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Former Tom Delay Aide, Tony Rudy, Pleads Guilty in Abramoff Scandal (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Another day, another conviction. Rudy, who was a top aide to Tom Delay during the time Delay was joined at the hip with Jack Abramoff, has agreed to turn state's evidence in exchange for a lenient prison sentence. As part of the agreement, Rudy has only been convicted of conspiracy. Although nobody knows whether or not this will necessarily result in the indictment of Tom Delay, legal analyst Andrew Cohen says that the closer the guilty pleas get to Delay, the his legal position is threatened, as the government's hand is strengthened. Personally, I would like to see Delay get off the hook on Federal charges. Why? Because, if convicted in Texas, he will do real time in a real prison, not a Federal country club.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Another day, another conviction. Rudy, who was a top aide to Tom Delay during the time Delay was joined at the hip with Jack Abramoff, has agreed to turn state's evidence in exchange for a lenient prison sentence. As part of the agreement, Rudy has only been convicted of conspiracy. Although nobody knows whether or not this will necessarily result in the indictment of Tom Delay, legal analyst Andrew Cohen says that the closer the guilty pleas get to Delay, the his legal position is threatened, as the government's hand is strengthened. Personally, I would like to see Delay get off the hook on Federal charges. Why? Because, if convicted in Texas, he will do real time in a real prison, not a Federal country club.

Article is here.

I'm pretty sick of all this. One after another corrupt officials keep coming out, catch them all!
I think the only way is to clean house. Clear out the entire senate and house of all of them and bring in a fresh batch of new ppl. I know it's impossible but I'd really like to see some change. Especially with regards to districting and finance reforms.

Hell replace the entire congress with DP members lol. We have a good proportion of everyone, but none of us I don't think are corrupt.
Dunno if it will result in the indictment of Delay, but it certainly couldn't be a good omen for Delay.
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Moving to a better home.

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