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Elizabeth Warren (1 Viewer)

Should she head the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection?

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For me, the more I read about her, the more I like her stance.
What is your opinion of her? Should she head the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not only does she have the intellect to recognize what is going on in the financial markets, she has the ability to communicate it in lay terms
but the thing she also possesses, which might cause her to be denied the watchdog position for the average citizen, is character and integrity
politicians fear people with integrity and avoid appointing them to positions of power and influence
I still do not know her from Eve, thus, no opinion.
How does she feel about the root of the problem - greed?
I voted 'yes' because I don't use the four syllable 'absolutely' to say yes.

She seems to understand the plight of the middle class. I wonder if she can actually do anything about it?
She seems to be bright, efficient and most importantly, honest. If she doesn't get the position, it will be another black eye for the Obama government.
Oh look, someone is already attempting to hijack the poll.
Oh look, someone is already attempting to hijack the poll.

I've noticed this prank on many of the polls. Can someone not put a stop to this foolish hackery?
I've noticed this prank on many of the polls. Can someone not put a stop to this foolish hackery?

I would love to be able to set an option that people must be logged in before they vote.
Can anyone do this? Say even someone who is not even a member here?

I just logged off and voted that this poll sucks and than logged back on.
What is your opinion of her? Should she head the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see the need for the agency to begin with and don't really like that she advocated for it's existence.
With that said, if it's going to exist anyway, she seems competent and fair minded.

I like some of the quoted work that others have talked about with her, a lot of personal financial responsibility seems to be her mantra.
Her wiki article reads like a puff piece about her, so it's worth reading about a few of the criticisms of her in order to understand the opposition.

Elizabeth Warren's Holy Crusade - Forbes.com

Considering Elizabeth Warren, the Scholar - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

She seems like an unabashed partisan who has very strong feelings about what is and is not proper practice. Whether one supports her for this position will probably depend on whether or not one shares her views.

After the financial meltdown of a few years back, there's not denying that reform is needed. She not only seems to have the smarts, experience and goods to do the job, but most importantly, she seems to have the interest of regular joe blow American at heart. Banks seem to dislike her, and I don't think that is a bad thing. BTW, I did read your posted links, and the crusade one was just an opinion piece that had little to offer. But I did get a kick out of one of the comments, though, and had to share. ;-)

If Elizabeth Warren is a Holy Crusader, what are the bankers? Jihadists?


BTW, here's an interesting counter article to the author of your second link, and her conclusions on Warren:

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Her wiki article reads like a puff piece about her, so it's worth reading about a few of the criticisms of her in order to understand the opposition.

Elizabeth Warren's Holy Crusade - Forbes.com

Considering Elizabeth Warren, the Scholar - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

She seems like an unabashed partisan who has very strong feelings about what is and is not proper practice. Whether one supports her for this position will probably depend on whether or not one shares her views.

The obama administration is filling regulatory and cabinent positions with people who are essentially fascists. Look at Sebelius threat to insurance companies. I think this woman is not what we need
After the financial meltdown of a few years back, there's not denying that reform is needed. She not only seems to have the smarts, experience and goods to do the job, but most importantly, she seems to have the interest of regular joe blow American at heart. Banks seem to dislike her, and I don't think that is a bad thing.

Even if we agreed that "reform" is needed, it doesn't necessarily follow that we need the type of reform that this office is designed to handle, nor does it follow that we need the type of reform that she wants.

And yes, while many might see the fact that she's a populist as a good thing, that largely depends on where one falls on the populist v. bank spectrum.

BTW, I did read your posted links, and the crusade one was just an opinion piece that had little to offer. But I did get a kick out of one of the comments, though, and had to share. ;-)


BTW, here's an interesting counter article to the author of your second link, and her conclusions on Warren:

Megan McArdle’s Hack Post on Elizabeth Warren’s Scholarship « Rortybomb

He raises what appear to be some valid criticisms, but I'm not interested enough to go through the arguments line by line. I just wanted to point out some other perspectives, given the nature of the wiki link.
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He raises what appear to be some valid criticisms, but I'm not interested enough to go through the arguments line by line. I just wanted to point out some other perspectives, given the nature of the wiki link.

The reason I started off with a wiki link is to have a base of basic information on which others would expand. This is happening :)
I had to vote no because I don't want nor think another bureau should exist. We need a Bureau of Air Breathing and Exhaling first.
She seems to be bright, efficient and most importantly, honest. If she doesn't get the position, it will be another black eye for the Obama government.

It should be another bruise for the Republicians, the Party of NO.
A little Googling and faith in our President and I'd say she is OK.
I do hope that the tea-baggers are not involved.
Interesting, everything negative is from the far right.
Not a surprise.
Roughly 17 children and 20 plus right wing extremists, most of who cannot read nor write.
This may backfire on the Republicans if people get off their dead arses and vote.
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