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FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism -- The Honest and True Organization Against Racism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2011
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Political Leaning
I just discovered a new organization that is honest and true in its fight against racism: FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism .

The highlights:

1. It's honest and true in its fight against racism -- they oppose racism of all kinds, neo-racism, reverse-racism, you name it.

2. It's non-partisan -- there's no left or right political undertones to their message, and thus all who are truly passionate against racism can get behind this approach without having to defend their political perspective.

3. It's a true rainbow coalition -- just watch their quick homepage video.

4. It's non-violent -- it draws on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy of non-violence, compassion, and embracing of our shared common humanity.

5. It's intelligent -- you can tell by their videos and written assertions that it's pretty high IQ, both mentally and emotionally.

6. It contains no additional "anti-" philosophy -- their focus is purely on addressing ending racism, all racism, without muddying down their efforts with hidden ideological/political agendas.

7. They actually reach out and support people -- if you've been the victim of any kind of racism you can contact them for support.

8. They address racism where it harms the most -- at work, at colleges and universities, and at your kid's school.

9. They provide references to legal assistance -- if you've been harmed by racism, been expelled from school/college, lost your job, your career, or your community standing, etc., whatever the harm, you can get legal help to fight back.

10. You can volunteer with them -- they're open to those who wish to start a FAIR chapter in their own neighborhood.

Yes, finally an organization that not only understands what racism truly is, they are compassionate in their approach to accurately identifying racism and providing support for bringing it to an end, without any hidden agendas.

FAIR is truly a great organization, in my opinion.
Federation for American Immigration Reform
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For the similarly named pro-immigration project, see Fair Immigration Reform Movement. For the similarly named non-profit media advocacy group, see Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Federation for American Immigration Reform.png
Formation1979; 42 years ago[1]
FounderJohn Tanton
Otis L. Graham Jr.
Sidney Swensrud
Founded atWashington, DC
Legal statusNon-profit tax exempt
HeadquartersWashington, D.C.
RegionUnited States
Key peopleDaniel A. Stein, President (198:cool:
AffiliationsImmigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) (est. 1987)[2] FAIR Congressional Task Force (FCTF) (est. 2004)[3]
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) (est. 1985)[4]
BudgetRevenue: $11,157,713
Expenses: $11,246,727
(FYE December 2016)[1]

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a non profit, anti-immigration organization in the United States.[6] The group publishes position papers, organizes events, and runs campaigns in order to advocate for changes in U.S. immigration policy. The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies FAIR as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups.[7]
SPLC hates them, so you know they are a good pro America group.
The FAIR discussed in the OP is a right-wing astroturf organization, and the other FAIR (the immigration one) is a white supremacist organization.

What a thread this turned out to be.
The FAIR discussed in the OP is a right-wing astroturf organization, and the other FAIR (the immigration one) is a white supremacist organization.

What a thread this turned out to be.
Wow -- the OP FAIR is a "right-wing astroturf organization"???

That's just utterly ridiculous!

I think what you're actually seeing that bothers your leftist thinking is an honest presentation by FAIR of all the manifestations of racism, including so-called "reverse-racism" that's so in vogue these days by Marxist communist BLM's dumb bunny "cancel culture" mob.

This organization opposes all racism, neo-racism, reverse-racism, whatever -- you name it, if it's racism in any form, this organization opposes it, which they've made crystal clear, making this organization the only one we all can truly trust to address racism.

That's very refreshing.

As they accurately state, they're non-partisan, which means they don't turn a blind eye to a form of racism merely because that form of racism is in vogue left or right with those who might be funders of an organization.

No, it's your leftist political ideology that causes you to erroneously project a filter onto FAIR, that merely ends up revealing that you support so-called reverse-racism! :eek:
The FAIR discussed in the OP is a right-wing astroturf organization, and the other FAIR (the immigration one) is a white supremacist organization.

What a thread this turned out to be.
The immigration FAIR has been around a long time. The racism FAIR has gotten really stylish lately. Childrens books are noe fair game for racism.
Wow -- the OP FAIR is a "right-wing astroturf organization"???

That's just utterly ridiculous!

I think what you're actually seeing that bothers your leftist thinking is an honest presentation by FAIR of all the manifestations of racism, including so-called "reverse-racism" that's so in vogue these days by Marxist communist BLM's dumb bunny "cancel culture" mob.

This organization opposes all racism, neo-racism, reverse-racism, whatever -- you name it, if it's racism in any form, this organization opposes it, which they've made crystal clear, making this organization the only one we all can truly trust to address racism.

