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French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban (1 Viewer)

I don't have words to express how much this kind of knee-jerk idiocy disturbs me. I can't even get behind an outright burka ban, let alone this burkini ban BS. I have said it a million times before, these kinds of bans accomplish nothing other than to humiliate muslim women in public and force them back inside their homes. It forces them to make a choice that no other demographic is asked to make. Imagine the outrage if a Catholic nun or a priest were asked to strip down to their undergarments on a public beach. Imagine the shockwaves of condemnation if Orthodox Jews were forced to do the same. Or a Hindu woman in a sari.

I don't even understand what the problem is with this burkini. It doesn't hide the face, it looks like leggings and a long tunic. Are you seriously ****ing telling me that can't show up on a French beach wearing leggings, a long t-shirt and my hair tucked under a ballcap? Well, **** them and their ****ed up laws. This is so irredeemably stupid, it's literally making me lose IQ points trying to make any sense of it.
If this woman doesn't want to be banned from wearing her Burkini then she shouldn't be in France. It's really that simple. We have rules and laws that other countries think are strange. But they don't live here so they can f... off. The French have rules and laws that the people living there abide bye. It's not in America so I don't give a f... about this woman. It's really that simple. Yes, as a libertarian it's none of my business how the French impose their laws. I don't like French laws, so I don't live there. If this woman hates French laws so much then she can petition to have them changed or she can leave.

So your argument is now, "all laws that are made are justified and if you dont like them then just leave" ?
Where's your topic about women in the Middle East being stoned for being raped? Oh right, you only complain when a Western nation violates a women's rights.

Ah yes. :roll: Straight to ad hominems
She could have been wired. It IS profiling, but considering what's been going on over there, I really can't blame the cops. Puffy clothing at the beach was her decision. Muslims around the world not publicly condemning terrorism and ex-communicating (as far as that's possible) those who choose that path, is also their decision. I know it looks bad, but people have to do something.

:doh Psh by that argument i think if we are walking on the streets we should be completely naked because we all could be wearing wires.
:doh Psh by that argument i think if we are walking on the streets we should be completely naked because we all could be wearing wires.

No, by the French police argument, anybody walking around in baggy close could be a suicide bomber. Those bomber aren't recognized right away; that's what makes 'em work.
No, by the French police argument, anybody walking around in baggy close could be a suicide bomber. Those bomber aren't recognized right away; that's what makes 'em work.

:lamo So we are going with the great fear of the unknown argument? Just straight up paranoia everywhere? Should we ban large jackets during the winter? How about hoodies? How about just straight up loose clothing in general? I mean, we should all be walking around wearing skinny jeans and tank tops just to be safe, right?
:lamo So we are going with the great fear of the unknown argument? Just straight up paranoia everywhere? Should we ban large jackets during the winter? How about hoodies? How about just straight up loose clothing in general? I mean, we should all be walking around wearing skinny jeans and tank tops just to be safe, right?

No, we're supporting what the French are doing to handle their own problem with terrorism.
No, we're supporting what the French are doing to handle their own problem with terrorism.

Except this does literally nothing to handle the problem with terrorism, all it does is discriminate against Muslim women and regulate women's clothing.
No, we're supporting what the French are doing to handle their own problem with terrorism.

Can you tell me what wearing a swim suit has to do with terrorism? And why is it only one swimsuit?
Read more @: French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban[/FONT][/COLOR]
You have to be ****ing kidding me? :doh
In 2016 police are now making women take off their clothing at a beach because they are wearing too much? French men are now dictating to adult women what they are and aren't permitted to wear, justified in the name of feminism. This is sliding down a slippery slope fast.


Seems to me, the Islamofascists have declared war on France and France, in turn, is declaring war on the Islamofacists and all their symbols, which should not be confused with the symbols of Islam.

Good for them.

For far too long, western societies have coddled and accommodated these fascists and it's about time we developed some backbone in the fight. These Islamofascists expect us to be weak and paralyzed by political correctness. The Islamofascists use children to deliver bombs and women as symbols of their dominant culture. If they want to live in the stone age, send them back to the stone age.
No, by the French police argument, anybody walking around in baggy close could be a suicide bomber. Those bomber aren't recognized right away; that's what makes 'em work.

