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Fitbit - Or something else? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
Is there something out there that's "better" than a Fitbit?

Better in terms of functions, durability and/or price,

Thanks for your input and advice.
I started with the Fitbit One and now I have the Surge too. I'm a big fan of Fitbit - completely changed my life (for real). To be fair, though, Fitbit's the only activity tracker I've ever had, so I have nothing to compare to it. I will say that I am suspicious of the heart rate monitor. I had my heart rate measured at the doc's office and it was completely different than what my Fitbit had. I do wear the Surge lower on my wrist than I think you're supposed to so maybe that's why.
My issue is I hate things on my wrist. I don't wear wrist watches. Just don't like them.

I'm wondering what my work best on my ankle?
My issue is I hate things on my wrist. I don't wear wrist watches. Just don't like them.

I'm wondering what my work best on my ankle?

I think you put the fitbit in a pocket near your waist when you walk, and are only supposed to wear it at night. (My wife has one).
My issue is I hate things on my wrist. I don't wear wrist watches. Just don't like them.

I'm wondering what my work best on my ankle?

That's me too i don't wear a watch , never did like to.

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