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Government shutdown: House GOP to delay individual mandate (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2013
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Sunnyvale California
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Government shutdown: House GOP to delay individual mandate - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

With just hours to go until the government shuts down, House Republicans will try to pass a bill that would delay the mandate that individuals buy health insurance and would cancel health-insurance subsidies for members of Congress and staff, the president and administration appointees, according to multiple sources.

Those provisions would be attached to a government-funding bill, which will almost certainly be rejected by the Senate, since Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said he wouldn’t accept changes to Obamacare in the government funding negotiations. On Monday afternoon, the Senate rejected the House’s last government funding bill, which delayed Obamacare for a year and repealed the medical device tax.

this is ridiculous.
this is ridiculous.

Yes it is. Absolutely ridiculous that the Democrats and Liberals in the US Senate are too full of themselves to look at what their consituents want instead of what those politicians think the citizenry should want.
Democrats should counter with a nationwide ban on ammunition sales.

Yes it is. Absolutely ridiculous that the Democrats and Liberals in the US Senate are too full of themselves to look at what their consituents want instead of what those politicians think the citizenry should want.

The people have not voted the Republicans enough legislative power to do what they're trying to do here.
Yes it is. Absolutely ridiculous that the Democrats and Liberals in the US Senate are too full of themselves to look at what their consituents want instead of what those politicians think the citizenry should want.

no i think it is ridiculous that John Boehner has to cater to the whims of cast-iron Conservative who see any sign of negotiation as a sign of weakness.
no i think it is ridiculous that John Boehner has to cater to the whims of cast-iron Conservative who see any sign of negotiation as a sign of weakness.

Then he needs to find enough Republicans in the House to vote with the Democrats, and move forward a CR without any amendments related to Obamacare/ACA in it. Oh, gee, he can't do that, can he? Then maybe HE is the one who's out of step with his party and needs to get on board.
Then he needs to find enough Republicans in the House to vote with the Democrats, and move forward a CR without any amendments related to Obamacare/ACA in it. Oh, gee, he can't do that, can he? Then maybe HE is the one who's out of step with his party and needs to get on board.

He could if the GOP had been anything remotely resembling reasonable about the ACA... ever. They latched their entire party onto the fantasy of repealing it with a Democrat in the white house. And failed.

Now they're going to pay for it.
Then he needs to find enough Republicans in the House to vote with the Democrats, and move forward a CR without any amendments related to Obamacare/ACA in it. Oh, gee, he can't do that, can he? Then maybe HE is the one who's out of step with his party and needs to get on board.

Boehner can't put a clean Continuing resolution onto the floor because he knows the Cast iron conservatives would be outraged and could potentially try to oust him as speaker of the house.

if all the democrats voted for a clean continuing resolution to fund the government, all boehner needs is for 17 republicans to vote yes on the bill, and it passes by a simple majority.
And there are that many. But he won't do it. Do you think he is considering giving up being Speaker? A scary thought to have Cantor in line after Biden.
Boehner can't put a clean Continuing resolution onto the floor because he knows the Cast iron conservatives would be outraged and could potentially try to oust him as speaker of the house.

if all the democrats voted for a clean continuing resolution to fund the government, all boehner needs is for 17 republicans to vote yes on the bill, and it passes by a simple majority.
He could if the GOP had been anything remotely resembling reasonable about the ACA... ever. They latched their entire party onto the fantasy of repealing it with a Democrat in the white house. And failed.

Now they're going to pay for it.

So be it, but it's really the American people who will pay for the unwillingness of the Democrats and Leftists to accept that the majority of Americans do not like th elegislation they passes, and want it seriously modified, if not repealed entirely.

Boehner can't put a clean Continuing resolution onto the floor because he knows the Cast iron conservatives would be outraged and could potentially try to oust him as speaker of the house.

They wouldn't TRY. He would be gone. Not only from the Leadership, but from the Party as well. Maybe he should have thought of that before he agreed to run for the Speakership.

if all the democrats voted for a clean continuing resolution to fund the government, all boehner needs is for 17 republicans to vote yes on the bill, and it passes by a simple majority.

