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Feehery: Memo to R intelligentsia: Stop being stupid on Trump (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
Trump will be the nominee. He will run a tough campaign against Hillary Clinton — tougher than Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush. He will scramble the map in ways we don’t quite understand. He is plenty smart, and while he might not be qualified in the conventional sense, he is more qualified than some of the other folks that our so-called smart set thought could do a good job. Remember when Bill Kristol thought Sarah Palin would make a fine president?

So why has Trump, on a relatively small budget and with a tiny campaign staff, done so well, while his competitors have failed so miserably?

Well, first, because he is a real outsider who represents real change.

So many voters are so completely fed up with the political class (and the conservative intelligentsia that supports them) that they saw Trump as the only candidate who could blow up the status quo.

I know many of those who voted for Trump, and they are by no means stupid, irrational, racist or anti-democratic. They are frustrated with politics as usual and they are taking their constitutional rights seriously by voting for change.

Second, Trump says what many of us have come to believe is true: that the Iraq War was a tragic mistake that shouldn’t be replicated. He was the only candidate to be so explicit in his denunciation, and I think it helped him with a big chunk of voters.

Third, he has a clear message on the economy that resonates: The middle class is getting screwed because the political class is looking out for their interests rather than for the broader interests of the American people. From being open to increasing taxes on the very wealthy to expressing concerns about trade deals to promising to protect Social Security, Trump is stating clearly that he will change the direction of the American economy.

I am not of the opinion that a Trump candidacy will do long-lasting damage to the party or the country. I guess that’s why I am not part of the conservative intelligentsia.

Feehery: Memo to George Will, David Brooks and others: Stop being stupid on Trump | TheHill

Darn tootin.

At this point if these fools cant figure out what is going on in America then it is time to ignore them. There are a whole bunch of people at DP who fit the mold as well.

The adults in the room need to move on.

Catch up to us when you can.

If you can.
Feehery: Memo to George Will, David Brooks and others: Stop being stupid on Trump | TheHill

Darn tootin.

At this point if these fools cant figure out what is going on in America then it is time to ignore them. There are a whole bunch of people at DP who fit the mold as well.

The adults in the room need to move on.

Catch up to us when you can.

If you can.
I think a lot of the article is right.

But the GOP establishment have a larger fear: That of Trump disrupting the power structure.

I personally do not believe Trump is a Republican, nor do I believe he's a conservative. The GOP is merely his vehicle, and he will discard them when the party is no longer useful or worse yet - stands in his way. I suspect if I can figure this out, they obviously can too.
I do so love watching those that so willingly and often launch into attacks and barbs at "moderate republicans" who are able to "flip" blue states to red and get elected, suddenly start thumping Trump on the back for being able to potentially "flip the map" from blue to red.....by being a heavy regulation, big government, authoritarian, populism pushing statist.

Showing once again the truth of so many Trump supporters; they don't give a **** about principle, they don't give a **** about ideology, they don't give a **** about policy, all they actually care about is rhetoric and whether or not you yell enough or are politically incorrect enough. Doesn't matter what you stand for, as long as you say it in a brash and blunt fashion. Doesn't matter if you actually believe it, so long as it tosses out red blood to the foolish people who follow along with it.

So many of the same people supporting Trump, so many of the same people lauding his ability to flip the map, are the same ones who for a decade have attempted to "purge" the Republican Party of other similarly less conservative individuals who have managed to do the very thing they laud Trump for, with the only primary difference being that their TONE was more moderate to match their stances.

The adults in the room don't need to move on. They already did months ago, when they realized this election cycle was doomed due to the amount of people willfully drinking the Koolaid of Donald Jim Jones Trump.
I do so love watching those that so willingly and often launch into attacks and barbs at "moderate republicans" who are able to "flip" blue states to red and get elected, suddenly start thumping Trump on the back for being able to potentially "flip the map" from blue to red.....by being a heavy regulation, big government, authoritarian, populism pushing statist.

Showing once again the truth of so many Trump supporters; they don't give a **** about principle, they don't give a **** about ideology, they don't give a **** about policy, all they actually care about is rhetoric and whether or not you yell enough or are politically incorrect enough. Doesn't matter what you stand for, as long as you say it in a brash and blunt fashion. Doesn't matter if you actually believe it, so long as it tosses out red blood to the foolish people who follow along with it.

