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Gov. Christie's RNC Speech filled with "truthiness" against Hillary Clinton (1 Viewer)

Objective Voice

DP Veteran
Apr 14, 2008
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Huntsville, AL (USA)
Political Leaning
I couldn't listen to all of Gov. Christie's speech at last night's RNC (had some home repair work to complete, but caught bits and pieces), so I searched online to see if I could find any commentary on it and came across this opinion piece from Politico.com.

The article reads more like a fact-check rather than a critique of his speech, but the content I though was interesting enough to post it here. Seems to me Christie stretched the truth alot during his speech, but you can read the article and judge for yourself. I'd really like to hear from those individuals who actually listened to his speech and have read the linked article to get their opinions, but as always anyone is welcome to chime in.
I found it strange in his speech that one of his criticisms is that Hillary is tied too closely with Vladimir Putin....did he forget something?
She tried to cozy up to Putin, but Putin knows she's for sale so certainly his intermediaries are donating to the Clinton Foundation.

I suspect Christie got an FBI tip on the still not yet "fixed" Clinton Foundation investigation.

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