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Epstein associate "commits suicide" in jail (not Ghislaine) (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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Amazing how this keep happening so coveniently before any names officially come out.

Amazing how this keep happening so coveniently before any names officially come out.

Did you see what that piece of shit Ted "Insult my wife again Mr. President and I'll lick your other testicle" Cruz Tweeted about this story?


What a disgusting, hideous, ignorant piece of shit that spineless worm is. This is one of the leaders of the Republican Party, implying the former Secretary of State was involved in this man's death.

How I supported this party all those years is a mystery.
Did you see what that piece of shit Ted "Insult my wife again Mr. President and I'll lick your other testicle" Cruz Tweeted about this story?


What a disgusting, hideous, ignorant piece of shit that spineless worm is. This is one of the leaders of the Republican Party, implying the former Secretary of State was involved in this man's death.

How I supported this party all those years is a mystery.
Their collective hatred of her is so compulsive and reflexive that it’s something of a miracle that they haven’t tried to assassinate her by now.
Their collective hatred of her is so compulsive and reflexive that it’s something of a miracle that they haven’t tried to assassinate her by now.

Now that Judge Pirro is no longer on her Fox show and is instead talking with the morons on The Five during the day, she may go back to hanging out in the woods behind the Clinton house and stalking her, as she was doing for a while. Don't give her or her loyal viewers any ideas.
Amazing how this keep happening so coveniently before any names officially come out.

Yup. Such a constant stream of coincidences. I don't believe them to so coincidences in the least.

The depraved political elites and super rich do like their underaged little boys and girls it seems.
Now that Judge Pirro is no longer on her Fox show and is instead talking with the morons on The Five during the day, she may go back to hanging out in the woods behind the Clinton house and stalking her, as she was doing for a while. Don't give her or her loyal viewers any ideas.
Christ, I forgot about that. I don’t think any of these people have any idea why they hate her anymore. It’s like somebody Inceptioned the Hillary-hatred into the deepest layer of their subconscious.

I mean, I don’t like her either. How could anybody? She has the personality of tofu with glass power mixed into it. But the right’s HDS is pathological.

But there are lots of unlikeable people in the world, and I doubt more than a handful inspire this inexplicable, collective hatred.
Christ, I forgot about that. I don’t think any of these people have any idea why they hate her anymore. It’s like somebody Inceptioned the Hillary-hatred into the deepest layer of their subconscious.

I mean, I don’t like her either. How could anybody? She has the personality of tofu with glass power mixed into it. But the right’s HDS is pathological.

It's pathetic that the right spends 24/7 obsessing over a woman who is a grandmother. Pathetic. But it's all the spineless worms have.

In case one of the drooling Trump Panty Sniffers denies Pirro ever did it:

It's pathetic that the right spends 24/7 obsessing over a woman who is a grandmother. Pathetic. But it's all the spineless worms have.

In case one of the drooling Trump Panty Sniffers denies Pirro ever did it:

“Do you think she’s home writing another book?” Wow. That’s a sick burn. You can sense Pirro’s mind grasping for some kind of…reason…for hating Clinton, and just making it up as she goes, certain that if she talks long enough a perfectly rational explanation will materialize.
“Do you think she’s home writing another book?” Wow. That’s a sick burn. You can sense Pirro’s mind grasping for some kind of…reason…for hating Clinton, and just making it up as she goes, certain that if she talks long enough a perfectly rational explanation will materialize.

Pirro is a sick woman. Sick. Typical Trump devotee.
Pirro is a sick woman. Sick. Typical Trump devotee.
I suspect that what happened to her is what eventually happened to nearly all Republicans: the trump alien spores entered her brain and she lost her mind. I caught an episode of her as a judge on her court tv show and she seemed perfectly lucid, and made completely normal points and rulings. She was nothing like the lunatic she turned into.
I suspect that what happened to her is what eventually happened to nearly all Republicans: the trump alien spores entered her brain and she lost her mind. I caught an episode of her as a judge on her court tv show and she seemed perfectly lucid, and made completely normal points and rulings. She was nothing like the lunatic she turned into.

A long time ago she wasn't stupid. Once Trump came along, the stupid became evident.
Did you see what that piece of shit Ted "Insult my wife again Mr. President and I'll lick your other testicle" Cruz Tweeted about this story?


What a disgusting, hideous, ignorant piece of shit that spineless worm is. This is one of the leaders of the Republican Party, implying the former Secretary of State was involved in this man's death.

How I supported this party all those years is a mystery.
I've always been a lefty in opposition to the Republican party but that said, what you used to support was a valid party I just disagreed with on policy. What you left behind is a treason hive of morons masquerading as a political party.
I've always been a lefty in opposition to the Republican party but that said, what you used to support was a valid party I just disagreed with on policy. What you left behind is a treason hive of morons masquerading as a political party.

You couldn't be more spot on.

I don't know the party I left behind. It sure as shit isn't the party I once supported unquestioningly.

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