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Fun Music Trivia Post. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 2, 2015
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Political Leaning
Ok, just a fun music Trivia post, this song is a favorite of mine with both the Spanish and English version. I’m going to post the youtube video which is a remake of an old Philly tune by a very famous group. This version is done by a one hit wonder latin club band out of LA. I’m not asking for the title of the song I post, that title will be in the video. What you need to (figure out) is the name and title of the song they reference in the only instrumental break.

And yes this will be the Spanish version to make it a bit challenging.

Good luck, if you figure it out post the English version and Answer.

Sounds like they listen to a lot of 70's soul/Motown music. Reminds me of the Spinners, Marvin Gaye kind of thing.

Before my time but I like a lot of that kind of music.

Couldn't place what song they quote, you sure picked an obscure bit of trivia! I think I'm pretty good at music trivia, but no clue.
Calling Luther and Risky!
Sounds like they listen to a lot of 70's soul/Motown music. Reminds me of the Spinners, Marvin Gaye kind of thing.

Before my time but I like a lot of that kind of music.

Couldn't place what song they quote, you sure picked an obscure bit of trivia! I think I'm pretty good at music trivia, but no clue.

Hint, listen to the chorus, and maybe source the English version.
It's not too easy--I didn't recognize it!
It's not too easy--I didn't recognize it!

Note: anyone that is into the Phiily sound experience should get this. Motown was not the only popular music out there for soul, pop and R&B. Philly was less Pop and more R&B, edgier would be an ok word for the time with the Philly sound.
Hope you'll swing by later....
Well ,I wasn’t hiding the title and did say it was a remake of “Together” that was a chart hit for the (Intruders). The question still remains, what is the song that is referenced in the break of the remake done by Terra. There is only one major break musically in that song and the title and answer is there, It’s at 3.50 of the video supplied.

Here is the original Intruders with “Together” and the English version of Together by Terra..

do you mean @2:50? so far i have i have no clue
It's not too easy--I didn't recognize it!

The answer to the Trivia query was that the band Terra referenced another Intruder song. On the english version during the one and only major break in the song at 3:50ish a (hook) from a different song is introduced. This same hook is introduced in the Spanish version but is mixed half english and half Spanish. But in the Spanish version the chorus is in full English at this point.

The (hook) referenced is this.. “I remember, I remember, when we used to play shoot,em up bang, bang baby…”

The song (Cowboy To Girls) done by the Intruders is one of my favorites.

Well, give this another go; just make it a wee easier please.
Ok, just a fun music Trivia post, this song is a favorite of mine with both the Spanish and English version. I’m going to post the youtube video which is a remake of an old Philly tune by a very famous group. This version is done by a one hit wonder latin club band out of LA. I’m not asking for the title of the song I post, that title will be in the video. What you need to (figure out) is the name and title of the song they reference in the only instrumental break.

And yes this will be the Spanish version to make it a bit challenging.

Good luck, if you figure it out post the English version and Answer.

I got one for ya. No looking it up on the internet.

Name 2 rock and roll legends who died in the exact same room in the apartment owned by another rock legend. They did not die together it was on two different dates.

Bonus points if you can name who owned the apartment.
I got one for ya. No looking it up on the internet.

Name 2 rock and roll legends who died in the exact same room in the apartment owned by another rock legend. They did not die together it was on two different dates.

Bonus points if you can name who owned the apartment.

Well, you stumped me, I sort of remember reading something years back but can’t recall the details.
I participate in national music quizzes. This question has surfaced on a couple of occasions. Keith Moon, Mama Cass. Apartment Harry Nilsson.
Who was the rock and roll inductee that befriended the cult leader and murderer Charles Manson?
Well, you stumped me, I sort of remember reading something years back but can’t recall the details.

Keith Moon, and Cass Elliot both died in the same room in the London flat owned by.....Harry Nilsson.

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