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Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
Political Leaning
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? | US news | The Guardian
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office?

…. Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? …

Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, has claimed that shortly after becoming president, Barack Obama removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.
Writing on Friday for the Sun, a right-leaning British tabloid, Johnson attacked “the Part-Kenyan president’s ancestral dislike of the British empire” in an article urging Britons to leave the European Union when given the choice in a referendum to be held in June.

The claim that Obama discarded a Churchill bust is not new. In 2012, rumors circulated of an undiplomatic redecorating, prompting the White House to publish a blogpost titled Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill, which claimed: “This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.”

So, has Boris Johnson got his facts wrong? The answer is a little more complicated.

The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government in 2001 and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

I seem to recall it caper was the work of Clinton……….Or was it Clinton who gave the idea to Obama............... We all know either one or both will be blamed for it........even if the charge is not true
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? | US news | The Guardian
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office?

…. Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? …

Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, has claimed that shortly after becoming president, Barack Obama removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.
Writing on Friday for the Sun, a right-leaning British tabloid, Johnson attacked “the Part-Kenyan president’s ancestral dislike of the British empire” in an article urging Britons to leave the European Union when given the choice in a referendum to be held in June.

The claim that Obama discarded a Churchill bust is not new. In 2012, rumors circulated of an undiplomatic redecorating, prompting the White House to publish a blogpost titled Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill, which claimed: “This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.”

So, has Boris Johnson got his facts wrong? The answer is a little more complicated.

The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government in 2001 and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

I seem to recall it caper was the work of Clinton……….Or was it Clinton who gave the idea to Obama............... We all know either one or both will be blamed for it........even if the charge is not true

Interesting. Your thread stopping where it did.

Im begining to think your'e not interested in the truth at all. Just spreading easily debunked partisan hackery.

Barack Obama sends bust of Winston Churchill on its way back to Britain - Telegraph

Britian extended the " loan " to the Obama adminstration, the Obama adminstration said " No Thanks ".
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? | US news | The Guardian
Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office?

…. Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office? …

Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, has claimed that shortly after becoming president, Barack Obama removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.
Writing on Friday for the Sun, a right-leaning British tabloid, Johnson attacked “the Part-Kenyan president’s ancestral dislike of the British empire” in an article urging Britons to leave the European Union when given the choice in a referendum to be held in June.

The claim that Obama discarded a Churchill bust is not new. In 2012, rumors circulated of an undiplomatic redecorating, prompting the White House to publish a blogpost titled Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill, which claimed: “This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.”

So, has Boris Johnson got his facts wrong? The answer is a little more complicated.

The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government in 2001 and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

I seem to recall it caper was the work of Clinton……….Or was it Clinton who gave the idea to Obama............... We all know either one or both will be blamed for it........even if the charge is not true

So, according to the Guardian, there were actually 2 busts of Churchill. One that went back to the UK, because it was on loan and because Obama wanted to replace it with a bust of MLK, and one that is still in the White House.
Interesting. Your thread stopping where it did.

Im begining to think your'e not interested in the truth at all. Just spreading easily debunked partisan hackery.

Barack Obama sends bust of Winston Churchill on its way back to Britain - Telegraph

Britian extended the " loan " to the Obama adminstration, the Obama adminstration said " No Thanks ".

I post what I believe others will find interesting and informative. As to the charge what I posted was an untruth I must disagree……. as explained in FactCheck the charge is not a new one but a rehash of other bogus reports…………This is reporting a rebirth……so to speak……. of a tired old untrue rumor…….
And if you were to look at the citation you presented……. was dated 2009……. about the time the George Bush Stolen Bust………. Became the dirty work of the work of that African…………. Obama……….

And in this case the report was posted as a matter of comical interest………..
You just did not see the humor………..
So, according to the Guardian, there were actually 2 busts of Churchill. One that went back to the UK, because it was on loan and because Obama wanted to replace it with a bust of MLK, and one that is still in the White House.

There is a long history of this silly and without merit charge.........If my memory serves me............ Going back to the Clinton Administration.........then inherited by GWB and then bestowed upon our current President............ and like the flu infect the next President.......

One wonders if this the skullduggery of someone working at The Onion ............
I'm stunned that the President dignified Johnson's cowardly rudeness with a response.
At least this one is more intermittent. I get the "OBAMA BANS WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS TREE" one every single year.
I post what I believe others will find interesting and informative. As to the charge what I posted was an untruth I must disagree……. as explained in FactCheck the charge is not a new one but a rehash of other bogus reports…………This is reporting a rebirth……so to speak……. of a tired old untrue rumor…….
And if you were to look at the citation you presented……. was dated 2009……. about the time the George Bush Stolen Bust………. Became the dirty work of the work of that African…………. Obama……….

And in this case the report was posted as a matter of comical interest………..
You just did not see the humor………..

Informative ??? Lol !

You went out of your way NOT to be informative. To misinform ( FYI its not the same thing ) by leaving out a small but relevent detail that ANSWERS THE QUESTION POSED IN THE THREADS TITLE

Yes, the bust was loaned to Bush, yes Britain offered to extend the loan to Obama and yes, Obama sent it back anyway.

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