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George Bush DP press conference (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
If the President came on line and logged into Debate Politics for an electronic "Town Hall" meeting, what question would you ask him?
Billo_Really said:
If the President came on line and logged into Debate Politics for an electronic "Town Hall" meeting, what question would you ask him?

"do you laugh at all the politcal cartoons about you?"
Show me your sources.
Mr. President, "Have you apologized for Stu Ghatze?"
Actually, I would ask him to define what he thinks an "American" is.
Mr. President, it is now clear that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. It's clear that there were no terrorists in Iraq until you created them by invading the country. It's clear that your vision of democracy is not the same as the Iraqi's vision of democracy, and Iraqi governments are likely to be sectarian, illiberal, and only lukewarm toward most American ideals. It's also clear that the mess in Iraq has prevented us from mounting an effective defense against the REAL crisis we now face in Iran. Even the oil production in Iraq is less than it was prior to the invasion.

Mr. President, what the hell are we doing in Iraq?
Originally posted by Kandahar
Mr. President, it is now clear that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. It's clear that there were no terrorists in Iraq until you created them by invading the country. It's clear that your vision of democracy is not the same as the Iraqi's vision of democracy, and Iraqi governments are likely to be sectarian, illiberal, and only lukewarm toward most American ideals. It's also clear that the mess in Iraq has prevented us from mounting an effective defense against the REAL crisis we now face in Iran. Even the oil production in Iraq is less than it was prior to the invasion.

Mr. President, what the hell are we doing in Iraq?
I think that's hitting the nail on the head.
Mr. President.....What are you smoking, and can I have some?
Mr. President, why when you speak at townhall meetings, do you only allow those that support you? Why does dissent bother you so much?

Also, do you wear boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs. ;)
Kandahar said:
Mr. President, it is now clear that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. It's clear that there were no terrorists in Iraq until you created them by invading the country. It's clear that your vision of democracy is not the same as the Iraqi's vision of democracy, and Iraqi governments are likely to be sectarian, illiberal, and only lukewarm toward most American ideals. It's also clear that the mess in Iraq has prevented us from mounting an effective defense against the REAL crisis we now face in Iran. Even the oil production in Iraq is less than it was prior to the invasion.

Mr. President, what the hell are we doing in Iraq?

Are you sure you're not Helen Thomas' handler?...:2funny:
Kandahar said:
Mr. President, it is now clear that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. It's clear that there were no terrorists in Iraq until you created them by invading the country. It's clear that your vision of democracy is not the same as the Iraqi's vision of democracy, and Iraqi governments are likely to be sectarian, illiberal, and only lukewarm toward most American ideals. It's also clear that the mess in Iraq has prevented us from mounting an effective defense against the REAL crisis we now face in Iran. Even the oil production in Iraq is less than it was prior to the invasion.

Mr. President, what the hell are we doing in Iraq?
THat's the same question that Ms. Helen Thomas asked at the White house press conference yesterday.
aps said:
Mr. President, why when you speak at townhall meetings, do you only allow those that support you?
Like jfuh says: Show your sources.
Billo_Really said:
If the President came on line and logged into Debate Politics for an electronic "Town Hall" meeting, what question would you ask him?

Good thread idea Billo.

My questions to Bush would be

1.)Why have the warrentless phone taps,patriot act and anything else to do with the war on terror if you are not going to secure our border?Isn't that like
turning on the burgler alarm but forgetting to shut all the doors and windows?
How dare you call patriots such as the minute men vigilanties?If I wanted this nonsense I would have voted for Kerry.

2.)You got political capital how about defining marriage in the constitution?

3.)Why do you feel the need to sell the American people down the river by letting thier jobs be outsourced?

4.)Why are you letting the democrats spread vicious lies that hurt the war effort and our troops,are you a ***** has someone physically removed your man parts?

