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Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming[W:35] (1 Viewer)

Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Keep your fingers crossed or move. The problem is - where are you really safer?

Just about every part of the USA has some kind of threat, either natural or man-made.

About 20 years ago my wife talked me into moving from Southeast Louisiana to Portland Oregon.

We got away from hurricanes and moved to where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen on a regular basis.


We lived a good bit East of I-5 but nowhere in that area is totally safe. If the earthquakes don't get you the landslides and volcanic eruptions will.

It's all a matter of time and luck.

Also, don't forget to avoid the region of the United States shown in the picture from the inevitable explosion of Yellowstone at some point in the future. The picture doesn't include the lava zone, which reaches significantly into Southern California through Louisiana.

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Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Also, don't forget to avoid the region of the United States shown in the picture from the inevitable explosion of Yellowstone at some point in the future. The picture doesn't include the lava zone, which reaches significantly into Southern California through Louisiana.

View attachment 67187950

I wonder where it would be safe to be when the Sun goes Nova a few billion years in the future, any ideas?

Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I wonder where it would be safe to be when the Sun goes Nova a few billion years in the future, any ideas?


Another planet. That's why we need to move ahead with technology that gets us up and out of this planet before we're creamed by some asteroid, aliens, nuclear war, a military genetically engineered supervirus, whatever. Evolution requires diversification, and all our eggs are in one basket.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I wonder where it would be safe to be when the Sun goes Nova a few billion years in the future, any ideas?


In heaven, where we all end up anyway, and where events are earth are so trivial and meaningless. :)
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I've come to accept that all science on this board is to be regarded as a hoax by big government. Clearly this is a plot to encourage the drift of blue state voters to other, consistently red states.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Everything west of I-5?

How can they be that stupid?

Now maybe everything west of the coastal mountain range...
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

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The baiting and trolling needs to stop. Be productive in the thread or thread bans and/or points are possible.

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