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Final jurors seated for Trump’s hush money case, with opening statements set for Monday (1 Viewer)

Why did you post it - and as an actual quote of Hope Hicks? That's a very bold way to post untrue info.
I posted what I heard a reporter say. However, when I saw no similar reporting I checked further and posted the following.....

I heard it reported in real time that she said "sorry Mr President " right after her last damning statement and that's when her voice started to crack up but I haven't seen that reported anywhere so I'm thinking it may have not been correct.

I've looked too because it was significant if true....but I cant see it reported anywhere. I think the reporter either misspoke or I misheard.
Unlike some ...the truth is important to me. I don't just accept what I hear just because I like it. I check further and if I am wrong I readily admit it......which I did. Try it.
Why did you post it - and as an actual quote of Hope Hicks? That's a very bold way to post untrue info. Did you notice others, like triharder, following you down that untrue rabbit hole on this thread? Why would you allow your misinformation to hang and even progress and multiply?
Don’t harrass people. It’s not a big deal, and it sure isn’t the first time that information was posted that had not been confirmed. Focus on the bigger picture.
It doesn’t matter to me either way. As I said, for me there is no reason to believe the reports are inaccurate. I understand for you that is different.
There are no "reports" because it didn't happen. A poster posted the misinformation, and you clearly have no desire to let that misinformation go. I guess the story appealed to you so much that you don't want to shift gears. That's exactly what happens when misinformation and lies are put forth, start to spread, and then multiply.
Don’t harrass people. It’s not a big deal, and it sure isn’t the first time that information was posted that had not been confirmed. Focus on the bigger picture.
Well, the poster who informed us of the info thought it "significant if true". But you're right, now that we know it isn't true, "it's not a big deal". I'm hopeful you won't keep posting as if it is true, did happen, or that "media outlets are sure portraying it as it's true". Because, no, media outlets are not doing that.

As far as your claim of harrassment, I certainly don't consider an effort to stop false information from multiplying through various threads, even further - to be harrassment. Rather, it's a goal to set the record straight and clarify that misinformation is just that, misinformation.

I've looked too because it was significant if true....but I cant see it reported anywhere. I think the reporter either misspoke or I misheard.
This case will not be retried
That's because it normally would never be brough forward as a case in the first place. Others declined to prosecute, as there is no case there. But, there is an election now, that's the only reason to bring it. 100% political.
Well, the poster who informed us of the info thought it "significant if true". But you're right, now that we know it isn't true, "it's not a big deal". I'm hopeful you won't keep posting as if it is true, did happen, or that "media outlets are sure portraying it as it's true". Because, no, media outlets are not doing that.

As far as your claim of harrassment, I certainly don't consider an effort to stop false information from multiplying through various threads, even further - to be harrassment. Rather, it's a goal to set the record straight and clarify that misinformation is just that, misinformation.
I thought I had heard something to this effect on a media video this morning. But in kind reply, I take it you and others will fight the “there is no crime” mantra because Trump has been accused of committing crimes. I doubt that a likelihood. Prevent the spread of misinformation and all, right?

So..,with all that said, I heard Hope Hicks had apologized to the Trump on her way out. She was visibly upset and knew the impact of her testimony. 🤷🏼‍♂️. Sue me. It’s what I heard.
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"Trump is undergoing something called NARCISSISTIC MORTIFICATION.

We dusted off this Freudian term a few weeks ago and it's super-relevant today after Trump heard Hope Hicks' testimony and relived the Access Hollywood incident.

Sure enough, he's been panic-posting today, ALL CAPS, going after Jack Smith and others. (Why Jack Smith, who has nothing to do with the NY criminal trial? Because he's an adversary with power to take him down, and that's the kind of jumpy associations that panicky people make.)

Narcissistic Mortification is when a narcissist like Trump crosses over to a place where he sees visions of his own demise. A malignant narcissist, especially one who once held the loftiest of titles, cannot cope with this. Trump's gut is now a simmering stew of dread, rage, and malice.

But it's the "dread" that's dominant. He is very unhinged, yet uncomfortable in the feeling itself, if that makes sense.

To put it in more psychological terms, narcissistic mortification is EXTREME fear experienced when one with a rigidly grandiose pathology sees his sense of self as exposed, defective or inferior. It was coined by Freud in his book Moses and Monotheism.

It's described there as deep injuries to ego/self, triggered by one's own compulsiveness (aka Access Hollywood), causing not only terror, not only malice, but disorientation (thus the attack on Smith).

