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GM Problem Need to be Fix (1 Viewer)


Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Political Leaning
Why as American's are we letting GM go down the drain. It like opening the door to bad news. During WWI, WWII, and Cold War they stop production and focuses on the economy. Make tanks, air plan parts, and etc. So now if we let GM slip if we get in a war we are no self-coefficient...so we may even loss...a world war....we need to have tariffs on far in goods for cars and from china
Loxd4 said:
Why as American's are we letting GM go down the drain. It like opening the door to bad news. During WWI, WWII, and Cold War they stop production and focuses on the economy. Make tanks, air plan parts, and etc. So now if we let GM slip if we get in a war we are no self-coefficient...so we may even loss...a world war....we need to have tariffs on far in goods for cars and from china

Not to worry. Our neocon Government will bail them out.:doh
GM needs to buckle down and make better, cheaper, and more reliable cars that can compete better with foreign companies. Quit designing things to break down after 100,000 miles. Until then, they shouldn't really complain. Competition is a fundamental part of capitalism.
Binary_Digit said:
GM needs to buckle down and make better, cheaper, and more reliable cars that can compete better with foreign companies. Quit designing things to break down after 100,000 miles. Until then, they shouldn't really complain. Competition is a fundamental part of capitalism.
Exactly, they shouldn't get hand-outs if they're not building what Americans want. Sorry, this isn't a communist type of government nor should it be. (This is coming from a guy who just bought a Chevy.)
What they need to do is stop paying for 100% of the employees health care. It costs the carbuyer on average $1200 per car to pay the union mandated health care. GM is losing over 25% of its workers because of this crap. The Union thinks its helping people, but now they need to find a lot of people jobs.
As Lutz has stated many times, GM's problem is that it builds cars that no one wants to buy at MSRP. It's a car company controlled by bean counters and lawyers rather than genuine car people. Lutz is a real car guy but I'm sure he is greatly outnumbered by the suits. Everything but the Vette is heavily loaded with incentives and if you can only move cars with incentives then you're not doing too hot.

I think GM's big mistakes are bad designs and assuming the customer wont notice bad designs. You have to wonder how a car like the Pontiac Asstek ever made it into production. According to a survey in AutoWeek the other month people surveyed in the 80's bought new cars because their current vehicle was near death, people surveyed in the 00's bought new cars because they like the new designs and features.

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