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Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating[W:192] (1 Viewer)


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Aug 28, 2008
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Freddie Gray: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating - CNN.com

Baltimore (CNN)Jurors deliberating in the first trial related to the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray said Tuesday afternoon that they were deadlocked.

The judge sent the jury back to continue deliberating in the case of William Porter, the first of six police officers to be tried in Gray's death from a neck injury sustained while in police custody.

The jury began deliberating Monday, 12 days after testimony began.

If the trial ends with a hung jury, prosecutors would have the opportunity to try the case again. "This would be a game changer," CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin said.

A hung jury may result in a decision to change the venue of the trial, she said, with possibly affecting the cases of the other five officers who have yet to be tried.

Looks like Baltimore may burn again.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

They all need to be convicted. I hope the jurors do the right thing.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Gee, I couldn't tell you how many times a friend died of a broken neck after a ride in my car that ended without accident report following an unlawful arrest. Clearly, reasonable doubt exists!

/sarcasm off.

Bleh...seems like a pretty tight case given that all they're charging is involuntary manslaughter.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

They all need to be convicted. I hope the jurors do the right thing.

Look at you passing judgement without seeing any of the case's actual evidence.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Look at you passing judgement without seeing any of the case's actual evidence.

Are you familiar with what the prosecution has presented? These cops need to be punished for what they did.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Are you familiar with what the prosecution has presented? These cops need to be punished for what they did.

What one reads or sees in the news does not constitute legal evidence, and is insufficient information to render judgement.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Gee, I couldn't tell you how many times a friend died of a broken neck after a ride in my car that ended without accident report following an unlawful arrest. Clearly, reasonable doubt exists!

/sarcasm off.

Bleh...seems like a pretty tight case given that all they're charging is involuntary manslaughter.

I haven't seen the evidence presented in this particular trial and what this particular officer's supposed involvement was in the resultant death of Gray. I could be wrong, but part of the issue would be whether or not the police conduct in this matter was unreasonable under normal circumstances, even though these turned out not to be normal circumstances. It's a judgement issue and we all know that different people view things differently, both subjectively and objectively.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

What one reads or sees in the news does not constitute legal evidence, and is insufficient information to render judgement.

Oh please, we all know these cops let this kid die, they do it all the time. The jury will see this and convict. I am sure you agree with the OJ ruling huh?
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

It is the job of defense lawyers to strike incriminating info from the record. The more money you have (FOP) the better they do it.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Oh please, we all know these cops let this kid die, they do it all the time. The jury will see this and convict. I am sure you agree with the OJ ruling huh?

What is known and what can be legally proven is very different.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

What is known and what can be legally proven is very different.

I am sure this prosecutor will be able to prove it. If not, we will still need justice.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

I am sure this prosecutor will be able to prove it. If not, we will still need justice.

Justice is the result of a trial, not uneducated street opinions.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Look at you passing judgement without seeing any of the case's actual evidence.

The actual evidence has been in the news for quite some time.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

What is known and what can be legally proven is very different.

There are known knowns, there are known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Then there is legalese.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

The actual evidence has been in the news for quite some time.

It has not.

Evidence presented at trial in a capital case is vastly different than 'news bytes'.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Are you familiar with what the prosecution has presented? These cops need to be punished for what they did.

No they don't.

Well the cop who made the initial arrest should face civil rights charges, but none of them are complicit in a criminal homicide
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

It has not.

Evidence presented at trial in a capital case is vastly different than 'news bytes'.

Yeah, I think we're all aware that the rules of evidence do not apply to newspapers, but the pertinent facts have been repeatedly reported.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

No they don't.

Well the cop who made the initial arrest should face civil rights charges, but none of them are complicit in a criminal homicide

Of course they are, listen to what the prosecutor is saying.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Of course they are, listen to what the prosecutor is saying.

The prosecutor is presenting a weak case, the only purpose of this trial is to be a dog and pony show to keep violent people from burning down the town.

The officers in the van accepted a prisoner for transport in accordance with procedure.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Yeah, I think we're all aware that the rules of evidence do not apply to newspapers, but the pertinent facts have been repeatedly reported.

You obviously don't have even minimal legal experience or exposure.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

The prosecutor is presenting a weak case, the only purpose of this trial is to be a dog and pony show to keep violent people from burning down the town.

The officers in the van accepted a prisoner for transport in accordance with procedure.

....and then they bounced Gray around, roughed him up, and refused to take him to the hospital. They need to do prison time for that.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

....and then they bounced Gray around, roughed him up, and refused to take him to the hospital. They need to do prison time for that.

They did not "rough him up".

Certainly the jury isn't buying the claim.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

....and then they bounced Gray around, roughed him up, and refused to take him to the hospital. They need to do prison time for that.
Evidence be damned...amirite?

Fight the power...
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

Evidence be damned...amirite?

Fight the power...

You're not familiar with American law enforcement, are you? Read the stories of what have happened to others. Listen to witnesses, listen to people who have been in those vans. Police are corrupt in most cities and towns, it's a huge problem we need to fix. Burrowing our head in sand isn't helping.
Re: Freddie Gray case: Judge tells deadlocked jurors to keep deliberating

You're not familiar with American law enforcement, are you? Read the stories of what have happened to others. Listen to witnesses, listen to people who have been in those vans. Police are corrupt in most cities and towns, it's a huge problem we need to fix. Burrowing our head in sand isn't helping.

Police corruption is nowhere near the problem gang related crime is. Let's fix the latter first.

In actuality, police are not corrupt most everywhere. Where there is corruption it usually reflects the city government as a whole.

Baltimore police have their problems, the van ride Gray took was not one of them. The city government depriving gray of his second amendment rights to carry weapons is a factor, but the officers in the van are not complicit there

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