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Final Four (1 Viewer)


Enemy Combatant
DP Veteran
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Political Leaning
Who are your picks for the Final Four?

I pick Iowa, Kansas, UConn, and Villanova. UConn over Iowa in the championship, 68-65.
Kandahar said:
Who are your picks for the Final Four?

I pick Iowa, Kansas, UConn, and Villanova. UConn over Iowa in the championship, 68-65.

Duke, Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova.

Bleeding orange Syracuse fan here though. Got Warrick to autograph my shoe at basketball camp there in summer of '02. The Big East tourney this year was precious.
The Real McCoy said:
Duke, Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova.

Bleeding orange Syracuse fan here though. Got Warrick to autograph my shoe at basketball camp there in summer of '02. The Big East tourney this year was precious.

I've got Syr, Pitt, Villanova, and Conn. All big east final four, bit of a whim, but I've got a lot less riding on this year's bracket than last year.

Huge syracuse fan too, so much for McNamara, eh? I mean, I used to think he was okay, but then i just realized he was overrated. I mean, seriously, ANYONE could have singlehandedly won the Big East tournament with some of the sickest late game plays I've ever seen, right?:lol:
I don't know about the final 4 but Gonzaga and Washington are in the sweet 16....My Pitt team got knocked out today though.......

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