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Election Day weather seems clear all across the country (1 Viewer)


Enemy Combatant
DP Veteran
Jul 20, 2005
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Washington, DC
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As we all probably know, bad weather reduces voter turnout. Although the actual impact on the election varies depending on WHAT PART of a state gets hit by bad weather, the general rule is that bad weather increases the proportion of voters who vote Republican.

Today the weather seems pretty clear all across the country. There's just a few small pockets of bad weather, but they don't seem likely to effect any competitive races except for possibly the Florida governorship.

This could be a good sign for Democrats, or it could just be a sign that their troubles won't be any worse than they already are.


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As we all probably know, bad weather reduces voter turnout. Although the actual impact on the election varies depending on WHAT PART of a state gets hit by bad weather, the general rule is that bad weather increases the proportion of voters who vote Republican.

Today the weather seems pretty clear all across the country. There's just a few small pockets of bad weather, but they don't seem likely to effect any competitive races except for possibly the Florida governorship.

This could be a good sign for Democrats, or it could just be a sign that their troubles won't be any worse than they already are.



You do know this reeks of desperation, right? :2razz:

You do know this reeks of desperation, right? :2razz:

Whatever. I always check the weather forecasts on Election Day (and would have posted the thread even if it showed nasty weather everywhere).

If you don't think that there's anything to it, to each his own. But the historical evidence suggests it does affect races. It's not going to swing the Indiana Senate seat to the Dems, but it could play a role in places like Illinois and Colorado that have been close. Whether it has ENOUGH of an impact to actually change the outcome in those places...well, that's harder to say.
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Not desperation per se, but democratic voters are obviously less inclined to vote though democrats have more registered voters than republicans in alot of places. They'd obviously be less likely to turn up than the republicans who think they're fighting the antichrist or stalin reincarnated or whatever the **** it is they believe nowadays. Rain would deter them moreso than republicans.
Whatever. I always check the weather forecasts on Election Day. If you don't think that there's anything to it, to each his own. But the historical evidence suggests it does affect races. It's not going to swing the Indiana Senate seat to the Dems, but it could play a role in places like Illinois and Colorado that have been close. Whether it has ENOUGH of an impact to actually change the outcome in those places...well, that's harder to say.

That and if you wish REEEEEEAAAALL hard..... :lol:
God wants the GOP to win. This is a sign.

You do know this reeks of desperation, right? :2razz:

It's well known that Democrats are terrible voters, and the more ideal the conditions, the more likely they'll get off their asses and vote.

I sincerely doubt this was anything Kandahar found to brag about.
You're going to be insufferable tomorrow, aren't you? ;)

Both sides will declare victory regardless of the outcome. The Republicans could win just one seat and it would be "moving in the right direction." Democrats could win just one seat and "it could have been worse!"

The end result, though, will be that our government becomes incapable of doing anything until after 2012.
It's well known that Democrats are terrible voters, and the more ideal the conditions, the more likely they'll get off their asses and vote.

I sincerely doubt this was anything Kandahar found to brag about.

that was my next point. :ssst:
Both sides will declare victory regardless of the outcome. The Republicans could win just one seat and it would be "moving in the right direction." Democrats could win just one seat and "it could have been worse!"

The end result, though, will be that our government becomes incapable of doing anything until after 2012.

As I said in the Election Predictions thread, I really doubt the Democrats are going to have any plausible way of declaring victory, unless they manage the unlikely feat of holding the House by a seat or two. There are really no major pick-ups on the horizon for them...the governorship of California doesn't cut it.

However, they might limit their losses in the House and Senate if they can turn out more voters. And good weather certainly makes that task easier.
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