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Globalists and Elitists (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
The terms "globalist" and "elitist" are thrown out frequently by the MAGA crowd and would like to nail down exactly what does it mean to be either. As to globalist, the economies of every major country in the world are global, and most large companies are international in nature. So I'm curious what specific actions or agenda an american may have that makes them a "globalist" versus someone who rails against globalists?

Same with elitist. For most of my life, I considered the word elitist to refer to folks who perhaps were born into wealth, went to boarding schools, then ivy league schools or other colleges that they likely could not have gotten into without their wealth, they pride themselves on having the best of everything, flaunt their status, and generally don't ever mix with the lower classes.

Obviously the MAGA crowd uses the term for something completely different. And I'm curious who fits in the "elitist" versus not elitist crowd.
You want the real definition of elitist? This will be fun. Many people think elitist means someone who believes some people are better than others. That's not what elitist means. We all know some people are better than others. The good people are better than the bad. We can agree there, can't we? Elitism means to believe the "better" people should be treated differently under the law.

Once more, short and sweet for the Trumpers:

Elitism does not mean a belief that some people are superior. Elitism means the belief that better people should be treated different under the law.

Should I do "real Globalists" next?
"Globalist" in Maga/Proud Boy rhetoric means Jew. "Elitist" means successful liberal.
I hope you are wrong on the first part. Probably correct on the 2nd but I'd really like to see some examples.
You want the real definition of elitist? This will be fun. Many people think elitist means someone who believes some people are better than others. That's not what elitist means. We all know some people are better than others. The good people are better than the bad. We can agree there, can't we? Elitism means to believe the "better" people should be treated differently under the law.

Once more, short and sweet for the Trumpers:

Elitism does not mean a belief that some people are superior. Elitism means the belief that better people should be treated different under the law.

Should I do "real Globalists" next?
Yes, please- and we can compare to the MAGA crowd version- if any are provided.
The terms "globalist" and "elitist" are thrown out frequently by the MAGA crowd and would like to nail down exactly what does it mean to be either. As to globalist, the economies of every major country in the world are global, and most large companies are international in nature. So I'm curious what specific actions or agenda an american may have that makes them a "globalist" versus someone who rails against globalists?

Same with elitist. For most of my life, I considered the word elitist to refer to folks who perhaps were born into wealth, went to boarding schools, then ivy league schools or other colleges that they likely could not have gotten into without their wealth, they pride themselves on having the best of everything, flaunt their status, and generally don't ever mix with the lower classes.

Obviously the MAGA crowd uses the term for something completely different. And I'm curious who fits in the "elitist" versus not elitist crowd.

I think that's a pretty good definition on elitist although it doesn't have to specifically mean money or wealth. In a political context I would say it's the picture that has been painted by democrats that Republicans are a bunch of ignorant rednecks and that "elitist" would be people who ascribe to that world view.
Deep State
Puppet Master

All are roughly equivalent terms in Q-land.
I think that's a pretty good definition on elitist although it doesn't have to specifically mean money or wealth. In a political context I would say it's the picture that has been painted by democrats that Republicans are a bunch of ignorant rednecks and that "elitist" would be people who ascribe to that world view.
That's the weird part for me in that for most all of my life, the republican party was aligned with the upper classes and seemed elitist to democrats who were in the working classes. Now many republicans call others elitist and I really do not know who they are referring to.
I can certainly imagine liberal celebrities appearing elitist, but that's not a very big crowd.
Yes, please- and we can compare to the MAGA crowd version- if any are provided.

I'm a globalist. I believe in global integration. I believe it's inevitable. I believe a one world government will eventually happen and it will not be a dystopia, it will be the global recognition of human rights.

In the meantime, I believe we should integrate as much as possible. We should take advantage of trade opportunities and we should seek development opportunities. I believe the UN should be empowered to bring electricity and water to millions of people.

I believe borders are arbitrary lines on a map because people are people everywhere I go. I support world police. I support world liberation.

But what makes me a globalist is the desire for international cooperation and obligation towards an integrated and free world.

A globalist is an anti-nationalist.
A globalist is an anti-nationalist.
I saw a funny joke on an anarchist twitter account I follow ironically suggesting that if American took over every other country there would be no borders anymore and we'd achieve anarchism lol.
I saw a funny joke on an anarchist twitter account I follow ironically suggesting that if American took over every other country there would be no borders anymore and we'd achieve anarchism lol.

We're not the best at following rules.
I'm a little disappointed that those who use the terms globalist and elitist most often have not chimed in to provide some clarification.
I'm a little disappointed that those who use the terms globalist and elitist most often have not chimed in to provide some clarification.

"It's a dog whistle. I mean Jewish people and their global conspiracy. I say it so other bigots will support me."

That's not gonna happen.

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