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Europe will 'soon have more Muslims than Christians'... (1 Viewer)

No, Muslims are also getting less religious just like Christians in Europe (at least that is what studies have concluded in the Netherlands).

And even if half of the 400+ million Christians lost their religion and only 10% of Muslims lost their religion, there will still be more than 5 times as many Christians as Muslims so it still does not add up.
Why bother with Christians, many of whom have 'lapsed'. It is Muslims who are often terrorists, support terrorism, are anti gay, etc. You should be familiar with this list of anti human/anti social behavior as well as anyone by now. Are Christians really a problem in the Netherlands? Murdering Dutch people while they sip their overpriced coffee, watch a concert or converge on a public transportation system?
And vice versa because we have been in their neck of the woods for centuries (for way more than 20 centuries) so it is not strange that the 2 religions have been fighting. Sadly that is what religions do (or should I say religious leaders and kings/queens/sultans/etc.etc.) and again, have been doing for more than 20 centuries.
What nonsense. Islam won the Middle East, as any modern map can easily demonstrate. They've tried to expand before and failed but this time, thanks to too many craven Europeans, they have every chance of succeeding.
What nonsense. Islam won the Middle East, as any modern map can easily demonstrate. They've tried to expand before and failed but this time, thanks to too many craven Europeans, they have every chance of succeeding.

You reap what you sow. They deserve every thing that is coming. Our day is coming as well. An immigration policy that rewards criminals by the millions with a citizenship will never be a good this country or any other. We are telling the millions of people all over the world that the way to immigrate to America is to break our laws and circumvent our immigration policy.
What nonsense. Islam won the Middle East, as any modern map can easily demonstrate. They've tried to expand before and failed but this time, thanks to too many craven Europeans, they have every chance of succeeding.
That seems to stand history on its head somewhat. Any modern map will show that the expansion of today is nowhere near that of centuries past.
What was the bishop's excuse?

Then you admit Mohammad was a pedophile. I don't give a **** about the Bishop. And the Bishop does not inspire terror attacks or urge Catholics to emulate him.
We should be concerned with what's happening now in our lifetimes and lose the 'they all do it' silliness. There is a genocide going on in the Middle East so whatever happened 20 centuries ago is hugely irrelevant now. Warning! Graphic killings of Christians by Muslims.! https://www.google.com/search?q=mus...qx4KHQ7zAF0Q_AUICCgC&biw=1761&bih=838&dpr=0.9

First, I am not going to look at gory pictures, posting that is IMHO inappropriate and secondly, we are not talking about what is happening in the Middle East, we are talking about what is happening in Europe. Also, if gory horror pictures prove anything than we should realize that huge numbers of Muslims are being killed by Muslims. It is not like there is a war on Christians only.
Then you admit Mohammad was a pedophile. I don't give a **** about the Bishop. And the Bishop does not inspire terror attacks or urge Catholics to emulate him.

I don't give a **** about Mohammed. He's long dead. That you don't care about bishops who inflicted harm, impeded justice and protected the abusers of victims who are still alive today speaks reams.
I don't give a **** about Mohammed. He's long dead. That you don't care about bishops who inflicted harm, impeded justice and protected the abusers of victims who are still alive today speaks reams.

That is who we are talking about when we talk about Muslims. He is their role model. Pedo bishops are no ones role model.
Why bother with Christians, many of whom have 'lapsed'. It is Muslims who are often terrorists, support terrorism, are anti gay, etc. You should be familiar with this list of anti human/anti social behavior as well as anyone by now. Are Christians really a problem in the Netherlands? Murdering Dutch people while they sip their overpriced coffee, watch a concert or converge on a public transportation system?

They are not often terrorists, they are occasionally/sometimes terrorists. Some Christians are a problem in the Netherlands, but even more Muslims are problematic but who knows if it is their faith or their nationality (as we are now having issues with Turkish Dutch people who support the hard line of Erdogan). And Muslims terrorists have not been killing Dutch people (who knows it may happen but so far it has not) and what is this about over priced coffee. We are DUTCH and we are cheap/stingy and most of us will never pay for overpriced coffee.
That is who we are talking about when we talk about Muslims. He is their role model. Pedo bishops are no ones role model.

If you are suggesting that all muslims aspire to be paedophiles you are even more in need of mental health services than I imagined.

Paedo bishops are the here and now and it's precisely bacuse people like you don't give a $hit that paedos get away with it..
What nonsense. Islam won the Middle East, as any modern map can easily demonstrate. They've tried to expand before and failed but this time, thanks to too many craven Europeans, they have every chance of succeeding.

Islam might have won the middle east, but that does not change the fact that Christian nations/armies have still been causing issues in that region up to today. The Western nations (mostly Europe) where the ones who oversaw the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and a lot of problems that where created by that (including the warring countries/troublesome countries in the region like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey).
I don't give a **** about Mohammed. He's long dead. That you don't care about bishops who inflicted harm, impeded justice and protected the abusers of victims who are still alive today speaks reams.

How many victims of child marriage, still common in the ME, that will never be heard from? Islam has some wicked stuff going on that is condoned by their doctrine.
And how do you know that ISIS hasn't approved the lies they are telling? Guess what, you don't.

