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Florida AG opens investigation into voter fraud (1 Viewer)


Florida AG is investigating allegations of voter fraud.

Sent from Hillary's private email server.

This is a pretty high profile case here. Let's remember that it's not a republican who started to call fowl on this issue, but one of the democrats own number. I can understand being sore over losing out and getting beating by a competitor. But the amount of information and the attempts to keep the outside sources from observing the actual ballot counting, is alarming to say the least.
It’s not voter fraud, it’s election fraud, and it’s a clearly partisan accusation.
This is a pretty high profile case here. Let's remember that it's not a republican who started to call fowl on this issue, but one of the democrats own number. I can understand being sore over losing out and getting beating by a competitor. But the amount of information and the attempts to keep the outside sources from observing the actual ballot counting, is alarming to say the least.

Were they state authorized "observers" that she was keeping out or year 2000 rabble rousers like the Brooks Brothers Riot represented? Monitors are mandated for recounts by Florida Law. Did not see any objections to state authorized monitors gaining access for recounts.

This is a State of Florida mess, nothing more and nothing less. The state writes the election laws, provides the funding for machinery with I think some County participation, either rejects or accepts Federal aid $ for same.

They have an absolute cluster down there that appears will find its way to some conclusion right or wrong for the 2018 mid-terms. Does not change that they have an absolute cluster on their hands and unless they use the 1.9 years between this election and 2000 to clean that mess up they will likely have another mess in 2020. The same people howling to stick their hands in the punch bowl for the week they should not having done nothing for the 1.9 years when they should have.

Frankly, I seriously doubt they want to clean it up. The system they have is too easy to manipulate and I am not convinced they don't prefer the ability to manipulate more than they would appreciate a manageable process.
Florida AG opens investigation into voter fraud


If/when the FL attorney general has found material quantities of voter fraud and levied charges, there'll be something to talk about. Until then, it's just an investigation.
It’s not voter fraud, it’s election fraud, and it’s a clearly partisan accusation.

That's even worse. Especially since the Kenyan said there's no way that election fraud could exist.
That's even worse. Especially since the Kenyan said there's no way that election fraud could exist.

Link to that quote, please.

“The Kenyan.” Your ass is showing again.
The referenced source in the OP quoted Pam Bondi:

"And they're basically trying to, as you know, throw out deadlines, so it would be the wild, wild West. I mean without deadlines, how do you manage elections?" she asked.

"And they also don't want to require signatures for provisional and vote-by-mail ballots. And it let me make this very clear. Florida law -- Florida law expressly and unambiguously states, that you must have signature verification. So what they want to do -- they want to change the law after the ballots have all been cast, and go back retroactively and change our law, which is -- it’s ridiculous. And Bill Nelson needs to take a breath and concede gracefully and walk away from this."

Chump Slurper Pam Bondi unabashedly promotes partisan politics in Florida. Stories have emerged this past week that Chump has put her on a short list of candidates to become U.S. Attorney General.

I believe Bondi's Florida replacement, Ashley Moody, swears in on Monday, February 4th, 2019.

The Nelson campaign has every lawful right to see the recount process completed. I expect the results to conclude before this Sunday.... and to confirm RickTheDick as the winner. I can already her the Right Wingers cheering! Thereafter, at least short term, I expect diminished funding and enthusiasm in pursuit of 2018 Election Cycle election and voter fraud. We shall see.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of RickTheDick's win, I congratulate all of you who support him!
Link to that quote, please.

“The Kenyan.” Your ass is showing again.

You might want to check your own ass...

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time," - Hussein Obama

Florida AG is investigating allegations of voter fraud.

Sent from Hillary's private email server.

(CNN)Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is denying that a $25,000 donation from Donald Trump is in any way connected to her office's decision not to pursue action against Trump University, despite dozens of complaints in Florida, her spokesman said.

Bondi, who endorsed Trump in March, received the donation in 2013 via a political action committee raising money for her re-election.
The donation came from one of Trump's charities six days after Bondi's then-spokeswoman told a reporter their office was "currently reviewing the allegations" against Trump University in a class action lawsuit in New York, according to internal emails that were among more than 8,000 pages of documents originally requested by The Orlando Sentinel and also obtained by CNN.

Florida never pursued any investigation or action against Trump or his university.


I hope the investigation isn't as corrupt as most things Bondi has been involved in as AG.

Florida AG is investigating allegations of voter fraud.

Sent from Hillary's private email server.

This thread: brought to you by the same people who claim that allegations aren't evidence when aimed at an R and who claim an investigation resulting in a big pile of convictions is actually a "witch hunt".

Yeah, ok. Whatever.

She is so credible, after receiving a large donation from Trump she dropped the case into Trump University. Yet others proceeded and won.

No doubt his response is to call that case a "sham" or somesuch. One must remember that for a large chunk of the population, honesty is now a sin.
This thread: brought to you by the same people who claim that allegations aren't evidence when aimed at an R and who claim an investigation resulting in a big pile of convictions is actually a "witch hunt".

Yeah, ok. Whatever.

No doubt his response is to call that case a "sham" or somesuch. One must remember that for a large chunk of the population, honesty is now a sin.

Ohhh, so you're referring to Kavanaugh, without actually saying it. Yeah, she couldn't connect the dots, because she didn't know what the dots were.
Bondi is a longtime Republican hack. She’ll waste millions of taxpayers dollars on a fraudulent investigation.

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