That's very refreshing.

As they accurately state, they're non-partisan, which means they don't turn a blind eye to a form of racism merely because that form of racism is in vogue left or right with those who might be funders of an organization.

No, it's your leftist political ideology that causes you to erroneously project a filter onto FAIR, that merely ends up revealing that you support so-called reverse-racism! :eek:

It's not a coincidence that pretty much everyone on their advisory board is someone who makes a career from whining about "cancel culture".
Wow -- the OP FAIR is a "right-wing astroturf organization"???

That's just utterly ridiculous!

I think what you're actually seeing that bothers your leftist thinking is an honest presentation by FAIR of all the manifestations of racism, including so-called "reverse-racism" that's so in vogue these days by Marxist communist BLM's dumb bunny "cancel culture" mob.

This organization opposes all racism, neo-racism, reverse-racism, whatever -- you name it, if it's racism in any form, this organization opposes it, which they've made crystal clear, making this organization the only one we all can truly trust to address racism.

That's very refreshing.

As they accurately state, they're non-partisan, which means they don't turn a blind eye to a form of racism merely because that form of racism is in vogue left or right with those who might be funders of an organization.

No, it's your leftist political ideology that causes you to erroneously project a filter onto FAIR, that merely ends up revealing that you support so-called reverse-racism! :eek:

Actually, it is indeed a right wing AstroTurf organization. I reviewed a few of th black members of the Board, and they are all “conservatives”. I also quickly noticed a couple of well known white conservatives. Clearly has an agenda that the are not telling us about.
And what is neo-racism? How do they define it?
SPLC hates them, so you know they are a good pro America group.
There is a reason why they do.

The bottom line is, FAIR doesn’t peddle facts; it peddles hate. Its lobbying and legal efforts – such as the campaign that led to Arizona’s SB 1070 and Alabama’s HB 56 – are based on fomenting fear, on exploiting racial tensions and economic anxieties to convince people that they had better not let any more “aliens” into their country.

FAIR founder John Tanton, a man with a lengthy record of friendly correspondence with Holocaust deniers, a former Klan lawyer and leading white nationalist thinkers, has repeatedly suggested that racial conflict will be the outcome of immigration. In 1998, he told a reporter that whites would inevitably develop a racial consciousness because “most people don't want to disappear into the dustbin of history,” and added that once whites did become racially conscious, the result would be “the war of each against all.”

Dan Stein, FAIR’s president, is no better. “Immigrants don't come all church-loving, freedom-loving, God-fearing,” he said in 1997. “Many of them hate America, hate everything that the United States stands for. Talk to some of these Central Americans.”
Illegal immigration is a crime. Title 8 USC is federal law. Your people ignore it.
Then help them become citizens, or are Americans only supposed to be white people?
I just discovered a new organization that is honest and true in its fight against racism: FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism .

The highlights:

1. It's honest and true in its fight against racism -- they oppose racism of all kinds, neo-racism, reverse-racism, you name it.

2. It's non-partisan -- there's no left or right political undertones to their message, and thus all who are truly passionate against racism can get behind this approach without having to defend their political perspective.

3. It's a true rainbow coalition -- just watch their quick homepage video.

4. It's non-violent -- it draws on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy of non-violence, compassion, and embracing of our shared common humanity.

5. It's intelligent -- you can tell by their videos and written assertions that it's pretty high IQ, both mentally and emotionally.

6. It contains no additional "anti-" philosophy -- their focus is purely on addressing ending racism, all racism, without muddying down their efforts with hidden ideological/political agendas.

7. They actually reach out and support people -- if you've been the victim of any kind of racism you can contact them for support.

8. They address racism where it harms the most -- at work, at colleges and universities, and at your kid's school.

9. They provide references to legal assistance -- if you've been harmed by racism, been expelled from school/college, lost your job, your career, or your community standing, etc., whatever the harm, you can get legal help to fight back.

10. You can volunteer with them -- they're open to those who wish to start a FAIR chapter in their own neighborhood.

Yes, finally an organization that not only understands what racism truly is, they are compassionate in their approach to accurately identifying racism and providing support for bringing it to an end, without any hidden agendas.

FAIR is truly a great organization, in my opinion.
Agree, content of character not color of skin. Biden made it a campaign promise to base on skin color & identity. Affirmative Action, preferential hiring, recruitment and diversity should be eliminated.

