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Explosions in London (1 Viewer)

Al quaeda's claimed responsibility. The big question now is... when the dust settles, will England react like a beehive, or a beaten dog?

My response, their public will probably end up sounding like "See what America did to us? Because of our involvement in Iraq under false-pretenses we've brought them to our soil, thanks GW!" . Where's Churchill when you need him?
Al-Quida have not claimed responsibility. The media say that an Islamic website has claimed responsiblity.
slim said:
Though, you are right about the misplaced hatred of America.

The US has not commited any acts of aggression on England.
not acts of aggresion but the British people are weary of their power and many believe that we were forced into a war.
maybe a couple more people will wake up and realize the war on terror is real. hopefully everyone else is ok over there.
Multiple choice? The Irish Republican Army? Althoug the IRA usually gives advanced warnings of their attacks. There were also statements from terrorist experts saying that this has all the earmarks of an Al Qaeda operation. Also, these explosions could be connected to the G8 summit currently underway to the North in Scotland. :(
slim said:
not acts of aggresion but the British people are weary of their power and many believe that we were forced into a war.

Well I think Phoney Blair took us into that war of his own free will - although I will never understand why!

Already we are hearing stuff along the lines of "We will defeat terrorism....." etc etc.

How the hell can you defeat something that is not dependant on naional or geographical boundaries? It's just a vicious circle!
"A group calling itself the "Secret Organization group of al-Qaeda Organization in Europe" claimed responsibility in a Web site posting."

Stherngntlmn said:
My response, their public will probably end up sounding like "See what America did to us? Because of our involvement in Iraq under false-pretenses we've brought them to our soil, thanks GW!" . Where's Churchill when you need him?
of course thats what we'll say....I suppose youre probably not from the UK, most likely the US, because that isnt the reaction of the british people.
janice said:
Also, these explosions could be connected to the G8 summit currently underway to the North in Scotland. :(

^ could be? oh I'd be willing to bet it is, this summit was politically a hugely important time for blair, and terriost attacks happen on the first day of it, nah, its connected to G8. obvious.
It is a war of "the civilised world" standing for "freedoms", against the "bararianism" and "terror" of those who wish to remain free from imperialism.
Another bombing of another country's railroad infrastructure. Vulnerability at it's best, especially the subway systems. As good as these railway's are, what can be done to protect them? A question that begs answering, don't ya think?
Bombs today in London !
Thanks to Mr Blair sucking up to Bush, we are the number one target after the USA.
The war in Iraq as a way to defeat terror is like trying to destroy the entire world population of flies by standing in one country & swatting them.
The angry flies have come here now. Shows how utterly absurd it is to think the fly swatting Iraq war on less than 1% of the world's land mass is a war on terror. It's just served as a recruitment campaign for mad terrorists. Thanks Rumsfeld & the fundies. I think Abu Ghraib & GITMO is a little more than an embarrassment to you. It's costing lives in the hate it seems to generate.
maybe a couple more people will wake up and realize the war on terror is real. hopefully everyone else is ok over there
We know its real, the problem gets excacerbated when US and British governments start acting like this is more of an opportunity than a tradgedy!
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From 9/11 to Madrid, to Russia, and now to London, how much more will it take to see that we can not keep fighting this hatred with war?
Billo_Really said:
We know its real, the problem gets excacerbated when US and British governments start acting like this is more of an opportunity than a tradgedy!

Oh, but such an opportunity for passionate speeches, for encouraging blind patriotism, for further eroding the civil liberties of you voters!
Oh, but such an opportunity for passionate speeches, for encouraging blind patriotism, for further eroding the civil liberties of you voters!
Spoken like a true Sage.
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I hope that we don't see a repeat in England like we did in Spain. Where the people of Spain blamed Spain's involvement with the US for the train attack. England can stand strong and say that they won't yield to these attacks, and to take the fight to the terrorists!

From 9/11 to Madrid, to Russia, and now to London, how much more will it take to see that we can not keep fighting this hatred with war?

Every country has to fight terrorism. You can't reason with terrorists who hate you so much that he would kill himself to try to hurt you. The coalition must continue and intensify the war on terror so that we can stop the terrorists before they strike in your town. This is war and there is no other possible way to combat this.
Messerschmitt said:
I hope that we don't see a repeat in England like we did in Spain. Where the people of Spain blamed Spain's involvement with the US for the train attack. England can stand strong and say that they won't yield to these attacks, and to take the fight to the terrorists!
The UK had already announced plans for a major draw down of their troop levels in Iraq. So, no repeat there.

Messerschmitt said:
Every country has to fight terrorism. You can't reason with terrorists who hate you so much that he would kill himself to try to hurt you.
True dat.

Messerschmitt said:
The coalition must continue and intensify the war on terror so that we can stop the terrorists before they strike in your town. This is war and there is no other possible way to combat this.
Part of that intensification must include reasoning with those who are not yet violent extremists. The struggle for hearts and minds is central to the GWoT.

Here's a translation of the statement of the group claiming responsibility:
(excerpts below)
Nation of Islam and Arab nation: ... revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people.
We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
An interesting take on the turn of events:

(excerpts below)
Over the last six months ... radical jihadists have seemed to be on the political and intellectual defensive... ...horrifying bloodshed in Iraq was producing growing disenchantment - see al-Maqdassi's comments over the last few days, or statements by Qaradawi and Huwaydi, or hundreds of commentaries in the Arab press. <snip> Ayman al-Zawahiri's tape broadcast on al-Jazeera is a good example here: he talked about reform, in an entirely defensive and reactive way, and the tape largely disappeared without a trace.

The London attack can be seen as an attempt by al-Qaeda to impose itself on this internal argument among Islamists and Muslims in the way it knows best... ...an attempt to turn the debate back to clashes of civilizations, of an inevitable conflict between the West and Islam... To shut down any rapprochement between the West and moderate Islamism - the kind of rapprochement which threatens al-Qaeda and the radicals where it counts, among the Muslim umma. ...at least part of July 7 is about asserting the radical "argument" ... to win adherents and admirers in the wider Muslim world.

I suspect ... al-Qaeda has miscalculated... ...widespread denunciations from across the Islamist spectrum ... have already begun to pour in.
What does that have to do with the topic of Explosions in London.

Part of that intensification must include reasoning with those who are not yet violent extremists.

If you can talk with them then thats good, but if they are already at the point where they are violent extremists then they will do anything to hurt people.
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