Silly double negatives don't amuse me much. It's easy enough to throw your question back at you.

And here is another ISIS for you:

ISIS | Center for Inquiry

So you did manage to find muslims speaking out against muslim terrorists and muslim intolerance. Sort of negates your silly question a page or so back doesn't it.
Haha, so is was just dishonest posturing & you weren't honestly wanting to see any muslims speaking out against muslim terrorists were you? .
No, It's these Islamic religious leaders who are doing the 'posturing'. Either that or they are proving hugely ineffective.

Muslim Opinion Polls

I'll believe more of these Imams when they're out on the streets shaming Muslims and carrying placards demonstrating against violence against peoples of other faiths, women, Gays, etc. Right now their message is seems to be 'We're doing all we can but there is so much injustice being done to Muslims that we can't control them' Perhaps more Sharia Law and censorship would make them happier'.

It's a huge fraud. They know it and you should know it too. This brave woman, who must be continually guarded, explains it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYjiSaV5VoE
Silly double negatives don't amuse me much. It's easy enough to throw your question back at you.

So you did manage to find muslims speaking out against muslim terrorists and muslim intolerance. Sort of negates your silly question a page or so back doesn't it.

It also shows that not many Muslims want anything to do with making the doctrine less violent. Almost ten years and no new signatures.
First, I am not going to look at gory pictures, posting that is IMHO inappropriate and secondly, we are not talking about what is happening in the Middle East, we are talking about what is happening in Europe. Also, if gory horror pictures prove anything than we should realize that huge numbers of Muslims are being killed by Muslims. It is not like there is a war on Christians only.
You needn't look at gory pictures, which is why I gave the warning. You seemed unaware of what's going on today, given that you brought up what was going on 2000 years ago, which is why I gave the option.

And yes, we are talking of what's going on in Europe but we should also look at the source, and that is the Middle East. And yes, we all know that Muslims are also being killed. We knew that since 9/11 so there is nothing startling here. You mst know that Jews have been targetted in the Middle east but did you know that Christians are being targeted as well.

It might be time to concentrate on who is actually creating the terrorism of today and not bother philosophizing about what may have been going on 20 centuries ago.
In the UK Pakistanis have one third of all babies born with birth defects born in the UK due to the first cousin marriages. Quite a strain on the health care budget.
But the government will pay for it so it's all free.

And who is to say that marrying your first cousin, a charming lass of 11, is really wrong? At least they aren't Gay. And why should we be forcing our ideas on other cultures after what happened at Hillsborough Stadium? A family that prays together, at least five times a day, stays together.

(It's amusing to be a leftist apologist sometimes).
Islam might have won the middle east, but that does not change the fact that Christian nations/armies have still been causing issues in that region up to today. The Western nations (mostly Europe) where the ones who oversaw the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and a lot of problems that where created by that (including the warring countries/troublesome countries in the region like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey).
They were shouting "Jesus Is Great" while all this was going on?
So you did manage to find muslims speaking out against muslim terrorists and muslim intolerance. Sort of negates your silly question a page or so back doesn't it.
Some of these islamic preachers may be shouting Thou Shalt Nots, Islam style, until their voices are hoarse and their faces blue but they don't seem to be having much positive effect on their congregations.

Perhaps that comes from having read just one book in their lives. Britain? Moderates? How's That Again?
You needn't look at gory pictures, which is why I gave the warning. You seemed unaware of what's going on today, given that you brought up what was going on 2000 years ago, which is why I gave the option.

And yes, we are talking of what's going on in Europe but we should also look at the source, and that is the Middle East. And yes, we all know that Muslims are also being killed. We knew that since 9/11 so there is nothing startling here. You mst know that Jews have been targetted in the Middle east but did you know that Christians are being targeted as well.

It might be time to concentrate on who is actually creating the terrorism of today and not bother philosophizing about what may have been going on 20 centuries ago.

Some people do live in a vacuum, intellect that is not only small minded but focused on hatred of Muslims, and Peter King is not one of them.
Some people do live in a vacuum, intellect that is not only small minded but focused on hatred of Muslims, and Peter King is not one of them.
Yes, perhaps some people can live in a vacuum, but only for a very, very brief period of time. Others may live in a land of cliches. Still others might focus on the possible hatreds you mention here, such as that being demonstrated by Muslims against Christians in the Middle East.

BTW, did you have a point here?
Yes, perhaps some people can live in a vacuum, but only for a very, very brief period of time. Others may live in a land of cliches. Still others might focus on the possible hatreds you mention here, such as that being demonstrated by Muslims against Christians in the Middle East.

BTW, did you have a point here?
Well ya, I made it.
How many victims of child marriage, still common in the ME, that will never be heard from?[COLOR]

Lots, and moderate muslims in the west are fighting that very phenomena. You should be embracing their efforts, not scapegoating them. If you read any French (doubt it somehow:roll:) look up the sterling work of Ni Pute Ni Soumise (Neither Whore Nor Submissive), a radical feminist movement inspired by MUSLIM women. No, you won't read about them in The Sun or The Daily Mail.
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