So many of the same people supporting Trump, so many of the same people lauding his ability to flip the map, are the same ones who for a decade have attempted to "purge" the Republican Party of other similarly less conservative individuals who have managed to do the very thing they laud Trump for, with the only primary difference being that their TONE was more moderate to match their stances.

The adults in the room don't need to move on. They already did months ago, when they realized this election cycle was doomed due to the amount of people willfully drinking the Koolaid of Donald Jim Jones Trump.

People get to choose their leaders by whatever criteria they wish. This quote sounds a lot like the whimpering Rubio did right about the time that he figured out that he was a loser because the American people like what Trump is selling better than we like what he was selling. Whether you like what Trump is selling is largely irrelevant, you are only one vote. It is now your responsibility to accept the result, whether you approve or not, whether you understand how it happened or not. Bashing the people who chose differently than you because you dont like the result is the definition of being a bad loser.
People get to choose their leaders by whatever criteria they wish.

No one said otherwise. And people are allowed to criticize those selected leaders by whatever criteria they wish as well. Bashing the people who choose differently than yourself is no different rather those people's choice won or if yours won. Winning an election doesn't make any side "right" in terms of whether someone will be a good president or should be president. If I was arguing that Trump couldn't win the nomination or couldn't win the general, then the result would matter. However, I've not been arguing those things. I've been arguing he'll be a ****ty president, and I've been arguing he embodies many of the same things that various people supporting him have condemned in the past; him being nominated, or elected, doesn't somehow prove those things to be bad.

If you ignorantly view criticism of Trump supporters as based on the "result", then that's your own foolish mistake and lack of understanding. My criticism of those who are supporting Trump in a hypocritical and ignorant fashion is not based on him winning; indeed, the result is completely irrelevant to the criticism. The criticism would remain, unchanged, whether Trump wins or loses, as it is completely separate form the result. Rather, the criticism is aimed at the support itself, not at the results that support is beinging about.
"I am not of the opinion that a Trump candidacy will do long-lasting damage to the party or the country."

Well, I am. "Voting for change" when "change" means giving power to a populist demagogue is idiotic - unless the voters actually believe that America needs a Peron or a Mussolini to lead it - to complete ruin, as it always happens with such leaders.
"I am not of the opinion that a Trump candidacy will do long-lasting damage to the party or the country."

Well, I am. "Voting for change" when "change" means giving power to a populist demagogue is idiotic - unless the voters actually believe that America needs a Peron or a Mussolini to lead it - to complete ruin, as it always happens with such leaders.

You can count on Hillary to make the argument. I dont know that you can count on the American people to buy it, I dont see where calling Trump a " populist demagogue " has been a deal breaker to this point. It looks to me that the elite are still flummoxed by what we care about.
You can count on Hillary to make the argument. I dont know that you can count on the American people to buy it, I dont see where calling Trump a " populist demagogue " has been a deal breaker to this point. It looks to me that the elite are still flummoxed by what we care about.

It's not the "elite" - whoever that is - it is the whole body of ideological conservatives that is "flummoxed" (to say nothing about libertarians). The GOP, with all its serious flaws, is supposed to represent a combination, an alliance of certain political philosophies, the resulting vector being opposite to that of the socialist/"progressive"/"liberal" left. After this hostile takeover, any such ideological vector disappears: The party (still a powerful entity) becomes a toy of an ignorant, irresponsible - and ideologically alien - person.

To quote from Yes, Donald Trump Would Be Worse Than Any Prior Republican Nominee | RedState

"We know, from his deeds, words, and even his pronouncements in this campaign, that Trump offers nothing to conservatives – worse than nothing, he would evict us from any position within our own party. He gets his foreign policy ideas from Michael Moore and Code Pink (or worse yet, from Vladimir Putin); his abortion views are grounded in his sympathy with Planned Parenthood; he supports socialized medicine in the form of single-payer healthcare, higher taxes, more government spending, and Herbert Hoover’s trade policy. He’s never met a bailout or a crony-capitalist deal he didn’t like, or a Democrat he wouldn’t donate to. He’s astonishingly ignorant, emotionally unstable, and wholly incapable of saying no to Democrats. Trump is a spoiled, entitled rich kid who shows not the slightest understanding of the American way of up-by-the booststraps striving to better yourself; in Trump’s world, the rich get richer by having the right friends, and everybody else is a serf who needs the government to protect them from foreign competition".
Basically we'll get a liberal president no matter who wins!
I think a lot of the article is right.

But the GOP establishment have a larger fear: That of Trump disrupting the power structure.

