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Former Fox News Director Jack Hanick Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions in Work for Russian Oligarch (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Somewhere in the Low Country
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Slightly Liberal
Former Fox News director Jack Hanick was charged on Thursday for violating U.S. sanctions in his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, according to the Justice Department.

The U.S. sanctions on Malofeyev prohibit American citizens from working for or doing business with the individual, and Hanick, 71, was found to be working with him over the course of several years and made false statements about that relationship. Hanick was provisionally arrested in London in February, with the sanctions charge carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Well well looks like Hannity producer was a fan of Putin...
Former Fox News director Jack Hanick was charged on Thursday for violating U.S. sanctions in his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, according to the Justice Department.

The U.S. sanctions on Malofeyev prohibit American citizens from working for or doing business with the individual, and Hanick, 71, was found to be working with him over the course of several years and made false statements about that relationship. Hanick was provisionally arrested in London in February, with the sanctions charge carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Well well looks like Hannity producer was a fan of Putin...
Is anyone truly surprised???
Is anyone truly surprised???
Here is what makes me shake my head. We have a guy, a relatively low-level guy who does some business with a Russian who is sanctioned, and presto he's busted.

At the same time, we have an ex-president who incited a riot, obstructed a congressional proceeding, attempted to extort the Ukranian president, obstructed justice numerous times, has been testing the tax system for 40 years and he can still run for president again.

Can someone explain the DOJs lack of interest in going after possibly one of the biggest political criminals of all time?
Can someone explain the DOJs lack of interest in going after possibly one of the biggest political criminals of all time?

Merrick Garland doesn't want to be the US Attorney General who goes down in History for prosecuting a former US president.

As for Jack Hanick, he can rot in jail.
Merrick Garland doesn't want to be the US Attorney General who goes down in History for prosecuting a former US president.

As for Jack Hanick, he can rot in jail.
Well then, Biden needs to fire him. If you are correct which you very well may be, it means a criminal gets away with crimes committed right in our faces. If Garland was trying to restore the integrity of the DOJ, he sure isn't doing it this way.

Imagine what will go on when a republican gets in the WH, and another Bill Barr type is appointed. We can kiss the rule of law goodby.
Former Fox News director Jack Hanick was charged on Thursday for violating U.S. sanctions in his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, according to the Justice Department.

The U.S. sanctions on Malofeyev prohibit American citizens from working for or doing business with the individual, and Hanick, 71, was found to be working with him over the course of several years and made false statements about that relationship. Hanick was provisionally arrested in London in February, with the sanctions charge carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Well well looks like Hannity producer was a fan of Putin...
Russia must be paying their right wing American propagandists in something other than the ruble then.

Be willing to bet that he's not the only Fox "news" puppet working for a russian oligarch or two.

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