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Greetings. (1 Viewer)

Pallid Amaranth

New member
Jul 27, 2005
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Hello! I'm here to find actualy human life amongst the sea of stupidity I'm surrounded by so often ^_^ I guess I call myself independent because I've never followed the exact beliefs of any certain political group, but I suppose you could call me a Liberal :2wave:
Greetings Earthling.

I'm a recent transplant to Virginny. So far, I like the place

View from the Moon
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Really? Where were you from originally? ^_^ i'm glad you like it, I'm not to fond of the area I live in myself..
Whoah... wait a min.

There is a world outside of Texas? :shock:
I need to get out more.

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Pallid Amaranth said:
Really? Where were you from originally? ^_^ i'm glad you like it, I'm not to fond of the area I live in myself..
Arkansas mostly. I live in Fairfax County about 10 miles outside the Capitol.
Ah, you live where there is life ^__^
I live in the shenendoah valley, south of harrisonburg, in a wee town by the name of Stuarts Draft. Sometimes I wonder if they count the cows as part of the population too. hee
Next time your driving down a road with cows on the side - stick our head out and yell "HEY COW". Watch them all turn and look at you. :rofl

It's silly, but fun.

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