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George & Trayvon (1 Viewer)

Which scenario was most likely?

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DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2012
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Which scenario is most accurate?
Moderator's Warning:
Moved to Martin/Zimmerman forum, where all Z/M threads belong and had bloody well better stay!
What happened seems fairly easy to figure out. Why this particular killing is so fascinating and politically divisive is what I cant understand.
What happened seems fairly easy to figure out. Why this particular killing is so fascinating and politically divisive is what I cant understand.

You need to ask MSNBC/NBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Very rarely do you hear of a white shooting a black. It's mostly blacks shooting blacks and some times Latinos shooting blacks if your in L.A.

The libs thought Zimmerman was white, eventually they discovered that Zimmerman wasn't white but Hispanic and his grandmother was black. But the race card fuse had already been lit by the left.

PC rule of thumb, if a black sucker punches a white, the white has two PC options, don't defend yourself and take a licking or runaway like a good white pantywaist liberal.

Martin was just your typical stupid violent street thug who forgot to pack his Glock.

I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.
You need to ask MSNBC/NBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Very rarely do you hear of a white shooting a black. It's mostly blacks shooting blacks and some times Latinos shooting blacks if your in L.A.

The libs thought Zimmerman was white, eventually they discovered that Zimmerman wasn't white but Hispanic and his grandmother was black. But the race card fuse had already been lit by the left.

PC rule of thumb, if a black sucker punches a white, the white has two PC options, don't defend yourself and take a licking or runaway like a good white pantywaist liberal.

Martin was just your typical stupid violent street thug who forgot to pack his Glock.

I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.

The NBP? All ten of them?
I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.

That'd be racist.
You need to ask MSNBC/NBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Very rarely do you hear of a white shooting a black. It's mostly blacks shooting blacks and some times Latinos shooting blacks if your in L.A.

The libs thought Zimmerman was white, eventually they discovered that Zimmerman wasn't white but Hispanic and his grandmother was black. But the race card fuse had already been lit by the left.

PC rule of thumb, if a black sucker punches a white, the white has two PC options, don't defend yourself and take a licking or runaway like a good white pantywaist liberal.

Martin was just your typical stupid violent street thug who forgot to pack his Glock.

I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.

black panthers still exist ?


maybe pink panthers exist.
You need to ask MSNBC/NBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Very rarely do you hear of a white shooting a black. It's mostly blacks shooting blacks and some times Latinos shooting blacks if your in L.A.

The libs thought Zimmerman was white, eventually they discovered that Zimmerman wasn't white but Hispanic and his grandmother was black. But the race card fuse had already been lit by the left.

PC rule of thumb, if a black sucker punches a white, the white has two PC options, don't defend yourself and take a licking or runaway like a good white pantywaist liberal.

Martin was just your typical stupid violent street thug who forgot to pack his Glock.

I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.

I mean just look at Ms rap sheet.

Look at all that evidence of violent street thuggery!

Oh wait...
black panthers still exist ?


maybe pink panthers exist.

They call themselves the "New Black Panthers" BEAUCOUP supporters of Obama. They were those blacks wearing the black military berets back in 2009 who stood out in front of polling places with night sticks intimidating voters. You remember, A.G. Eric Holder gave them a complete pass.
New Black Panther Party
Walking While "Tan:" 16 yo Son Trailed by Neighborhood Watch Captain & Questioned by Police

Daily Kos: Walking While "Tan:" 16 yo Son Trailed by Neighborhood Watch Captain & Questioned by Police

What is wrong with people?

What's the problem here ? Nothing.

Most members of a neighborhood watch program are trained by local law enforcement what to watch out for. Since a large percentage of day time burglaries are committed by adolescent and teenagers who are suppose to be in school but are not. A member of any neighborhood watch program when they see someone who is suppose to be in school but isn't and is walking around a neighborhood should do their duty as a citizen, observe and drop a dime.

