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Evidence Against ET Visitation. (1 Viewer)

Bacteria? Is that the rear entrance to a cafeteria?

Dude, the idea that someone is going to send their people all the way across the galaxy without any bacteria, is ludicrous.
The UFOs are staying out of the way now that there are so many cameras, whereas previously they made special appearances.

The alien's technology may have advanced and they can stop from appearing.

And 30 years ago they could travel faster than light but couldn't evade detection? Yeah sure :lamo

How are they "staying out of the way?" There's no part of this planet inhabited by people and not covered in video cameras.
And 30 years ago they could travel faster than light but couldn't evade detection? Yeah sure :lamo

How are they "staying out of the way?" There's no part of this planet inhabited by people and not covered in video cameras.

The Aliens back away as our civilization advances until first contact.
First contact happened many thousands of years ago.
Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

Your logic is flawed.

First, your government does have evidence, but no evidence that extra-terrestrials have had contact with humans, so DNA evidence would exist.

Second, you have a massive scientific failure. New bacteria are discovered. There are an estimated 1+ Million species of bacteria, but only ~30,000 species have been formally identified and named.

Of the 30,000 formally named species, only a few dozen have been gene-sequenced.

Thus your claim that extra-terrestrial bacteria would be known by their DNA is a total massive failure.

Your scientific failure doesn't end there.

Had you read the papers of the two Nobel Prize-winning scientists who discovered DNA, Crick and Watson, you'd know that neither man believed life originated on Earth. Both men came to the conclusion that life originated elsewhere for different reasons and came to Earth.

We are now more than well-aware of the role of the photo-electric effect on life on Earth. The photo-electric effect is the impact of photons, namely hard and soft gamma rays, hard and soft x-rays and Ultra-Violet radiation, on chemical compounds, either creating chemical compounds or breaking down chemical compounds.

Life in the Universe is Carbon-based and consists of the same four proteins. Those proteins may be synthesized in Space through the photo-electric effect -- the radiation produced by stars -- on comets and asteroids that contain Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen with or without the presences of Phosphorus.

The photo-electric effect is why you exist. For the first 2.5 Billion years of Earth's existence, the atmosphere was Nitrogen and CO2 only (and you still had two major glaciations). As plankton-like organisms in the ocean engaged in photosynthesis, they produced Oxygen as a by-product. The Oxygen saturated the ocean bonding with reactive metals like Iron, creating Iron Oxide which precipitated out of the ocean and settled in bands on the ocean floor which are now visible in places like Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Canada, South Africa and Australia.

Once the reactive metals bonded with Oxygen and precipitated out, the ocean became over-saturated with Oxygen which then leached into the atmosphere. Oxygen is poisonous to anaerobic bacteria living on the Earth's only land mass.

That's where the photo-electric effect comes in. It caused a mutation in one of the anaerobic bacteria so that its off-spring could tolerate Oxygen instead of being killed by Oxygen.

Much, much later, the off-spring of that bacteria mutated to be able to incorporate Oxygen in its metabolism, and that's one reason why we're all here.

Note that on Earth, decaying radioactive isotopes produce the photo-electric effect, too.

Other terrestrial planets in the Universe are roughly similar to Earth in composition. The only real difference is the exact type of star, the composition of the atmosphere, and the mass of the planet, so those things will impact the development of life.

The point is, even if you found extra-terrestrial DNA, you'd never know it was extra-terrestrial.
Maybe I should start buying stock of Reeses Pieces.
Your logic is flawed.

First, your government does have evidence, but no evidence that extra-terrestrials have had contact with humans, so DNA evidence would exist.

Second, you have a massive scientific failure. New bacteria are discovered. There are an estimated 1+ Million species of bacteria, but only ~30,000 species have been formally identified and named.

Of the 30,000 formally named species, only a few dozen have been gene-sequenced.

Thus your claim that extra-terrestrial bacteria would be known by their DNA is a total massive failure.

Your scientific failure doesn't end there.

Had you read the papers of the two Nobel Prize-winning scientists who discovered DNA, Crick and Watson, you'd know that neither man believed life originated on Earth. Both men came to the conclusion that life originated elsewhere for different reasons and came to Earth.

We are now more than well-aware of the role of the photo-electric effect on life on Earth. The photo-electric effect is the impact of photons, namely hard and soft gamma rays, hard and soft x-rays and Ultra-Violet radiation, on chemical compounds, either creating chemical compounds or breaking down chemical compounds.

Life in the Universe is Carbon-based and consists of the same four proteins. Those proteins may be synthesized in Space through the photo-electric effect -- the radiation produced by stars -- on comets and asteroids that contain Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen with or without the presences of Phosphorus.

