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FCC Takes Closer Look at Violence on TV (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Yahoo News

WASHINGTON - Federal regulators on Wednesday began soliciting public comment on whether there is too much violence on television and whether the government should step in.

The Federal Communications Commission (news - web sites) wants to hear from parents, the television industry and others about the effectiveness of the V-chip and the television ratings system. The FCC (news - web sites) also sought public input on what kind of regulation, if any, might be needed.
The FCC will take public comment for two months and then report to Congress.

Awesome! Where do I sign?
I am all for the FCC looking into violence on TV and look forward to their report. If any agency has the ability to give us an unbiased opinion on the state of television, I would think it would be the FCC.

I do not agree with the FCC strictly dictating what should or should not be broadcast, however, I would be willing to abide by guidelines.
Considering the Vchip rating system is on a "volunteer" bases it is obviously not working.

There needs to be a panel of folks from all races and religeons for this panel. Then it would be more affective.
I am all for the FCC looking into violence on TV and look forward to their report. If any agency has the ability to give us an unbiased opinion on the state of television, I would think it would be the FCC.

I do not agree with the FCC strictly dictating what should or should not be broadcast, however, I would be willing to abide by guidelines.

Make up your mind, are you for or against?
Let me make it more clear.

There is a difference between mandates and guidelines, rules and suggestions, edicts and opinions.

I support hearing the FCC's opinion and willing to see what they come up with as far as guidelines. I would not be satisfied if they mandated what can or cannot be transmitted over the air waves.
Here we go with more government regulation. The founding fathers created a system and a government were the government is limited in its ability to infringe on citizens rights. They are surely rolling over in there graves when they see what has happened with their experiment. The government has become a huge orginazation that continually oversteps its boundry set forth in the constitution. Granted you have the right to want more government intervention however all I see is the constitution being torn apart.
You know I don't want someone telling me what is and isn't a certain rating. Personally I think they should rate Infomercials with a -IQ rating as they try to brainwash people into buying their products.

Half the stuff I've seen that is rated R is so tame as compared to what I see on the news. I see more violence in the news than on a normal R rated movie.

NC-17 what kinda rating is this? Most teens by the age of 17 are drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and having sex. Are you really thinking that by not letting them watch shows that have violence, drinking, drugs, and sex in them is going to stop them from doing it? NO, because teens will be teens and they will always rebel in some form or fashion. I did it, you did it. It's peer pressure. Teach your children between right and wrong, and then see how they turn out.

So you're going to have a group of people telling me what's what? It's bad enough that I have to watch Smokey and the Bandit that's been edited for Television. "You Gosh Darn Scum Bum"

Parents need to be parents, and not let some government parent their children. Parents need to take responsibility for raising their children. Otherwise if you let the government raise them, then you have no one else to blame when your children group up to be mindless, non self thinking, government aide seeking, Jerry Springerites.

Parents need to interact with their children rather than set locks and limits on the tv and let the tv mind the baby. What ever happened to family tv night? When I was growing up, we could only watch TV as a family together. The rest of the time our parents made us play outside, which btw kept us from getting obese.

Everyone expects everyone else to raise their kids, no one takes responsibility for anything anymore. The V chip is only going to make it worse. Now people can blame the FCC for whatever violence their children watch. So that will be one more thing that parents won't take responsibility for. One more thing for parents to sue about.

Down with the V Chip. Down with Government intruding in my home.
Parents need to be parents, and not let some government parent their children.
Parents need to interact with their children rather than set locks and limits on the tv and let the tv mind the baby.

A TV rating system is meaningless. We had some nephews and nieces over. We set locks on our satellite system, and heard complaints from our oldest nephew, who is now officially a teenager. I might add that the TV was used as his babysitter from an early age. He is medicated for ADDHD, by the way. I wonder how much of ADD can be attributed to being overexposed to television at a formative age, but I am starting to drift off topic.

This is another vehicle for responsibility to be hijacked from the parents. And I'm sure many well-meaning parents would fall into lockstep right behind it. The public school system should be a good example of how the system is screwing up our kids because more parents aren't actively involved in their kids' lives. Add a TV for a babysitter and you are just asking for it.

Besides, it would then become a short hop from blocking violence/sex on TV for the sake of our children, to certain news/commentary being then deemed inappropriate inappropriate and thus blocked. It's already difficult enough to get all the information with just the liberal media self-censoring their content. Big Brother is on the way. :thinking
The government is completely inadequate when it comes to choosing what I consider to be wholesome and good for my child.

Some R movies would be outstanding for my child to watch and learn from while some G movies would fly right in the face of everything I am trying to teach him.

The MPAA ratings give a heads-up of what I might find while viewing the movie.
The MPAA ratings give a heads-up of what I might find while viewing the movie.

Exactly. Unfortunatly, the MPAA is becoming discredited.

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