Sitting on the sand she's dangerous, but if she steps onto the boardwalk, she's ok? It's ridiculous.
Before anyone wets themselves too badly over this, 'removing clothing' is a rather relative term.
Before anyone wets themselves too badly over this, 'removing clothing' is a rather relative term.
View attachment 67206334View attachment 67206335
Examine the look of disdain on the faces of the watchers as they witnessed then called the beach police on the women with too much clothing. I wonder if too much clothing was the issue? Look at the profusely clad women's hair coverings. Maybe this was a clash of cultures between natives and immigrants?

Maybe there is some French culture defect that abhors too much clothing on the beach? I tend to think the former, that this is a culture clash, would be more at play.
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So your argument is now, "all laws that are made are justified and if you dont like them then just leave" ?
My argument is that the French are free to create whatever laws they like. I don't live in France and the people in France don't have a problem with it.
Read more @: French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban[/FONT][/COLOR]
You have to be ****ing kidding me? :doh
In 2016 police are now making women take off their clothing at a beach because they are wearing too much? French men are now dictating to adult women what they are and aren't permitted to wear, justified in the name of feminism. This is sliding down a slippery slope fast.


I personally don't agree 100% with what the French are doing but I do understand it. To them, when outsiders are allowed into their country to assimilate and enjoy those same things that those born there enjoy and then they turn up their noses and say nope, we are going to bring our own world to your world and force it down your throats. I think it would be great if we could all live and let live, but remember, it was just weeks ago that some nut in the name of Allah Akbar mowed down innocent children, women and families in their streets. I think this is a response to say - not here, not now. Assimilate to the French life or go back home. That part I 100% agree with. If you don't like it there, why did you come there in the first place? It is a freedom you were granted but not one which you should take for granted.
Except this does literally nothing to handle the problem with terrorism, all it does is discriminate against Muslim women and regulate women's clothing.

No, it's a shake down on suspicious looking people. Look, I know how unfair it seems to US, but when we consider where France and Belgium have been lately, it's not a very far fetched security measure for the time being.
Can you tell me what wearing a swim suit has to do with terrorism? And why is it only one swimsuit?

She wasn't wearing a swimsuit: she was fully clothed. I'm sure there are going to be some men getting the shake down as well.
Examine the look of disdain on the faces of the watchers as they witnessed then called the beach police on the women with too much clothing. I wonder if too much clothing was the issue? Look at the profusely clad women's hair coverings. Maybe this was a clash of cultures between natives and immigrants?

Maybe there is some French culture defect that abhors too much clothing on the beach? I tend to think the former, that this is a culture clash, would be more at play.

This is absolutely not about too much clothing on a beach - it is about regaining control of the things that make your country great and not allowing immigrants to come in and take over. I don't think it would be happening if ISIS and Radical Muslims weren't trying to destroy all in their path. Sadly, those Radicals are Muslim and so now Muslim's are seen as a group who wants things their way in a country that doesn't belong to them.
No, it's a shake down on suspicious looking people. Look, I know how unfair it seems to US, but when we consider where France and Belgium have been lately, it's not a very far fetched security measure for the time being.

So in other words you believe all Muslims are terrorists. It is far-fetched. For some reasons burkinis are not allowed but full body wetsuits are. It accomplishes nothing expect discrimination. Following you lines of logic all Muslims should be forced to walk around naked. This is the very definition of Islamophobia.
This is absolutely not about too much clothing on a beach - it is about regaining control of the things that make your country great and not allowing immigrants to come in and take over. I don't think it would be happening if ISIS and Radical Muslims weren't trying to destroy all in their path. Sadly, those Radicals are Muslim and so now Muslim's are seen as a group who wants things their way in a country that doesn't belong to them.

No, this has more to do with a government that has associated the clothing choice with oppression and has decided the solution to the problem is to ban the clothing choice instead of dealing with the oppression directly. In the process of doing this they likely have helped some women out, but they have also stepped on the rights of women to wear the clothing in question if they so choose. Acting on the victims of mistreatment to solve mistreatment is always misguided.
This is absolutely not about too much clothing on a beach - it is about regaining control of the things that make your country great and not allowing immigrants to come in and take over. I don't think it would be happening if ISIS and Radical Muslims weren't trying to destroy all in their path. Sadly, those Radicals are Muslim and so now Muslim's are seen as a group who wants things their way in a country that doesn't belong to them.

But what does that have to do about what swimsuits people can wear? This is nothing but discrimination, a woman wearing a burkini does not affect anyone.

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