True. The question is, could he get those 17 votes. I don't think so. That means he's in the MINORITY, and maybe that's where he ought to go, permanently.... the Democratic Party would be happy to have him, I'm sure.
If Repubs ever get elected POTUS, Democrats should never forget what Repubs have done these last 5 years to Obama. Every "Repub trick" should be thrown back in their faces and then some. If Repubs get the Senate, do you really think they won't go 100% nuclear option?
So be it, but it's really the American people who will pay for the unwillingness of the Democrats and Leftists to accept that the majority of Americans do not like th elegislation they passes, and want it seriously modified, if not repealed entirely.

They wouldn't TRY. He would be gone. Not only from the Leadership, but from the Party as well. Maybe he should have thought of that before he agreed to run for the Speakership.

True. The question is, could he get those 17 votes. I don't think so. That means he's in the MINORITY, and maybe that's where he ought to go, permanently.... the Democratic Party would be happy to have him, I'm sure.

Tell me how does losing the 2012 presidential election, failing to win control of the senate, and only possess 17 vote edge in the house, make the republicans the majority?
the majority of the American public is ridiculous?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
Americans Reject by 61% Obama Demand for Clean Debt Vote
Americans Reject by 61% Obama Demand for Clean Debt Vote - Bloomberg

as usual your assertions are not it the scope of reality

Where was this 61% on election night? If the people truly wanted to repeal the affordable care act, Romney would have won.
If Repubs ever get elected POTUS, Democrats should never forget what Repubs have done these last 5 years to Obama. Every "Repub trick" should be thrown back in their faces and then some. If Repubs get the Senate, do you really think they won't go 100% nuclear option?

Indeed, the Democrats should have impeached Bush in 2006, as payback for the ridiculous Clinton impeachment.

The problem with Democrats is they actually think conservatives are civilized people. They're freaks. You can't really reason with them; the best strategy is to totally delegitimizie them.
Democrats should counter with a nationwide ban on ammunition sales.

Lol! Unlike this that would violate the Constitution.

The people have not voted the Republicans enough legislative power to do what they're trying to do here.

Actually, they have. It's called a power of the house.
Where was this 61% on election night? If the people truly wanted to repeal the affordable care act, Romney would have won.

Except for the fact that there was no reason to expect Romney would repeal Obamcare. :lol:
Then he needs to find enough Republicans in the House to vote with the Democrats, and move forward a CR without any amendments related to Obamacare/ACA in it. Oh, gee, he can't do that, can he? Then maybe HE is the one who's out of step with his party and needs to get on board.

How do you know he can't? He won't take a vote!
If Repubs ever get elected POTUS, Democrats should never forget what Repubs have done these last 5 years to Obama. Every "Repub trick" should be thrown back in their faces and then some. If Repubs get the Senate, do you really think they won't go 100% nuclear option?

Because anything they did in the last 5 years is new. :lol:
Where was this 61% on election night? If the people truly wanted to repeal the affordable care act, Romney would have won.
and that was because the public was still believing the Obama care lies helped by the biased media covering for and or pushing his narrative. America is waking up from the Obama Kool-Aid drunk and realized the have been played for a fool with all those Obama care lies it is why his poll numbers are dropping
Because anything they did in the last 5 years is new. :lol:

shows how much you know you have to be in the majority to evoke the nuclear option

Obama would be a lame duck for the last two years just a figure head with no power if he doesn't get impeached first
Most filibusters in history--in a way, I'd like to see Repubs win the Senate back so we could do the same thing--unfortunately, Repubs would go nuclear in all respects
Because anything they did in the last 5 years is new. :lol:
Lol! Unlike this that would violate the Constitution.

Right to bear arms. Not buy ammo! ;)

Actually, they have. It's called a power of the house.

Versus the Senate and Presidency. They can't pass this via legislation so they want to throw a tantrum to get their way.

Not my term for it. It was a Republican who said this was a tantrum.
The comments being made by the 25 Republican Senators who voted for a clean CR will be great fodder for next year's election.
Right to bear arms. Not buy ammo! ;)

Versus the Senate and Presidency. They can't pass this via legislation so they want to throw a tantrum to get their way.

Not my term for it. It was a Republican who said this was a tantrum.
The comments being made by the 25 Republican Senators who voted for a clean CR will be great fodder for next year's election.

What bill was this?
You don't remember the clean CR at a 79-19 vote by the Senate last Friday??
Sounds like a score with Georgia state this weekend..
Only 19 Repub Senators voted against the clean CR.
What bill was this?

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