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Forum Tips - finding messages (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Well been posting a couple of weeks now and have a question.

How do you keep up and track down replies? I know you can go to the user CP and list "subscriptions", but since I don't get here everyday I have to track down replies and scroll through endless thread trees to try and find messages I haven't responded to. Nor do I see that messages get flagged with the recipient reads them.

Any tips from long time users how to better use the forum software, am i missing something somewhere?
When you reply to a post, at the bottom left hand side,there is an option to receive an e-mail notification -- Thread Subscription Notification Type:
Do not subscribe --No email notification --Instant email notification --Daily email notification or Weekly email notification.
If you don't have time to respond right then, just copy and save them, to reply to later. :2razz:
Squawker said:
When you reply to a post, at the bottom left hand side,there is an option to receive an e-mail notification -- Thread Subscription Notification Type:
Do not subscribe --No email notification --Instant email notification --Daily email notification or Weekly email notification.
If you don't have time to respond right then, just copy and save them, to reply to later. :2razz:

Hmmmm, we'll try it but not exactly a seamless method. No "Show All Unread Messages to Me" or search for messages to me capability?
If you click on get posts on the top gray bar, you can get all the new posts for the day or the last week. You could also do a advanced search for all your posts on a special topic or time frame.
Squawker said:
When you reply to a post, at the bottom left hand side,there is an option to receive an e-mail notification -- Thread Subscription Notification Type:
Do not subscribe --No email notification --Instant email notification --Daily email notification or Weekly email notification.
If you don't have time to respond right then, just copy and save them, to reply to later. :2razz:

Don't think that works, it sends me a message everytime anyone sends a post into the thread, not just replies to my post. It gets pretty frustrating scrolling through message trees or opening the mail notifications trying to find messages to me that I need to respond to.
Squawker said:
If you click on get posts on the top gray bar, you can get all the new posts for the day or the last week. You could also do a advanced search for all your posts on a special topic or time frame.

I'm just looking for a simple way to find post to me, even it they aren't just ones I haven't answered to (I can weed out those from a listing to me).

Over at the Compuserve Forum you could do that, although them made it more difficult with a software change. That way you didn't have to go looking through long threads trying to find out inf anyone has written anything to you.

But then the sysops and section leaders over there have let the debate spiral down to AOL level. :doh
I think you will find the debate here is usually an exchange of ideas, rather than a one on one discussion. If you post on a thread everyone puts their two cents in. There may be options that I am not aware of, so I will discuss it with vauge for you. :2razz:
Stinger said:
Hmmmm, we'll try it but not exactly a seamless method. No "Show All Unread Messages to Me" or search for messages to me capability?

The best response is that it would force users to read all threads. If one is gone more than a day - that could be hundreds of threads. Way too much for casual surfing and discussion.

I have checked in the past for a 'replied to me since last visit', but have been unsuccessful. Will attempt it again - this would be an awesome feature.
vauge said:
The best response is that it would force users to read all threads. If one is gone more than a day - that could be hundreds of threads. Way too much for casual surfing and discussion.

Yes that's the problem, with work and travel sometimes I'm not on for a few days and trying to track down messages to me is difficult here.

vauge said:
I have checked in the past for a 'replied to me since last visit', but have been unsuccessful. Will attempt it again - this would be an awesome feature.

Yes that's what , has in their advance search you can choose "messages to" and select "ME" and then a drop down box that is "since" with selections "Today" "Yesterday" "Two Days Ago" "Last Week" and on and on. In thier previous incarnation it even allowed you to choose those that you had not read or replies to.

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