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Europe is in Great Danger (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 3, 2005
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I, Ormblomma (SnakeFlower) of Sweden, appeal here and now for US help. The Danes fight against the islamic expansion but Sweden does not. The situation is serious - free speach is threatened and democratic values are being destroid. If this not will be stopped, Europe will suffer from an inhumane supression of islam. I write this because I have been banned from the internet debate of a leading and muslim friendly Swedish newspaper (Svenska Dagbladet.)

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Are you close to Malmo by any chance? Sounds like ground zero as far as Sweden is concerned.

What interests me as far as the European experience is concerned is the way political opinion is being framed. Seems to me that those who are outspoken in their wish to preserve the *Liberal* tradition of places like Sweden and to a greater extent Holland (because of the murders of Fortuyn and Van Gough bringing more publicity) are branded as some sort of Neo Nazi, while those who do nothing in the face of the erosion of these liberal values are portrayed as liberal.

I think the murders in Holland and riots in France are just the tip of the iceburg, and that the possibility exists that within 50-80 years, the Europe as we now know it will no longer exist.
Gardener said:
Are you close to Malmo by any chance? Sounds like ground zero as far as Sweden is concerned.

What interests me as far as the European experience is concerned is the way political opinion is being framed. Seems to me that those who are outspoken in their wish to preserve the *Liberal* tradition of places like Sweden and to a greater extent Holland (because of the murders of Fortuyn and Van Gough bringing more publicity) are branded as some sort of Neo Nazi, while those who do nothing in the face of the erosion of these liberal values are portrayed as liberal.

I think the murders in Holland and riots in France are just the tip of the iceburg, and that the possibility exists that within 50-80 years, the Europe as we now know it will no longer exist.

From a previous post...

mixedmedia said:
And, I'm not counting Europe out. Perhaps they have made a lot of mistakes, too, but several thousand years of history is nothing to laugh at. Everybody has to have their downtime.
cnredd said:
Ah, the kings of the path of least resistance...One would think that the phrase "fool me 876 times; Shame on me" would be ringing in their head...Their "everything is hunky-dory" attitude has bit them in the ass when it comes to their own immigration issues, but the problem is that it hasn't even bit them hard enough to react properly...So they will appease the newcomers(Britain has plans to fund 150 Muslim schools where the Clerics will tell the students they are to hate Britain), and they will continue to appease to where the term "European" will be of geographical importance and nothing more...They're losing their identity at the demands of others, and are willing to abide...

2050 - Welcome to Eurabia...:(
Gardener said:
Are you close to Malmo by any chance? Sounds like ground zero as far as Sweden is concerned.

What interests me as far as the European experience is concerned is the way political opinion is being framed. Seems to me that those who are outspoken in their wish to preserve the *Liberal* tradition of places like Sweden and to a greater extent Holland (because of the murders of Fortuyn and Van Gough bringing more publicity) are branded as some sort of Neo Nazi, while those who do nothing in the face of the erosion of these liberal values are portrayed as liberal.

I think the murders in Holland and riots in France are just the tip of the iceburg, and that the possibility exists that within 50-80 years, the Europe as we now know it will no longer exist.

Best Mr Gardener.

Thank you for your answer. As far as Malmö is concerned, I have not been there for 20 years, (I did a job there,) but from what I have heard and read, the central part of the city is habitated mainly not by Swedes anymore. The criminal rates are by this very high and there are shootings in the streets. For about a year ago a Malmö police officer sent a protest e-mail to the citys leading politician. This resulted in the officers prosecution and losing his job.

I myself live in Stockholm, but situation is almost as bad here and simular to the one in Malmö. Swedish people are being robbed, raped and killed, and descriptions of the criminals are only published if the criminal is blond an speaks the language without an accent - which seldom is the case. Any protests against the situation will be more or less silented, and the protesters are accused as nazis. There are political parties which take up the problems, but their voices will not be heard because of selective media.

Sweden is no longer a democratic country. How could this happen? Well, it all started in the sixties when Sweden became socialistic and built the structure of the public lie. Sweden was afraid of the Sovjet Union and the reaction was to import parts of its supressive political system. Today Sweden does the same thing in front of islamic supression. It is like the rulers think: "If we take in as many muslims as possible and give them power they will not hurt us." I beleive that this approach is disastrous for this country and certainly for Europe as a whole.

From this point I am a firm supporter of president Bush.


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