THIS is where I think he is.

For a malignant narcissist like Trump, it's hell."

The Shallow State (@OurShallowState)
That's because it normally would never be brough forward as a case in the first place. Others declined to prosecute, as there is no case there. But, there is an election now, that's the only reason to bring it. 100% political.
So far...it looks like a really, really strong case to me. Don"t know what you've been watching. Looks like a slam dunk conviction to me.
"Trump is undergoing something called NARCISSISTIC MORTIFICATION.

We dusted off this Freudian term a few weeks ago and it's super-relevant today after Trump heard Hope Hicks' testimony and relived the Access Hollywood incident.

Sure enough, he's been panic-posting today, ALL CAPS, going after Jack Smith and others. (Why Jack Smith, who has nothing to do with the NY criminal trial? Because he's an adversary with power to take him down, and that's the kind of jumpy associations that panicky people make.)

Narcissistic Mortification is when a narcissist like Trump crosses over to a place where he sees visions of his own demise. A malignant narcissist, especially one who once held the loftiest of titles, cannot cope with this. Trump's gut is now a simmering stew of dread, rage, and malice.

But it's the "dread" that's dominant. He is very unhinged, yet uncomfortable in the feeling itself, if that makes sense.

To put it in more psychological terms, narcissistic mortification is EXTREME fear experienced when one with a rigidly grandiose pathology sees his sense of self as exposed, defective or inferior. It was coined by Freud in his book Moses and Monotheism.

It's described there as deep injuries to ego/self, triggered by one's own compulsiveness (aka Access Hollywood), causing not only terror, not only malice, but disorientation (thus the attack on Smith).

THIS is where I think he is.

For a malignant narcissist like Trump, it's hell."

The Shallow State (@OurShallowState)
Yeah, his house of cards is finally caving and he knows it. Jail time is imminent. It's about ****ing time.
Can juries take and keep notes during proceedings?
Can juries take and keep notes during proceedings?

Yes and no.

Yes they have notebooks they can use. However they were instructed by the Judge that notebooks are NEVER to be relied on in place of testimony and evidence in deliberations. IMHO, they are helpful for addressing who testified to what on such and such a day so that its easier to find the testimony.

No in that after court for the day the notebooks, IIRC, are collected. They are not allowed to take the notebooks with them or to keep them.

175.05 requires that falsification occur with an intent to defraud.
175.10 the felony Bragg is currently prosecuting, requires that the elements of .05 be proven as well as the intent to conceal or commit another crime.

So intent to defraud has to be proven by Bragg.
And in New York state, damages do not have to be financial. But as Judge Merchan said in his ruling rejecting Trumps motion to dismiss, there has to be damages.

Around and around we go.

As I've already said - the falsified records are the fraud. That Trump knowingly created false records shows obvious intent - i.e. the "intent to defraud".

Where did Merchan say the state must prove damages?
Around and around we go.

As I've already said - the falsified records are the fraud. That Trump knowingly created false records shows obvious intent - i.e. the "intent to defraud".

Where did Merchan say the state must prove damages?

Note 2188.
Pages 11-17.
The above argument was rejected by Judge Merchan.
Now we just need a crime...
You already admitted that he coming a misdemeanor crime when he falsified his business records. All the prosecution needs to do now is prove that he intended to commit another crime with that cover up. Tick tock.
There are no "reports" because it didn't happen. A poster posted the misinformation, and you clearly have no desire to let that misinformation go. I guess the story appealed to you so much that you don't want to shift gears. That's exactly what happens when misinformation and lies are put forth, start to spread, and then multiply.
Clowns who worship Trump the ****ing liar, yet whine about misinformation about the Fat Cheeto are hilarious hypocrites.
There are three alleged aside from the falsified entry .
Exactly. There is a crime. That’s why this is at trial. You don’t indict anyone based on crimes that don’t exist. Whether or not one thinks Trump is guilty or innocent of that crime is another matter. Whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt for everyone on the jury is something else as well. But the constant asking of the same question? Doesn’t make much sense to me.
Exactly. There is a crime. That’s why this is at trial. You don’t indict anyone based on crimes that don’t exist. Whether or not one thinks Trump is guilty or innocent of that crime is another matter. Whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt for everyone on the jury is something else as well. But the constant asking of the same question? Doesn’t make much sense to me.
it is being repeated because that is the mantra being delivered by Fox and a lack of intellectual curiosity stops the thinking process right there.

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