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Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming[W:35] (1 Viewer)

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Wow, I live a 1000 feet from The Puget Sound. I guess I'm screwed.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Wow, I live a 1000 feet from The Puget Sound. I guess I'm screwed.

Keep your fingers crossed or move. The problem is - where are you really safer?

Just about every part of the USA has some kind of threat, either natural or man-made.

About 20 years ago my wife talked me into moving from Southeast Louisiana to Portland Oregon.

We got away from hurricanes and moved to where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen on a regular basis.


We lived a good bit East of I-5 but nowhere in that area is totally safe. If the earthquakes don't get you the landslides and volcanic eruptions will.

It's all a matter of time and luck.
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Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I've been hearing that California will erupt and slide into the ocean for my entire life and I'm 150 years old.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I've been hearing that California will erupt and slide into the ocean for my entire life and I'm 150 years old.

It's incorrect, anyway.

What's really going to happen, if the San Andreas ever cuts loose, is that everything east of it will drop off into the ocean, and all that will be left is this sliver of California.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Tectonics in action. My bet is that the San Andreas will go first giving California some new coastal islands.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I watch the tides carefully in the Galveston bay complex.
It takes about 6 hours for a tide change in Galveston to reach the clear lake entrance,
about 25 miles by water.
Looking at the tide charts for Neah bay vs Seattle it loos like id drops an entire cycle,
so just over 24 hours.
Tide delays are mostly caused by topography, channel size/depth ect.
The bottom line is a tsunami from the Pacific would take sever hours for the
water to pass from Neah bay to Seattle.
Now an earthquake inside the sound would be a very different thing.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I've been hearing that California will erupt and slide into the ocean for my entire life and I'm 150 years old.

I go to church with one of the top geologists in the area and he knows (and admires) the geologist who's research this is based on. He's been doing micro-topographical surveys off the Oregon and Washington coast and his findings are pretty scary. Bascially, there's a 35% chance of this earthquake happening in the next 50 years (some are saying that it's closer to 50%). Cali isn't going to fall into the ocean, since the faults there sliding past each other. But the faults (there are two major ones - north and south) off of the Oregon and Washington coasts are subsidence faults, where one tectonic plate is slipping under another. So what happens is that tension is built as the plates move, but the edges stay static until they suddenly release. The problem my friend tells me about with the coastal areas isn't so much the quake or the tsunami, but rather that there are NO bridges in that area that can handle the quake. If it hits, EVERYONE on the coast will be cut off. Their only chance will be people coming down the rivers in boats to pull them out. While Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Longview/Kelso and the whole Willamette Valley will be devastated, at least they be able to get help to them. The coastal areas are going to be royally screwed.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I coulda swore the faults located there move North and South -- and East and West of those faults there's solid rock there, not some shelf that will allow some broken portions of land to simply slip beneath the water line, or maybe I was just hung over in that geology/techtonics class, circa 1993.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

One day, God is going to Judge the Hippies for their pot-smoking, and runnin around nekid, and America-hatin and wipe 'em all out

Well, alrighty then.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

You and your sciency talk. Show off. :mrgreen:
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

California has the faults that are moving North/South, the Oregon/Washington coast has subsidence faults. While CA's faults move more often, the movements are comparably minor when compared to what happens when a subsidence fault lets go. The predictions are a 50' tsunami, coupled with a 3'-4' drop by the ground itself.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

“a wall of water […] up to a hundred feet high and up to seven-hundred feet across."
Up to seven hundred feet across!! Muhaha!

Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

It's funny how these scientists are credible but climatologists aren't.

Seems like just an agenda to me.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

It's funny how these scientists are credible but climatologists aren't.

Seems like just an agenda to me.

Then show me the hundreds of billions of dollars being made off industry and manufacturing from these geologists / tectonic scientists.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

I'm pretty upset about the dump trucks washing away.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

If I lived up there, I'd set my Tesla Model S P85D to Ludicrous speed, and I bet I could be 800 feet to one side in like an instant.
Without a car though, it might take an entire minute to run out of the path of that monster!
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

That Pacific Northwest is beautiful country, for sure.

I would rather take my chances with hurricanes and such than earthquakes and such. And I wonder about long term implications of the nuclear plant 7 miles from my house?

Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Wow, I live a 1000 feet from The Puget Sound. I guess I'm screwed.

My sister lives in Santa Cruz, so she is not as screwed but still screwed non the less.
Re: Everything West of Interstate 5 Will Be Toast,” Massive Natural Disaster Coming

Many, many years ago one of the 'jokes' about the sure to come California quake was that there would have to change the line in the song that goes.

This land is your land, This land is my land, / From California to the New York island; To: This land is your land, This land is my land, / From Colorado to the New York island.

The point is this talk about a massive west coast quake has been going on for decades.

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