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Fake News (1 Viewer)


Biden was fighting false info while trump/Puti fight info that harms them i.e. truth
Biden is fighting info that harms him. i.e. truth.
Putin himself is a criminal and has dreamed up fantastical rationalizations for simply wanting something that is not his....in the style of aggressors from the beginning of time. Putin is a FAKE NEWS machine.

I have spent a fair amount of time pulling apart his ridiculous rationalizations and his criminal behavior lately. Here is one I have not spent much time with:
He claims alternately that were it not for two mistakes made by the "Communists" who he worked for as a KGB officer, Ukraine would not be a sovereign state. Putin alternately claims that the Communists should not have created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the first place and then claims that they should not have later collapsed.

That is all BLATHER. Whether Putin does not think the Soviet Union should not have existed in the first place IT DID in fact exist. He worked for it in one of the most committed to mother and country jobs one can imagine, a KGB Officer. Whether it should have collapsed is not a valid argument of any sort. Does he think the Soviet leaders wanted to collapse? Nobody wants to collapse. Nobody wakes up in the morning saying "gee wouldn't it be nice to collapse today".

The fate Putin has doomed Russia to is to never be allowed back into the family of nations. He has turned Russia into a pariah state and that is where they will remain at least as long as Putin remains in power. While Monster Putin stays in power, Russia will never be let up off the canvas. The family of nations will shun Putin's Russia, its products and its ideas and its initiatives. The family of nations will work harder than ever to reduce their dependence on Russia's gas and oil which is literally all Russia has to sell and support its economy.

They will do to Russia as a country what Russia has done to its people and any people that falls under its boot. They will leave Russia with just enough income to survive but not to thrive at all. They will bump along as a 2nd world country barely able to maintain even that status. Even Xi will only tolerate so much of Putin's BULLSHIT as Xi does not need Putin.
Putin criminalized fake news!

Wouldn't Trump have loved to do that.

I don't know. He never did it, so, there's that.

Biden was fighting false info while trump/Puti fight info that harms them i.e. truth
No, Biden is fighting the truth when it hurts him too!
Putin criminalized fake news!

Wouldn't Trump have loved to do that.
Trump wanted Americans stripped of their citizenship and/or imprisoned for flag burning.

“Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Trump wrote in a post to his social media account.

A “fake news” conviction might’ve resulted in public execution if Loser #45 had his way.

Biden was fighting false info while trump/Puti fight info that harms them i.e. truth
Brandon didn't fight anything. He hid in his basement while the MSM and social media circled the wagons to protect him. He literally got a free pass while they attacked his opponents for him.

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