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Greetings! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:2wave: Greetings!

I'm a Homeschooling Mom to three teens, and a political activist.

I became interested in politics about two years ago out of frustration in what I was seeing for the future direction of our country and the world. I hope to find great discussion and the challenge of good debate.
moondancermom said:
:2wave: Greetings!

I'm a Homeschooling Mom to three teens, and a political activist.

I became interested in politics about two years ago out of frustration in what I was seeing for the future direction of our country and the world. I hope to find great discussion and the challenge of good debate.
Welcome and let me say, as a teen...sorry.
I love your avatar! Is it unique, album cover or something?

Last edited:
I love your avatar! Is it unique, album cover or something?

Thanks Vauge! Not sure really...I found it at avatarity.com. I love eyes, and believe that they are truly the window to the soul. This is why I know that Chimpy Bush is genuine evil.

I love eyes, and believe that they are truly the window to the soul. This is why I know that Chimpy Bush is genuine evil.
You have spoken directly with President Bush and looked him straight in the eye? Wow, I am impressed. Teaching a new generation sounds interesting.
moondancermom said:
LOL! No need to apologize, I love having my kids around, although I have to agree with the saying...Raising teenagers is like nailing jello to a tree! = )

Exactly. Well, welcome and have some fun posting.

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