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Good riddance (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
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Apr 18, 2013
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Dana Rohrabacher, “Putin’s Favorite Congressman,” Loses His House Seat

While Democrats felt they had a fighting chance to unseat Rohrabacher, it was a tight race: The polls were neck-and-neck since July; the most recent, released just two days before the election, showed Rouda up by one percent. Rouda’s job was made easier by Rohrabacher, who has embraced both the president and Russia with gusto. Dubbed “Putin’s favorite congressman” by Politico, he has denied that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee in 2016 (despite evidence and indictments suggesting otherwise) and even floated a proposed deal to get Trump to pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in exchange for evidence that Russia wasn’t behind the DNC hack. Rohrabacher has also called climate change “a total fraud.” This year, the district sent Rohrabacher a message—and booted him out of the job he’s had for nearly three decades.

Good riddance to Putin's favorite Congressman.

Now that Nunes can no longer be Trump’s protector, maybe he can be our congressman

Even though Nunes defeated challenger Andrew Janz to retain his District 22 seat, he was also among the biggest losers in Tuesday’s midterm elections. Our local congressman’s power on Capitol Hill, as described by Fresno State political science professor Thomas Holyoke, “will be greatly diminished.” During Trump’s first two years in office, Nunes used his chairman’s clout to protect the president and withhold any potentially damaging information from public scrutiny. He buried evidence, concealed transcripts and stymied every attempt at transparency. That ends today. Congress will finally be able to probe whether Russia holds any leverage over Trump through his business interests. Instead of a lap dog, the committee can get back to being a watchdog. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence used to be known for harmony and internal cooperation. In the words of Politico, it “has enjoyed a reputation as a quietly effective protector of national secrets and security.” Then Nunes came along and torched that reputation -- while damaging Congress’ relationship with the Department of Justice and intelligence community — with his distinct brand of partisan hackery.

Trump's loyal lapdog has been defanged (but remains a flea-magnet).
I agree with much of what you said, except about Russia. Nothing has indicated Russian electioneering. I've seen AIPAC electioneering. Saudi electioneering. Corporate electioneering. All I've seen nothing to support the Russian accusations and don't believe there will be anything. You believe too much of the MSM "bought and paid for" agenda and should start thinking for yourself.
:roll: If Russia has any leverage over Trump due to his holdings it sure isn't very good leverage considering all the sanctions that Trump has put on Russia.
:roll: If Russia has any leverage over Trump due to his holdings it sure isn't very good leverage considering all the sanctions that Trump has put on Russia.

Too bad the vast majority of those sanctions were never implemented. It's more showmanship than substance.
Too bad the vast majority of those sanctions were never implemented. It's more showmanship than substance.

What sanctions? Putin gave trump the thumbs up when they met in Paris. And while the other world leaders marched in unity to honor the fallen, trump and putin ran away to have another of those 'special' meetings. If trump had imposed sanctions on Russia, I don't think Putin would be so friendly with him.
trump could release his taxes?....That might absolve him a bit...But he won't...Come January he might not have a choice...Elections have consequences
What sanctions? Putin gave trump the thumbs up when they met in Paris. And while the other world leaders marched in unity to honor the fallen, trump and putin ran away to have another of those 'special' meetings. If trump had imposed sanctions on Russia, I don't think Putin would be so friendly with him.

The sanctions are weak, mostly for show.....Much of Europe fears trump as much as Putin...Sad to see the depths he is ruining America's relations with our allies
What sanctions? Putin gave trump the thumbs up when they met in Paris. And while the other world leaders marched in unity to honor the fallen, trump and putin ran away to have another of those 'special' meetings. If trump had imposed sanctions on Russia, I don't think Putin would be so friendly with him.

the Sanctions that were passed by Congress.
:roll: If Russia has any leverage over Trump due to his holdings it sure isn't very good leverage considering all the sanctions that Trump has put on Russia.
You know he only signed the bill because it had 2/3 veto proof support in the Congress, right? RIGHT?

Regarding your NBC news link: Trump administration slaps more sanctions on Russia after Skripal poisonings
Regarding your The Hill and Daily Beast: Trump Administration Imposes New Sanctions on Putin Cronies
Regarding your Business Insider link: I didn't find anything to counter it. But I did find sanctions that were added that were not among your list: Trump imposes new sanctions over Russian cyberattacks

Maybe Trump isn't as aggressive with the sanctions as you and others would like. But he's no slouch either. Either way, he's imposed enough sanctions, sanctions that hurt, to obviously not be held back by the aforementioned claim.
You know he only signed the bill because it had 2/3 veto proof support in the Congress, right? RIGHT?

Which only had to do with the electioneering that was going on. Trump has imposed sanctions for other things unrelated to that also.
Which only had to do with the electioneering that was going on. Trump has imposed sanctions for other things unrelated to that also.

Trump could have - and should have - done much more in regards to the Putin regime.


The only world leader in Paris singled out by Putin for a public handshake.

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