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GREEDY American Oil companys record "RECORD PROFITS!" (1 Viewer)


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Sep 1, 2005
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On C-Span-2 today!

American oil companys are having a ball taking advantage of the oil countrys high prices and taking advantage of the aftermats of Katrina!

"Today alone" the American oil companys made $230 MILLION "ABOVE" the alwready record daily profit they are getting!
Remember, there is NO SHORTAGE of gas just a shortage of Bush and the Republican controlled congress caring if Americans have enough money left to eat after filling their auto and home fuel tanks.
holy cow! those companies are making a killing..so why are people blaming Bush? he is not the ceo of any of those buisnesses.
t125eagle said:
holy cow! those companies are making a killing..so why are people blaming Bush? he is not the ceo of any of those buisnesses.
Its on Bushs watch and he has not addressed this price gouging of Americans and doesn't seem like he really cares about it.
Bush is the CEO of American citizens. He should be protecting American citizens.
taxpayer said:
Its on Bushs watch and he has not addressed this price gouging of Americans and doesn't seem like he really cares about it.
Bush is the CEO of American citizens. He should be protecting American citizens.

What was it that Truman said? Something like: "I work for 150 million Americans, the other 20 million can afford to buy their own lobbysts".
Yeah, how dare those big bad evil oil companies "take advantage" of the situation by, umm...selling their oil at the market value? Oh wait, that's called supply and demand, not price gouging.
Kandahar said:
Yeah, how dare those big bad evil oil companies "take advantage" of the situation by, umm...selling their oil at the market value? Oh wait, that's called supply and demand, not price gouging.


HA! The good old "supply and demand" saying!
Just a mild way of saying "price gouging" or "screwing Americans"!
SouthernDemocrat said:
What was it that Truman said? Something like: "I work for 150 million Americans, the other 20 million can afford to buy their own lobbysts".

------------I like that!:smile:
taxpayer said:

HA! The good old "supply and demand" saying!
Just a mild way of saying "price gouging" or "screwing Americans"!

Yeah, that "good old saying" from Economics 101. Judging by the contents of your post, I take it you don't actually have any rational complaint against the oil industry?
taxpayer said:
On C-Span-2 today!

American oil companys are having a ball taking advantage of the oil countrys high prices and taking advantage of the aftermats of Katrina!

And what percentage profit on sales is that? What is the net profit they are making and what is the ROI? What should they be "allowed" to make before you start screaming about it?
I read that last year, the oil companies made profits of about 257 billion, yes, that's BILLION.

What I want to know is, how can the Republicans, and Bush, give these oil companies 8 billion in tax breaks and subsidies?

I'm ashamed to say that some Democrats voted for Bush's energy bill, but Hillary and Kerry did not, and John McCain also voted against Bush's Energy bill.

I'm doubly ashamed that my own state Senator, Barrack Obama, also voted FOR Bush's energy bill. Why? I've no idea?

I believe 6 republicans also voted against the bill, so, hats off to them, but why are we giving these oil companies such huge tax breaks when they're making a killing?
Well, it is called the free enterprise system. Charge whatever the idots will pay. And the idiots that buy SUV's will pay anything, so why not milk it for all it's worth and screw the little guy that drives a fuel efficient vehicle.
galenrox said:
I personally have no problems with their profits. I think they're doing just fine, so I'd say it's high time we cut off government subsidies of them and let them fly on their own.
Them selling their product at market value is what they're supposed to do, the government giving them our tax dollars is exchange for NOTHING is not.

And take off the regulations too?
Hoot said:
I read that last year, the oil companies made profits of about 257 billion, yes, that's BILLION.

So what? It's a meaningless number as you state it.

What was net margin? THAT the number to look at.
What was thier ROI or ROA?

Just stating that they made that much money tells you nothing, if they were only making a 2% net profit then they weren't making much money were they.

And what percentage profit should they be allowed to make in your world?
Old and wise said:
Well, it is called the free enterprise system. Charge whatever the idots will pay. And the idiots that buy SUV's will pay anything, so why not milk it for all it's worth and screw the little guy that drives a fuel efficient vehicle.

Hey if you think a company is making outrageous profits then the smart thing to do is invest in them. Bet Hoot doesn't invest in the oil companies.
This is after all the first time in about 60 years that Republicans have held majority.

I don't remember Clinton doing anything in his eight years about this increasing problem. Face it, Dems are no better than repubs when it comes down to it.

And Obama is going to turn into Jackson's protege if keeps making comments that border on playing the race card. I'm sure you all watched ABC News?
Old and wise said:
Well, it is called the free enterprise system. Charge whatever the idots will pay. And the idiots that buy SUV's will pay anything, so why not milk it for all it's worth and screw the little guy that drives a fuel efficient vehicle.