Wearing a sports jacket is a dead giveaway, many Latino and black gang bangers have adopted sports hats and jackets along with the hoodie.

The young kid has to be credited for not being stupid like Trayvon Martin and sucker punching the lady in the Mercedes, she might have been packing.
What's the problem here ? Nothing.

Most members of a neighborhood watch program are trained by local law enforcement what to watch out for. Since a large percentage of day time burglaries are committed by adolescent and teenagers who are suppose to be in school but are not. A member of any neighborhood watch program when they see someone who is suppose to be in school but isn't and is walking around a neighborhood should do their duty as a citizen, observe and drop a dime.

Wearing a sports jacket is a dead giveaway, many Latino and black gang bangers have adopted sports hats and jackets along with the hoodie.

The young kid has to be credited for not being stupid like Trayvon Martin and sucker punching the lady in the Mercedes, she might have been packing.

Most men outgrow racism early in life...
Most men outgrow racism early in life...
And most people outgrow the childish desire to label everything racist. So why don't you spell out what it is about that post that was racist.
And most people outgrow the childish desire to label everything racist. So why don't you spell out what it is about that post that was racist.

Read the article and comments so far.

I would have had that idiot woman up on charges... and I am white.
Most men outgrow racism early in life...

Are you saying that most men when they were younger were racist ? Where do you live ?

Only the black militants and the radical white liberals have made the Trayvon/Martin incident a race issue. That's because they live in a black and white world.
Are you saying that most men when they were younger were racist ? Where do you live ?

Only the black militants and the radical white liberals have made the Trayvon/Martin incident a race issue. That's because they live in a black and white world.

I am a white conservative.. Why are you making this a race issue? Are you a teen?

This idiot woman went after the boy at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I would have filed charges.
Read the article and comments so far.

I would have had that idiot woman up on charges... and I am white.
But you wrote "most MEN outgrow racism early in life." The driver of the mercedes was a woman. And what charges would you have brought against the woman? Personally, I dont leap to the conclusion that the woman was racist. I know thats what race-obsessed liberals always do. But something tells me that this woman is likely just the neighborhood crack pot.
I am a white conservative.. Why are you making this a race issue? Are you a teen?

This idiot woman went after the boy at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I would have filed charges.

Your the one who introduced racism in this thread. Your exact words were >" Most men outgrow racism early in life..."<

And what charges would have you filed ?

No laws were broken. Being a conservative you should know that as a citizen you have the rights to protect your neighborhood and don't have to depend on government to do it for you.

I wonder which community this was and how many day time burgalaries have been comitted in this neighborhood ? If none or few maybe it's because there are citizens who are involved in keeping their community safe. If they have a burgalary problem, well they need a proactive law enforcement ageancy and need to increase their neighborhood watch program.
So if a white person or hispanic person is hit by a black person, the solution is to shoot and kill the black person?

I am pretty sure black people get shot by whites more often than we hear about. And every time that happens it is not a huge trial like this. Also I know for a fact a lot of black and hispanic people shoot and kill each other in my mom's city, because she works in the ER and knows a lot of morticians.

So I don't think race had much to do with Zimmermann's story being inconsistent with the facts.

You need to ask MSNBC/NBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Very rarely do you hear of a white shooting a black. It's mostly blacks shooting blacks and some times Latinos shooting blacks if your in L.A.

The libs thought Zimmerman was white, eventually they discovered that Zimmerman wasn't white but Hispanic and his grandmother was black. But the race card fuse had already been lit by the left.

PC rule of thumb, if a black sucker punches a white, the white has two PC options, don't defend yourself and take a licking or runaway like a good white pantywaist liberal.

Martin was just your typical stupid violent street thug who forgot to pack his Glock.

I want to know why the Black Panthers haven't been prosecuted for putting out an award for the death of Zimmerman ? The Black Panthers committed a felony and Obama's Attorney General again as usual refuses to enforce the law.

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