I personally do not believe Trump is a Republican, nor do I believe he's a conservative. The GOP is merely his vehicle, and he will discard them when the party is no longer useful or worse yet - stands in his way. I suspect if I can figure this out, they obviously can too.

The GOP power structure needs a good disrupting. A political enema so to speak.
The GOP power structure needs a good disrupting. A political enema so to speak.
And with Cruz suspending his campaign just moments ago, it would seem the disruption has indeed occurred! :thumbs:
And with Cruz suspending his campaign just moments ago, it would seem the disruption has indeed occurred! :thumbs:

OMG, Conservative Twitter is despondent....its moving to Canada time, take a look over at Slate.
People get to choose their leaders by whatever criteria they wish. This quote sounds a lot like the whimpering Rubio did right about the time that he figured out that he was a loser because the American people like what Trump is selling better than we like what he was selling. Whether you like what Trump is selling is largely irrelevant, you are only one vote. It is now your responsibility to accept the result, whether you approve or not, whether you understand how it happened or not. Bashing the people who chose differently than you because you dont like the result is the definition of being a bad loser.

You know, that is exactly what I have been telling the Obama haters. They lost. Get over it. It was now their responsibility to accept him as president.

I hope you have better luck than I did.
You know, that is exactly what I have been telling the Obama haters. They lost. Get over it. It was now their responsibility to accept him as president.

I hope you have better luck than I did.

Bad argument because Obama never understood that he is the President of all of the AMericans, not just the ones who agree with him.

Trump will do much better.

That's a promise.

And with Cruz suspending his campaign just moments ago, it would seem the disruption has indeed occurred! :thumbs:

It started when idiots Jeb and Lindsey called it quits.
It started when idiots Jeb and Lindsey called it quits.

Jen had zero, repeat, zero chance of ever getting the nomination

The American people were not ready for another Bush name to lead the ticket

And Lindsey?


The problem was, there was no real choice that appealed to the masses

People are/were fed up with the same old **** being spoon fed to them by the establishment

Trump is their response....I don't like it like many....but I understand it
Bad argument because Obama never understood that he is the President of all of the AMericans, not just the ones who agree with him.

Trump will do much better.

That's a promise.


Oh, the hypocrisy. LOL!
Feehery: Memo to George Will, David Brooks and others: Stop being stupid on Trump | TheHill

Darn tootin.

At this point if these fools cant figure out what is going on in America then it is time to ignore them. There are a whole bunch of people at DP who fit the mold as well.

The adults in the room need to move on.

Catch up to us when you can.

If you can.



Because if there is anyone who epitomizes "The Adult In The Room", it's not George Will, it's this guy:


And now we should put aside our actual values, our beliefs, and turn to back the guy who spent his entire time, along with his enablers, viciously attacking Conservatives and Conservatism, to support one liberal authoritarian from New York against the other liberal authoritarian from New York because the guy who ran on the implicit notion (though he won't do so) of tearing apart the party wants us to do it for the party?

Last edited:
"I am not of the opinion that a Trump candidacy will do long-lasting damage to the party or the country."

Well, I am. "Voting for change" when "change" means giving power to a populist demagogue is idiotic - unless the voters actually believe that America needs a Peron or a Mussolini to lead it - to complete ruin, as it always happens with such leaders.

Because the status quo is doing such a good job at it? Fact is, despite some of his more brash behavior, I do agree with him on many things that no one seems to be talking about (not that that is enough to get me to support him). For example, he's the only one talking about how much our trade deals are hurting our working/middle class. He's the only one pointing out how so many countries benefit from being able to rely on our military providing them with security not only for free but it stimulates their economies to our detriment.
It's not the "elite" - whoever that is - it is the whole body of ideological conservatives that is "flummoxed" (to say nothing about libertarians). The GOP, with all its serious flaws, is supposed to represent a combination, an alliance of certain political philosophies, the resulting vector being opposite to that of the socialist/"progressive"/"liberal" left. After this hostile takeover, any such ideological vector disappears: The party (still a powerful entity) becomes a toy of an ignorant, irresponsible - and ideologically alien - person.

They are supposed to represent a combination of various ideologies but the reality is they've been progressives of a different brand and not actually conservative at all.


Because if there is anyone who epitomizes "The Adult In The Room", it's not George Will, it's this guy:

View attachment 67200933

THat is when I knew TRump is going to the moon. I had predicted when I saw it that there was no way trump gets away with mocking a cripple, but he took no hit from that at all. Academics will I think spend years figuring out why.

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