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"George Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook waiting to happen" (1 Viewer)

Totally untruthful. And you never answered what you would do if you were attacked.

I'd fight back. But I know how to fight so that is no problem for me.
None which are true.
So why are you providing false information?
Are you showing us what we already know?
That the public was wrongly informed and against him?

He acknowledged ... getting out getting out and following him on foot.
He acknowledge to following in the same direction and then stopping and continuing in another direction in which Trayvon had not gone.
Get the facts straight.

He also acknowledged that he look down the direction that Trayvon had gone, both in going to and coming from the other direction. And Trayvon was nowhere to be seen, that is until he came out of the darkness in a hurried fashion yelling.
Get the facts straight.

I didn't know what he was going to do until he was right up on me,
Sounds like you had your own Trayvon.
None which are true.
So why are you providing false information?
Are you showing us what we already know?
That the public was wrongly informed and against him?

He acknowledge to following in the same direction and then stopping and continuing in another direction in which Trayvon had not gone.
Get the facts straight.

He also acknowledged that he look down the direction that Trayvon had gone, both in going to and coming from the other direction. And Trayvon was nowhere to be seen, that is until he came out of the darkness in a hurried fashion yelling.
Get the facts straight.

Sounds like you had your own Trayvon.

If you can't see me laughing behind the computer I guess you didn't get the humor.
Sure you do, laying in a fetal position being pummeled is not fighting back.

You've never seen me fight so you wouldn't know. When you grew up fighting bloods and crips in L.A you learn how to defend yourself....quickly.
If you can't see me laughing behind the computer I guess you didn't get the humor.

That doesn't answer the question as to why you are providing false information.

Is it your intent to just try and lie your way thorough this, or what?
When you grew up fighting bloods and crips in L.A you learn how to defend yourself....quickly.
Which doesn't say a damn thing about you.
That doesn't answer the question as to why you are providing false information.

Is it your intent to just try and lie your way thorough this, or what?

It's not providing false information its called memes which are satirical images based on the opinions of others who believe Zimmerman to be a murderer. I'm of that opinion, deal with it. I cannot help that I find the memes funny.
It's not providing false information its called memes which are satirical images based on the opinions of others who believe Zimmerman to be a murderer. I'm of that opinion, deal with it. I cannot help that I find the memes funny.
Yes it is false.
So your intent is to provide false information.
Which doesn't say a damn thing about you.

It sure doesn't I was answering a question....

(I love the emotion coming through the responses, keep it coming).

It sure doesn't I was answering a question....

(I love the emotion coming through the responses, keep it coming).
:doh iLOL
You are reading way to much into things if you see emotion.
Yes it is false.
So your intent is to provide false information.

It's false according to the court, not to what I believe as a spectator..
:doh iLOL
You are reading way to much into things if you see emotion.

I'm not, cause every 2 seconds you reply to me that tells me something...Instead of leaving it as an opinion that I have you're continuing to argue it on why I'm wrong. It's an opinion, deal with it.
It's false according to the court, not to what I believe as a spectator..
It is false according to the evidence which you absurdly do not want to believe.
I'm not, cause every 2 seconds you reply to me that tells me something...Instead of leaving it as an opinion that I have you're continuing to argue it on why I'm wrong. It's an opinion, deal with it.
And it is a wrong opinion as you were told. You were reading way too much into what was said. There wass no emotion.
Deal with being wrong, as you usually are.
It is false according to the evidence which you absurdly do not want to believe.

I personally don't care about the evidence....It's still funny you are emotional though over an opinion.
And it is a wrong opinion as you were told. You were reading way too much into what was said. There wass no emotion.
Deal with being wrong, as you usually are.

So what if you believe I have the wrong opinion, you and anyone here isn't the God of me. If I choose to have a wrong opinion that is my right. It's called America
I personally don't care about the evidence....It's still funny you are emotional though over an opinion.
What is funny is that you are reading emotion into something when it isn't there. You are even told it isn't there, yet you still cling to your absurd thoughts.
Much the way you do about the evidence that proves your position wrong.
It truly is a shame.
So what if you believe I have the wrong opinion, you and anyone here isn't the God of me. If I choose to have a wrong opinion that is my right. It's called America
How sad.
Yes it is your right to have the opinion you choose to have, even when it flies in the face of the evidence.
All that does is show everybody that you choose to disregard factual evidence, showing a disconnect in your thought processes.
It really is sad to watch.
Last edited:
How sad.
Yes it is your right to have the opinion you choose to have, even when it flies in the face of the evidence.
All that does is show everybody that you choose to disregard factual evidence, showing a disconnect in your thought processes.
It really is sad to watch.

I don't care about the evidence. The trial is over and I have the ability to move on. I just take humor in the fact that you are so emotionally charged in your responses because it is quite obvious you are so PASSIONATE. As far as truth is concerned, there are a lot of members on this board that are grossly mistaken in their views (other than this subject) present company included, but I'm not here to change their mind despite whatever evidence I find that is obvious and contradictory to theirs. That is the difference between you and I. My goal here is not to say "but, but, but, but, the evidence" because at the end of the day, people believe what they believe regardless.

It's just like debating religion. Religious people believe there are irrefutable facts and proofs for God's existence. Atheist, nihilist, and empiricist say otherwise. Unfortunately Open's thread just turns into a shouting match of people on both sides banging their head. The ultimate truth is, Trayvon's dead, Zimmerman is alive. I mentioned earlier that Zimmerman's life is over. I'm sure the man is in hiding and if he is not, I would suggest that he ought to be because there are still a lot of angry people who feel differently despite the judicial outcome. Two lives are lost in this maelstrom of ridiculousness.
I don't care about the evidence. The trial is over and I have the ability to move on. I just take humor in the fact that you are so emotionally charged in your responses because it is quite obvious you are so PASSIONATE. As far as truth is concerned, there are a lot of members on this board that are grossly mistaken in their views (other than this subject) present company included, but I'm not here to change their mind despite whatever evidence I find that is obvious and contradictory to theirs. That is the difference between you and I. My goal here is not to say "but, but, but, but, the evidence" because at the end of the day, people believe what they believe regardless.

It's just like debating religion. Religious people believe there are irrefutable facts and proofs for God's existence. Atheist, nihilist, and empiricist say otherwise. Unfortunately Open's thread just turns into a shouting match of people on both sides banging their head. The ultimate truth is, Trayvon's dead, Zimmerman is alive. I mentioned earlier that Zimmerman's life is over. I'm sure the man is in hiding and if he is not, I would suggest that he ought to be because there are still a lot of angry people who feel differently despite the judicial outcome. Two lives are lost in this maelstrom of ridiculousness.
Yes. Blah, blah, blah, you are wrong. We know that.
The evidence says you are wrong. We know that.
You have no evidence that says otherwise. We also know that.
And yet you continue to babel.

You are reading way to much into what is being said if you see emotion. You have been told that by the person you supposedly see it from.
But you don't listen and instead want to play make-believe in your mind, showing everybody your thoughts are flawed.
But go ahead. You are still wrong. :lamo

Nor do I care if you think his life is over. Which is another absurd opinion.
It is highly unlikely it is.
Yes. Blah, blah, blah, you are wrong. We know that.
The evidence says you are wrong. We know that.
You have no evidence that says otherwise. We also know that.
And yet you continue to babel.

You are reading way to much into what is being said if you see emotion. You have been told that by the person you supposedly see it from.
But you don't listen and instead want to play make-believe in your mind, showing everybody your thoughts are flawed.
But go ahead. You are still wrong. :lamo

Nor do I care if you think his life is over. Which is another absurd opinion.
It is highly unlikely it is.


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