white house, granted there are probably thousands of emails sent a day there, but if such issues plague you area, your va let it be known, the more messages sent to the white house the more the staff and even the president will have to notice.

Not sure what VA you had to go to, but my experiences have been varied; The Minneapolis VA has always been exceptional regarding my care, and fairly speedy.

The Birmingham VA on the other hand? Meh.....it would almost be faster for me to make the drive down to the Pensacola Naval Air Station Hospital.
Had to go to the va today for abdominal pain, seriously I have been many times and not treated badly, today I was appalled. It was like they let all but 2 doctors and a few nurses have vacation for the holidays, my normal provider was not there nor was anyone elses, the er was completely packed and running into the hallway, and taking one hour per patient to look at, by the time I aksed they tole me even though I checked in at 1pm I would have to wait there until 3-5pm the next day to be seen in the er.

I have been to a third world nation with a better run hospital than this, what leader thinks it a brilliant idea to let 90% plus of the staff go on a holiday in a profession where people die if they do so, any sane hospital administration would coordinate such in a way to ensure staffing stays optimal at all times even with vacations and holidays. To make it worse one guy who was missing one leg and one foot which looked like it was from diabetes complained he had been there 8 hours and no one had checked his blood sugar and that he needed his refill on insulin, another guy seemed to have the direct symptoms of acute appendicitis, even though other things can cause those symptoms no sane medical professional would leave someone to wait that long, as a burst appendix can litterally be fatal in a short time.

To make that worse that same guy with the symptoms of appendicitis was rejected by his local va and told it would take to to three weeks to get looked at, while his girlfriend made him drive to another va, where he had a rediculous wait. There were many others there in dire need of medical care combined with many with the common cold, however the va seemed to lack priority in cases. I myself finally gave up and said If whatever is causing all this pain was going to kill me it would do it long before I saw a doctor and then I left.

I will not say the exact va I was at but I will contact the white house over it, as seeing such treatment I had only seen prior in news articles is heartbreaking, and it would be even more so if any of those people I saw there made the news as dying in the er waiting room. Fyi if any of you have a similar problem with the va, it is very easy to email the white house, granted there are probably thousands of emails sent a day there, but if such issues plague you area, your va let it be known, the more messages sent to the white house the more the staff and even the president will have to notice.

I hope you are feeling better.
Not sure what VA you had to go to, but my experiences have been varied; The Minneapolis VA has always been exceptional regarding my care, and fairly speedy.

The Birmingham VA on the other hand? Meh.....it would almost be faster for me to make the drive down to the Pensacola Naval Air Station Hospital.

Usually my local va has me waiting all day, but not in an er, usually it is 30-60 minutes per station for things like x-rays bloodwork medication etc, what I saw today was so appalling that I wish no vet had to face such, it was clearly a failure at the administration level to coordinate vacation and holidays.
Usually my local va has me waiting all day, but not in an er, usually it is 30-60 minutes per station for things like x-rays bloodwork medication etc, what I saw today was so appalling that I wish no vet had to face such, it was clearly a failure at the administration level to coordinate vacation and holidays.

Damn.....just, damn.

That sounds like the Birmingham VA; the Minneapolis VA never had me wait longer than 20 minutes at any station....but, its a huge facility and well staffed, even during holidays.

You can quite literally place 4-5 Birmingham VA medical centers in the same physical foot print the Minneapolis VA occupies.
Damn.....just, damn.

That sounds like the Birmingham VA; the Minneapolis VA never had me wait longer than 20 minutes at any station....but, its a huge facility and well staffed, even during holidays.

You can quite literally place 4-5 Birmingham VA medical centers in the same physical foot print the Minneapolis VA occupies.

My va is not that large but it has quite a few soldiers using it, but for me waiting 30-60 minutes in a line with hundreds of vets using it that day is not too innefficient, when it hits waiting one hour per person to be seen at an er, with many not going to be seen until well into the next day, it is just sad.
I hope you are feeling better.

I stopped caring about my well being years ago. Ok seriously I did not feel anything like threatening but something was horribly wrong, I just gave up, there were many in worse shape than me, I decided not only was the wait not worth it but some people needed that spot in line more than me. My pain comes and goes and from what I feel is probably an infection causing inflamation, while others were suffering from more life threatening situations and had been waiting there far longer than me.
Had to go to the va today for abdominal pain, seriously I have been many times and not treated badly, today I was appalled. It was like they let all but 2 doctors and a few nurses have vacation for the holidays, my normal provider was not there nor was anyone elses, the er was completely packed and running into the hallway, and taking one hour per patient to look at, by the time I aksed they tole me even though I checked in at 1pm I would have to wait there until 3-5pm the next day to be seen in the er.

I have been to a third world nation with a better run hospital than this, what leader thinks it a brilliant idea to let 90% plus of the staff go on a holiday in a profession where people die if they do so, any sane hospital administration would coordinate such in a way to ensure staffing stays optimal at all times even with vacations and holidays. To make it worse one guy who was missing one leg and one foot which looked like it was from diabetes complained he had been there 8 hours and no one had checked his blood sugar and that he needed his refill on insulin, another guy seemed to have the direct symptoms of acute appendicitis, even though other things can cause those symptoms no sane medical professional would leave someone to wait that long, as a burst appendix can litterally be fatal in a short time.

To make that worse that same guy with the symptoms of appendicitis was rejected by his local va and told it would take to to three weeks to get looked at, while his girlfriend made him drive to another va, where he had a rediculous wait. There were many others there in dire need of medical care combined with many with the common cold, however the va seemed to lack priority in cases. I myself finally gave up and said If whatever is causing all this pain was going to kill me it would do it long before I saw a doctor and then I left.

I will not say the exact va I was at but I will contact the white house over it, as seeing such treatment I had only seen prior in news articles is heartbreaking, and it would be even more so if any of those people I saw there made the news as dying in the er waiting room. Fyi if any of you have a similar problem with the va, it is very easy to email the white house, granted there are probably thousands of emails sent a day there, but if such issues plague you area, your va let it be known, the more messages sent to the white house the more the staff and even the president will have to notice.
I'm sorry we do such a poor job taking care of our vets. It's probably the most frustrating and embarrassing thing about our government. I hope you get the care you need. Thanks for your service.

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Appendicitis is easily diagnosed physically or via blood. I know. Mine ruptured before I got to the hospital and then I learned. So don't worry about that one.

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