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Florida releases 4 examples from math textbooks it rejected for public schools (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2017
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Political Leaning
Here we go!


In a sample set of data using a polynomial model of degree 3, they just happen to use different age groups and how racist they are.


So for public school math students, S= (0.01x +.4x - .2x) AND conservatives are racist!

Assuming for the moment that these are actually in-class textbook examples:
View attachment 67386861

In a sample set of data using a polynomial model of degree 3, they just happen to use different age groups and how racist they are.

Oh no, statistics can be applied to racial justice! Who knew? 😱

View attachment 67386867

So for public school math students, S= (0.01x +.4x - .2x) AND conservatives are racist!

I thought righties were all about facts. There's no indoctrination here if these studies are based in fact.
OK, but if they decided to use crime rates by race as their example, would that be OK?

If they included how different the results would be if they factored in poverty and population density, absolutely. Students need to be statistically literate nowadays, and that means exposure to all sides of the truth.
If they included how different the results would be if they factored in poverty and population density, absolutely. Students need to be statistically literate nowadays, and that means exposure to all sides of the truth.

Oddly, those factors were not included in the OP’s examples. ;)
Oddly, those factors were not included in the OP’s examples. ;)

Without application, statistical literacy is not possible. Perhaps you and righties want to shelter kids from the realities of the real world?
If they included how different the results would be if they factored in poverty and population density, absolutely. Students need to be statistically literate nowadays, and that means exposure to all sides of the truth.
There are more white people living in poverty than Black people.
If they included how different the results would be if they factored in poverty and population density, absolutely. Students need to be statistically literate nowadays, and that means exposure to all sides of the truth.
“All sides of the truth”? Perfect example of leftist doublespeak.
“All sides of the truth”? Perfect example of leftist doublespeak.

So you DON'T want students to explore all sides of an issue?

That is a very telling admission by you.

Care to give some examples of truth that you want students shielded from?
Going to enjoy watching the regulars try to explain how this isn't a clumsy attempt at political indoctrination.


Is this information a surprise to you?
Here we go!

View attachment 67386861

In a sample set of data using a polynomial model of degree 3, they just happen to use different age groups and how racist they are.

View attachment 67386867

So for public school math students, S= (0.01x +.4x - .2x) AND conservatives are racist!
Don't leave out that the implicit bias tests are pseudo-science leftist voodoo and they are then using that to make the politically charged graphs shown in the pictures.
This is clearly beyond the pale. "Empathy?" This is Marxism!

Screenshot 2022-04-22 134535.png
So you DON'T want students to explore all sides of an issue?

That is a very telling admission by you.

Care to give some examples of truth that you want students shielded from?
In a math class? No. They'd have to turn it into a social studies class. So they can shift this kind of bullshit over there, instead of using pseudo-science bias tests to push political messaging over to that class and then they can talk about how it's full of shit.
This is clearly an effort by the state to remove any information that acknowledges racism in our society. This is 3rd Reich type stuff.
Thanks for providing information to support the OP. Now what do you think takes up the messaging in the "social awareness" part, eh?

That people different from oneself are equal and have value and dignity.

What do you think it means? (This is where the dodging starts.)
That people different from oneself are equal and have value and dignity.

What do you think it means? (This is where the dodging starts.)
Pretty sure it means they will tell kids that boys can be girls and that it's white people's fault for every issue that effects minorities, ect. You know, the normal CRT and far-leftist gender theory bullshit.
Why not release them all?
Pretty sure it means they will tell kids that boys can be girls and that it's white people's fault for every issue that effects minorities, ect. You know, the normal CRT and far-leftist gender theory bullshit.

That's quite a paranoid interpretation of "empathy."

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