The photo-electric effect is why you exist. For the first 2.5 Billion years of Earth's existence, the atmosphere was Nitrogen and CO2 only (and you still had two major glaciations). As plankton-like organisms in the ocean engaged in photosynthesis, they produced Oxygen as a by-product. The Oxygen saturated the ocean bonding with reactive metals like Iron, creating Iron Oxide which precipitated out of the ocean and settled in bands on the ocean floor which are now visible in places like Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Canada, South Africa and Australia.

Once the reactive metals bonded with Oxygen and precipitated out, the ocean became over-saturated with Oxygen which then leached into the atmosphere. Oxygen is poisonous to anaerobic bacteria living on the Earth's only land mass.

That's where the photo-electric effect comes in. It caused a mutation in one of the anaerobic bacteria so that its off-spring could tolerate Oxygen instead of being killed by Oxygen.

Much, much later, the off-spring of that bacteria mutated to be able to incorporate Oxygen in its metabolism, and that's one reason why we're all here.

Note that on Earth, decaying radioactive isotopes produce the photo-electric effect, too.

Other terrestrial planets in the Universe are roughly similar to Earth in composition. The only real difference is the exact type of star, the composition of the atmosphere, and the mass of the planet, so those things will impact the development of life.

The point is, even if you found extra-terrestrial DNA, you'd never know it was extra-terrestrial.

Why thank you Mircea for the intelligent debate!

Welcome to DP, I see you have 252 posts.

Do they have a paper on this conclusion?

The new bacteria that is appearing, is coming from bacteria that are already here.

Something from another planet would be woven completely different.
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Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

There are problems with your hypothesis. One is that it would be difficult to know if a bacteria had alien DNA. There are thousands of new species of bacteria created last hour. You can't compare this human DNA which is less diverse. Not that it would not be possible but - not as simple.

The second problem is more of a deal breaker - foreign bacteria would not be as well adapted to the environment .. and they would be killed very quickly .. and it is possible that in the killing process - plasmid transfer would not occur. This when one bacteria cannibalizes another - it gobbles up small packets of nucleic acids which give the bacteria some of the traits of the one it ate.
There are problems with your hypothesis. One is that it would be difficult to know if a bacteria had alien DNA. There are thousands of new species of bacteria created last hour. You can't compare this human DNA which is less diverse. Not that it would not be possible but - not as simple.

The second problem is more of a deal breaker - foreign bacteria would not be as well adapted to the environment .. and they would be killed very quickly .. and it is possible that in the killing process - plasmid transfer would not occur. This when one bacteria cannibalizes another - it gobbles up small packets of nucleic acids which give the bacteria some of the traits of the one it ate.

As I said before, the weave would be quite different, it would be unique.

Humans have 90% same DNA as mice so to say we came from another planet is unlikely true.
Our original species was tricked into inhabiting human bodies to mine gold for the Annunaki. It was aliens who created our species.
Our original species was tricked into inhabiting human bodies to mine gold for the Annunaki. It was aliens who created our species.

Neat story, but unless those aliens copied the mouse and the rest of our evolution it's hard to say the geological record is misinterpreted.

Aliens may have seeded this world with a specified set of bacteria to be smashed to outer space several times and be patiently watching our petri jar.
Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

The latest in scientific thinking is that life may have come from somewhere else by way of asteroids and established itself on Earth once the conditions were more optimal.
Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

That is assuming the DNAs are not related.
The latest in scientific thinking is that life may have come from somewhere else by way of asteroids and established itself on Earth once the conditions were more optimal.

That is assuming the DNAs are not related.

Hey, I'm all for mixing up the galaxy, but I know we're in a petri dish being watched by something much higher than ET.
Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

Possibly a good argument.
Possibly a good argument.

Somebody likes it!

It definitely means people aren't running around the Galaxy like on Star Trek.

Grey aliens crashing at area fifty-one would have had to have been sterilized for their journey and this plausible.

Advanced societies either mentally or technologically would just use holographic technology to visit and view through our senses.

They're called walk-ins, you ask to receive and then go to the bar and get laid.

You get laid and the alien experiences human sex.
What's to say all of our DNA isn't Extraterrestrial.
Evidence Against ET Visitation:

If we were being visited by physical beings from another planet, they would be saturated with bacteria from their home world of a different DNA than bacteria from Earth.

Since no Extraterrestrial DNA has been discovered how are we not to conclude that we are not being visited and no alien autopsies have been conducted and no aliens have been recovered from UFO crashes?

How do we know all bacteria on Earth is "terrestrial"? Asteroids may have some impact.
How do we know all bacteria on Earth is "terrestrial"? Asteroids may have some impact.

Asteroids that are chunks of Earth.

It could be that all the solutions have been the same and that alien life is really indistinguishable.
We are not alone. We have never been alone. :cool:
Sure; we can presume that there are "persons" in some other galaxy looking at our galaxy and wondering the same thing.

Not presume. We can deduce that from all the evidence available.

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