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Get Ready for a Teacher Shortage Like We’ve Never Seen Before (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Get Ready for a Teacher Shortage Like We’ve Never Seen Before | The New York Times

If we force teachers to return to schools during an out-of-control pandemic, I don’t know how many will stick around.


Coming back this year was different. It was Thursday, Aug. 6, the same day that the Houston area reported its new single-day high for deaths from Covid-19. Instead of gathering, we all tuned into a Zoom meeting from our separate classrooms. There was no buzz in the air, and we weren’t hugging and chatting. We were talking about how long we had: a few weeks of virtual teaching before students returned to our classrooms on Sept. 8. Or maybe sooner. We’ve been told our start date is subject to change at any time. We asked about short- vs. long-term disability plans on our insurance. We silently worried about a colleague who has an autoimmune disease. We tried not to react from inside each of our little Zoom squares as we began to realize there was no way of maintaining true social distancing when school reopened. I invite you to recall your worst teacher. Mine was my 7th grade science teacher, whose pedagogical approach consisted of our reading silently from our textbooks. She sent a message loud and clear: “I really, really don’t want to be here.” We are about to see schools in America filled with these kinds of teachers. Even before Covid-19, teachers were leaving the profession in droves.

You would think states would panic upon hearing this. You would think they’d take steps to retain quality teachers and create a competitive system that attracts the best, brightest and most passionate to the profession. That’s not what they do. They slash the education budget, which forces districts to cut jobs (increasing classroom size), put off teacher raises and roll back the quality of teachers’ health care. So, a lot of good and talented teachers leave. When state leaders realized they couldn’t actually replace these teachers, they started passing legislation lowering the qualifications, ushering under-qualified people into classrooms. This has been happening for years. We’re about to see it get a lot worse. And then the education secretary, Betsy DeVos, told us — while Covid numbers continued to surge — to get back in the classroom. Already, I’ve learned of some of the most treasured teachers in our building turning in their resignation letters, and I worry that more of my colleagues may make the gut-wrenching decision to walk away. If we force teachers to return to schools at their own peril, I don’t know how many will stick around. The politicians know they can’t replace us. But they’ll lower teaching qualifications until they do.

A grim insight. I can appreciate the dilemma many teachers now find themselves in; a fierce devotion to the profession struggling against the harsh realities of the COVID plague.

But it is the children that suffer the most when truly gifted teachers decide they can no longer passively wait for the rising tides of disease and apathy to submerge them.
Our local district is short teachers who have either resigned or retired.
Our local district is short teachers who have either resigned or retired.

The virus has helped many older teachers decide this is the time to retire. If not for the virus many of those may have worked a few more years.
Get Ready for a Teacher Shortage Like We’ve Never Seen Before | The New York Times

If we force teachers to return to schools during an out-of-control pandemic, I don’t know how many will stick around.


A grim insight. I can appreciate the dilemma many teachers now find themselves in; a fierce devotion to the profession struggling against the harsh realities of the COVID plague.

But it is the children that suffer the most when truly gifted teachers decide they can no longer passively wait for the rising tides of disease and apathy to submerge them.

Yah, you see this is a great example of the hypocrisy and lack of empathy coming from the mango menace and his criminal minions! trump and his handlers get tested daily and get instant results. You and I can't get tested unless we say we have symptoms.

Many teachers are in the covid-vulnerable class, either due to their physical condition, age, or both. trump, DeVos, and trump loyalists have no problem sentencing teachers and students to death or to a lifetime of illness just so that they can win an election.

What immoral, criminal pricks trump and his loyalists have become!
Get Ready for a Teacher Shortage Like We’ve Never Seen Before | The New York Times

If we force teachers to return to schools during an out-of-control pandemic, I don’t know how many will stick around.


A grim insight. I can appreciate the dilemma many teachers now find themselves in; a fierce devotion to the profession struggling against the harsh realities of the COVID plague.

But it is the children that suffer the most when truly gifted teachers decide they can no longer passively wait for the rising tides of disease and apathy to submerge them.

Let the cowardly teachers quit and we can replace them with 'heroes' like those in the medical community who showed up for work every day while this virus raged around them. Or the Walmart employees, the delivery drivers and the grocery store clerks who went to work every day. Our kids would be better served if these liberal ******s were replaced anyway.
Get Ready for a Teacher Shortage Like We’ve Never Seen Before | The New York Times

If we force teachers to return to schools during an out-of-control pandemic, I don’t know how many will stick around.


A grim insight. I can appreciate the dilemma many teachers now find themselves in; a fierce devotion to the profession struggling against the harsh realities of the COVID plague.

But it is the children that suffer the most when truly gifted teachers decide they can no longer passively wait for the rising tides of disease and apathy to submerge them.

I believe a lot of younger replacements will come it that can make it all work. Paid less. No need for golden hand-shakes.

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