And that's why I drive by the gas station and laugh at all the SUV's lined up to suck on the tit of the oil company. My gas guzzler now rests peacefully at the dealership where I bought my '06 Chevy HHR. 30 mpg never looked so cool!
taxpayer said:
Its on Bushs watch and he has not addressed this price gouging of Americans and doesn't seem like he really cares about it.
Bush is the CEO of American citizens. He should be protecting American citizens.

Yea, should be... but no,Bush has to pay back his fat-cat wealthy, campaign donaters. The truth is, the minute Bush sides with the little man against big business, they'll have his head on a platter.
SixStringHero said:
This is after all the first time in about 60 years that Republicans have held majority.

I don't remember Clinton doing anything in his eight years about this increasing problem. Face it, Dems are no better than repubs when it comes down to it.

He didn't. Bush is the first President I can remember who actually got an energy policy passed. If we want to counter OPEC's control then we must threaten them by opening up our fields. We may not even have to drill and tap them, just mere threat could lower the price per barrel. And if we start a switch to nuclear to replace heating oil and natural gas it would put even more pressure on them.

And Obama is going to turn into Jackson's protege if keeps making comments that border on playing the race card. I'm sure you all watched ABC News?

Yes he seems to be turning into a race baiting charlatan
Wyldinstinct said:
And that's why I drive by the gas station and laugh at all the SUV's lined up to suck on the tit of the oil company. My gas guzzler now rests peacefully at the dealership where I bought my '06 Chevy HHR. 30 mpg never looked so cool!

And that is one way to get the price down.
Stinger said:
And take off the regulations too?

Yeah let’s return to the good old days of massive oil spills and rivers catching on fire. Everyone has environmental regulations that they have to adhere to. Why would we exempt oil companies from them?

For example, if I change my own oil in my vehicle (which I usually do), I have to collect that oil without spilling it, if I do spill it, I have to clean up my spill and keep it from entering any water supplies, and take that oil to an oil recycling collection center. In the old days, a person would have probably taken that oil and just poured it around a fence post. Today, there is some trouble involved in taking it to a recycling center, it takes time and the cost of fuel to drive it out there, but that’s a regulation that I have to adhere to or face fines.

I suppose that using your logic, I should be compensated by the government for adhering to that environmental regulation.

If I have kudzu or honeysuckle growing on my property that I want to get rid of, in the old days, a person would just get some diesel to spray it with. However, that poisons the environment and the water that we all drink. So instead, I have to go and get a herbicide from the feed store to kill it. Those herbicides tend to be a great deal more expensive than just getting a little diesel.

I suppose that using your logic, I should be once again compensated by the government for adhering to that environmental regulation.
Stinger said:
Yes he seems to be turning into a race baiting charlatan

It's a shame. I really have high hopes for him. I hope that he realizes now that he's not going to make any progress traveling down that road.
Stinger said:
So what? It's a meaningless number as you state it.

What was net margin? THAT the number to look at.
What was thier ROI or ROA?

Just stating that they made that much money tells you nothing, if they were only making a 2% net profit then they weren't making much money were they.

And what percentage profit should they be allowed to make in your world?

My argument is not about their profits, but our government giving them an additional 8 billion in tax breaks and subsidies.
SixStringHero said:
I don't remember Clinton doing anything in his eight years about this increasing problem. Face it, Dems are no better than repubs when it comes down to it.

The Clinton Administration has taken] action on Climate Change:
Successfully negotiated the Kyoto Protocol, which sets strong, realistic targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and establishes flexible, market-based mechanisms to achieve them as cost-effectively as possible.
Extended the tax credits for wind and biomass energy production through 2001.
Set a goal of tripling our use of bioenergy and bioproducts by 2010.
Increased research funding to more than $1.7 billion in FY 2000 to provide a sound scientific understanding of both the human and natural forces that influence the Earth’s climate system.
Issued new energy efficiency standards for home appliances that will save consumers money and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Directed federal agencies to reduce energy use in buildings 35 percent by 2010, reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of taking 1.7 million cars off the road and saving taxpayers over $750 million a year.
Source: WhiteHouse.gov web site Apr 1, 2000
Wyldinstinct's signature said:
Remember when Monica Lewinsky was the worst of our problems?

I don't remember that...

I remember when everyone THOUGHT that, but the last few years have shown that this wasn't the case...

There were many problems much bigger than that but eyes were turned away in favor of positive polling and making everyone "feel good".:notlook:
cnredd said:
I don't remember that...

I remember when everyone THOUGHT that, but the last few years have shown that this wasn't the case...

There were many problems much bigger than that but eyes were turned away in favor of positive polling and making everyone "feel good".:notlook:

I bet almost anyone would trade the ninties for the Bush years.

Besides, the Clinton Administration consistently recieved good ratings from the League of Conservation Voters. The Bush Administration is the first ever to recieve an F rating from the non-partisan organization.

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