5.)Why are you letting the rats in the ACLU defend the likes of Saddam and terrorist?
jamesrage said:
4.)Why are you letting the democrats spread vicious lies that hurt the war effort and our troops,are you a ***** has someone physically removed your man parts?
Basement time.
KCConservative said:
Like jfuh says: Show your sources.

No thank you. I have read about this since the 2004 election, and this is the conclusion I have personally come to. It would take much too much time to find the sources from where I reached this conclusion. I don't mind if you don't buy what I am saying. It would be one thing if I said, "Why have you killed 2300 soldiers?" That's unreasonable. I bet if we took a poll and asked, "Do you think the town hall meetings Bush holds have both supporters and nonsupporters?", the % of yes would be 50% or less (or less is more like it).
aps said:
No thank you. I have read about this since the 2004 election, and this is the conclusion I have personally come to. It would take much too much time to find the sources from where I reached this conclusion. I don't mind if you don't buy what I am saying. It would be one thing if I said, "Why have you killed 2300 soldiers?" That's unreasonable. I bet if we took a poll and asked, "Do you think the town hall meetings Bush holds have both supporters and nonsupporters?", the % of yes would be 50% or less (or less is more like it).
I attended a Bush rally. Nobody asked me whether I support him or not. No one checked my political stance. No one asked for my voting record. Nothing. I think your inability or unwillingness to support your claim says enough. Thanks.
KCConservative said:
Basement time.

That question is not directed at any member nor is it intended to offend any member.

But here is a joke.

Q.What do old golfers and republicans have in common?

A.They are always losing their balls.
jamesrage said:
That question is not directed at any member nor is it intended to offend any member.

But here is a joke.

Q.What do old golfers and republicans have in common?

A.They are always losing their balls.
Just the crass language and female sexual references....IMO, that's basement time.
KCConservative said:
I attended a Bush rally. Nobody asked me whether I support him or not.No one checked my political stance. No one asked for my voting record. Nothing. I think your inability or unwillingness to support your claim says enough. Thanks

Why were you there then?
Where you bored and had nothing to do?
Where you spying for the DNC?
Are you a reporter?
Are there to sabotage the Bush rally?
Were you there as a scumbag protester to steal the spotlight away to shed light on some pathetic protester cause or to silence bush by screaming really loud to disrupt his rally?

jamesrage said:
Good thread idea Billo.

My questions to Bush would be

1.)Why have the warrentless phone taps,patriot act and anything else to do with the war on terror if you are not going to secure our border?Isn't that like
turning on the burgler alarm but forgetting to shut all the doors and windows?
How dare you call patriots such as the minute men vigilanties?If I wanted this nonsense I would have voted for Kerry.

2.)You got political capital how about defining marriage in the constitution?

3.)Why do you feel the need to sell the American people down the river by letting thier jobs be outsourced?

4.)Why are you letting the democrats spread vicious lies that hurt the war effort and our troops,are you a ***** has someone physically removed your man parts?

5.)Why are you letting the rats in the ACLU defend the likes of Saddam and terrorist?

Wow, your politics are shockingly awful. Is there ANY issue that you're on the correct side of?
KCConservative said:
I attended a Bush rally. Nobody asked me whether I support him or not. No one checked my political stance. No one asked for my voting record. Nothing. I think your inability or unwillingness to support your claim says enough. Thanks.

LOL Anytime, KC...anytime.
Kandahar said:
Wow, your politics are shockingly awful. Is there ANY issue that you're on the correct side of?

Correst side?

I am against illegal immigration, outsourcing, gay marriage,I am against americans helping the enemy and I am against the way the liberal media defames our troops and war effort.

Conservatism is not confined to just to republicans and nor is liberalism confined to just democrats.
jamesrage said:
Correst side?

I am against illegal immigration, outsourcing, gay marriage,I am against americans helping the enemy and I am against the way the liberal media defames our troops and war effort.

Conservatism is not confined to just to republicans and nor is liberalism confined to just democrats.

And yet you've managed to take the ugliest aspects of both conservatism and liberalism and neatly mesh them into a single political ideology. Congratulations.

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