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GOP vs Dems (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
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Who thinks the conversation gets way over the top during the elections?

It's so partisan that I don't feel like anyone with a sizable lean is being very objective or open-minded about their party's stance on the issues. All they're interested in is attacking and slandering the opposition candidates and their supporters to the point of seeming a little insane.

The media is so dishonest with their reporting news out of context that I don't know what to believe anymore. It's all becoming hyperbolic rhetoric and twisting the information to fit their narrative. But try and be less subjective, and more honest and balanced, only leaves you ignored and disliked by both over-emotional groups.

I worked 30 years in a combative profession and try to avoid arguments like the plague. Sometimes, I know you have to get aggressive with people to get heard and taken seriously but what we have now is pure chaos and unproductive.
Who thinks the conversation gets way over the top during the elections?

It's so partisan that I don't feel like anyone with a sizable lean is being very objective or open-minded about their party's stance on the issues. All they're interested in is attacking and slandering the opposition candidates and their supporters to the point of seeming a little insane.

The media is so dishonest with their reporting news out of context that I don't know what to believe anymore. It's all becoming hyperbolic rhetoric and twisting the information to fit their narrative. But try and be less subjective, and more honest and balanced, only leaves you ignored and disliked by both over-emotional groups.

I worked 30 years in a combative profession and try to avoid arguments like the plague. Sometimes, I know you have to get aggressive with people to get heard and taken seriously but what we have now is pure chaos and unproductive.

It's not "GOP vs Dems" this year. It's "Trump haters vs Trump".

There are plenty of GOP in the Trump hater group.

And yes...the Trump hating rhetoric has been taken WAY over the top. The Trump haters have to. They have nothing else.
And the OP got his answer on the problem right off the bat.
It's not "GOP vs Dems" this year. It's "Trump haters vs Trump".

There are plenty of GOP in the Trump hater group.

And yes...the Trump hating rhetoric has been taken WAY over the top. The Trump haters have to. They have nothing else.

It's the same thing it was in 2016 sanity verses insanity.

It is not Saintly verses insanity.

It is Republican verses Democrat, which is reducing the deficit and handing over a growing economy or a rich people's bubble that crashes on the next Democrats election, but now we don't know what.

It is time and turn for Democrat, just like Carter now Reprobate sample.

They twisted our arm to make Obama one turn, now so is it unto them.
It's not "GOP vs Dems" this year. It's "Trump haters vs Trump".

There are plenty of GOP in the Trump hater group.

And yes...the Trump hating rhetoric has been taken WAY over the top. The Trump haters have to. They have nothing else.
Lol. It is trump v anyone not blindly loyal. The evidence is clear. Trump will lie and attack anyone who questions anything he does. Look at fox propaganda. He attacks blindly the minute they question him.

His political opponents, Republicans, have either become his enemy (Kasich, Romney, McCain) or silently fallen in line (Cruz, Rubio, Walker).

The difference between the two groups is not loyalty, it is blind, unquestioned cowardly silence and loyalty when directed.

The best example is the debt and deficit. Anyone who brings that up will be crushed with unsubstantiated political attacks by trump.

Impeached trump has divided this country beginning with birtherism. Nothing he is accused of is over the top bas we d on the criteria set by your Impeached president.

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Who thinks the conversation gets way over the top during the elections?

It's so partisan that I don't feel like anyone with a sizable lean is being very objective or open-minded about their party's stance on the issues. All they're interested in is attacking and slandering the opposition candidates and their supporters to the point of seeming a little insane.

The media is so dishonest with their reporting news out of context that I don't know what to believe anymore. It's all becoming hyperbolic rhetoric and twisting the information to fit their narrative. But try and be less subjective, and more honest and balanced, only leaves you ignored and disliked by both over-emotional groups.

I worked 30 years in a combative profession and try to avoid arguments like the plague. Sometimes, I know you have to get aggressive with people to get heard and taken seriously but what we have now is pure chaos and unproductive.
Your are assuming that someone who is conservative must be a Republican and someone who is a liberal must be a Democrat. That is an erroneous assumption.

I have not voted for a single Republican candidate for President since 1992. I vote for conservatives, not the party line. I don't care what political party the candidate happens to be with, if they are not conservative they will not get my vote. That includes Republicans candidates who are not conservative, like Bush43, McCain, Romney and Trump.

So while I am a staunch conservative, I am not partisan. I abhor leftist Republicans as as much, if not more, than Democrats because they are even less honest about who they are. At least those who register as Democrats admit they are anti-American leftist freaks. Those anti-American leftist freaks who run as a Republican are trying to deceive the voters and are therefore worthy of even more contempt.

The US media has been deliberately dishonest for decades. So why haven't you given them up yet? I "cut the cable" in 2006. I get no cable, satellite, or TV reception of any kind. I don't have to tolerate the lies coming from "the enemy of the people," and neither do you. The US media is nothing more than the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party, and has been since at least 1980.

This isn't about "arguments." This is about preserving the US. If anti-American leftist freaks ever win they will fundamentally change the US making it unrecognizable. Like they did after 09/11, and like they are doing now. The more leftists who win, the fewer freedoms Americans will have. It isn't a disagreement about how freedom should be applied, it is about whether we will have freedom or not.

The Democratic Party is the greatest threat the US has ever faced. The Republican Party is now the second greatest threat the US has ever faced, primarily because they are being dominated by anti-American leftist filth.
It's not "GOP vs Dems" this year. It's "Trump haters vs Trump".

There are plenty of GOP in the Trump hater group.

And yes...the Trump hating rhetoric has been taken WAY over the top. The Trump haters have to. They have nothing else.
Considering Trump was a Democrat until 2012, can you blame them? Everyone with a brain knows Trump is not a conservative. He registered as a Republican for one purpose, and one purpose only - to run for President as a Republican. Trump registered as a Republican for the specific purpose of intentionally deceiving voters, and that makes him worthy of contempt.

I don't hate Trump, although I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I have no intention of voting for him in 2020. I vote for conservatives, not leftist freaks. Regardless to which party they happen to be registered. Trump is the President, I don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean that I hate him. In fact, there are a few things Trump has done that I like. Such as opening the 1002 Area of ANWR, and signing the permit to allow a railroad from Alaska to the lower-48 through Canada. Both of those are good things for Alaska, and both were done by Trump.

While Trump deserves praise for some of his decisions, he also deserves condemnation for some of his other decisions.

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