Never going to happen. Skin color is EVERYTHING. Civil rights division of the justice dept should end.
Then help them become citizens, or are Americans only supposed to be white people?
Negative. No need, we have our own poverty , unemployed and uneducated. If you think bringing in another 25 million of the worlds desperate is going to put a dent in world poverty, you are beyond hope.
Better yet , you and your like minded should send your money to them in charity. As for whites, they will be the minority at your great pleasure & satisfaction. Only the white nations are mandated to open their doors. Other nations are quite fine with doing what is in their best interests. Like Mexico's immigration law states.
Agree, content of character not color of skin. Biden made it a campaign promise to base on skin color & identity. Affirmative Action, preferential hiring, recruitment and diversity should be eliminated.

Never going to happen. Skin color is EVERYTHING. Civil rights division of the justice dept should end.

Why are you against civil rights?
I just discovered a new organization that is honest and true in its fight against racism: FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism .

The highlights:

1. It's honest and true in its fight against racism -- they oppose racism of all kinds, neo-racism, reverse-racism, you name it.

2. It's non-partisan -- there's no left or right political undertones to their message, and thus all who are truly passionate against racism can get behind this approach without having to defend their political perspective.

3. It's a true rainbow coalition -- just watch their quick homepage video.

4. It's non-violent -- it draws on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy of non-violence, compassion, and embracing of our shared common humanity.

5. It's intelligent -- you can tell by their videos and written assertions that it's pretty high IQ, both mentally and emotionally.

6. It contains no additional "anti-" philosophy -- their focus is purely on addressing ending racism, all racism, without muddying down their efforts with hidden ideological/political agendas.

7. They actually reach out and support people -- if you've been the victim of any kind of racism you can contact them for support.

8. They address racism where it harms the most -- at work, at colleges and universities, and at your kid's school.

9. They provide references to legal assistance -- if you've been harmed by racism, been expelled from school/college, lost your job, your career, or your community standing, etc., whatever the harm, you can get legal help to fight back.

10. You can volunteer with them -- they're open to those who wish to start a FAIR chapter in their own neighborhood.

Yes, finally an organization that not only understands what racism truly is, they are compassionate in their approach to accurately identifying racism and providing support for bringing it to an end, without any hidden agendas.

FAIR is truly a great organization, in my opinion.
The fact that they claim to be an organization fighting true racism them makes them sound utterly ridiculous. It implies that there’s fake racism in society, and they’re therefore trying to control the definition of racism. It sounds elitist and ridiculous.
Wow -- the OP FAIR is a "right-wing astroturf organization"???

That's just utterly ridiculous!

I think what you're actually seeing that bothers your leftist thinking is an honest presentation by FAIR of all the manifestations of racism, including so-called "reverse-racism" that's so in vogue these days by Marxist communist BLM's dumb bunny "cancel culture" mob.

This organization opposes all racism, neo-racism, reverse-racism, whatever -- you name it, if it's racism in any form, this organization opposes it, which they've made crystal clear, making this organization the only one we all can truly trust to address racism.

That's very refreshing.

As they accurately state, they're non-partisan, which means they don't turn a blind eye to a form of racism merely because that form of racism is in vogue left or right with those who might be funders of an organization.

No, it's your leftist political ideology that causes you to erroneously project a filter onto FAIR, that merely ends up revealing that you support so-called reverse-racism! :eek:
Doesn’t reverse racism just boil down to affirmative action?
Why are you against civil rights?
Everyone deserves civil rights. Race seems to dominate everything.

Color blind would be great. Skin color is an industry, it's political, it's a wedge and a weapon. Look at Joe Biden and his picks. It's all about skin.
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Actually, it is indeed a right wing AstroTurf organization. I reviewed a few of th black members of the Board, and they are all “conservatives”. I also quickly noticed a couple of well known white conservatives. Clearly has an agenda that the are not telling us about.
And what is neo-racism? How do they define it?
This group seems to be all about semantics and controlling the definitions of racism, fake racism, and true racism. I also wonder what neo racism is.
Everyone deserves civil rights. Race seems to dominate everything.

Color blind would be great. Skin color is an industry, it's political, it's a wedge and a weapon. Look at Joe Biden and his picks. It's all about skin.
This group seems to be all about semantics and controlling the definitions of racism, fake racism, and true racism. I also wonder what neo racism is.

They really don't provide much information on their website or anywhere else. A paragraph or two of pretty words and that's about it. What are they hiding?

What do you have against a multi-ethnic Cabinet? I suppose you preferred the almost all white man Cabinet of Trump, eh?
What if it is a particular race that receives most civil rights violations?
Should a white guy be deprived because a race quota has to be met? Let all compete on merit.

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