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Fighting back is the most effective way to reduce violent crime (1 Viewer)

William Penn would weep if he could see what has happened to the city that he founded.

All one can do is to shake one's head in sadness.

The situation is intractable.
Fighting back when the victim of gun crime, is the surest way to get killed.

If your a criminal, according to the news story. You expect and want people to be a victim of crime by not fighting back, not surprised.
If your* a criminal, according to the news story. You expect and want people to be a victim of crime by not fighting back, not surprised.

*You are

And if you're a law abiding person, you expect not to be a victim of an armed assailant or active shooter.

Why should people live under the shadow of guns ?
Did your roommate fight back
If not, why not ?
My college roommates were international students here on student Visas - they were from India and Zambia.

No, they did not "fight back". They were 18-20 years old young women and the largest of which likely weighed in at about 110lbs soaking wet. How exactly would you have liked them to "fight back" against an armed robber?
My college roommates were international students here on student Visas - they were from India and Zambia.

And that's relevant in what way ?
Are you suggesting that people from third world countries lack the courage of Americans ?

No, they did not "fight back". They were 18-20 years old young women and the largest of which likely weighed in at about 110lbs soaking wet. How exactly would you have liked them to "fight back" against an armed robber?

They were sensible.
And that's relevant in what way ?
Are you suggesting that people from third world countries lack the courage of Americans ?
No, I'm suggesting that they were international students, newly in the United States, on student visas. They weren't eligible at the time to carry a gun legally in the US.

FWIW - both are now US Citizens and have concealed carry permits.
A mandatory 10-YEAR prison sentence if you get caught with a gun in Philly would be quite effective too.

A mandatory 30-YEAR prison term if you discharge a firearm in Philly should also be highly effective.. (y)
*You are

And if you're a law abiding person, you expect not to be a victim of an armed assailant or active shooter.

Why should people live under the shadow of guns ?

If you expect not to be a victim of a gun wielding criminal; then why the extreme personal heartburn you exhibit about legal gun owners?

Rich vs Rich
No, I'm suggesting that they were international students, newly in the United States, on student visas. They weren't eligible at the time to carry a gun legally in the US.

So you can only fight back if you have a gun ?

FWIW - both are now US Citizens and have concealed carry permits.

So if the same situation arises, we can confidently assume they'll fight back now ?
FWIW, you don't need to be a citizen to have a CCW.
A mandatory 10-YEAR prison sentence if you get caught with a gun in Philly would be quite effective too.

If we had a gun ban
Would such a deterrent, for being caught with an illegal gun, be effective on current gun owners (who saw their guns banned) ?

A mandatory 30-YEAR prison term if you discharge a firearm in Philly should also be highly effective.. (y)

Similarly for current gun owners (who saw their guns banned) ?
So you can only fight back if you have a gun ?

So if the same situation arises, we can confidently assume they'll fight back now ?
FWIW, you don't need to be a citizen to have a CCW.
Just have to be a complete hypocrite, in some cases.
*You are

And if you're a law abiding person, you expect not to be a victim of an armed assailant or active shooter.

Why should people live under the shadow of guns ?

But it still happens.
Not very often in the UK or Japan
I wonder why that is ?
Are the British and Japanese just better people than Americans ?

What states require CCW holders to be citizens ?
My roommates were here on STUDENT VISAS.

Student visa holders are not allowed to purchase a gun except for in very rare circumstances. If you can't own a gun, you can't have a concealed carry permit.
Are the British and Japanese just better people than Americans ?
YES! Especially the latter.

But I am apprehensive about Japan's future if it goes ahead with plans to eventually allow in 300,000 ladies & gentlemen from other countries.
My roommates were here on STUDENT VISAS.

Student visa holders are not allowed to purchase a gun except for in very rare circumstances. If you can't own a gun, you can't have a concealed carry permit.

Like I said
Do you think that someone can only fight back if they have a gun ?

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