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Election Day 2019 Thread (1 Viewer)


Sit Nomine Digna
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Montreal, QC
Political Leaning
Figured I would get a head start and post the obligatory election day thread.

I predict a Liberal minority government supported by the NDP and/or the Bloc. The NDP seem rather keen to support the Liberals and the Bloc has been making overtures in that direction as well with the exception of the Bill 21 issue.

If the Conservatives win, it will definitely be a minority government and will not last long. Probably see a repeat of the Joe Clark government.
Yes, a Liberal government supported by the NDP is my guess as the most probable outcome, and also the best possible outcome.
I have no idea how the election will go and I'm not even certain for which local candidate I will vote tomorrow, err later today. This is definitely a case of the lesser of many evils reasoning and there is not much to actually get behind and feel good about. I guess I'll just sleep on it and hope my subconscious can help my gridlocked conscious make a decision.

I live in a Conservative riding. The only time it went Liberal was when we had the Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives wee both running candidates. Even under those conditions, the Liberal lasted one election cycle.

In other words, my vote will not help determine who our MP is. Because of this I will likely vote Green, just to boost their national numbers.
I'm voting NDP, as the Liberals will certainly win versus the Conservatives.

Given Jagmeet's stellar increase in polling since the debate as he's finally gotten some real national exposure, I think, and hope, that he may well be a serious contender for the next election. Unfortunately, at the moment, it's too little too late.
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Just a helpful link for the strategic crowd, in case you hadn't seen it yet:


Happy voting - I go in two hours. :)
I thought I'd see what was going on in Canada today, so I found this article that shows conservative Scheer pulling ahead. Are the latest polls like the U.S's exit polls?

Canada election results live: Polls, analysis, reaction and all the latest updates | The Independent

Not sure... It was always going to be close.

Canada Poll Tracker | CBC News

It's still very early, though. A lot of older folks vote conservative here, so if this is exit polling, the surge does make sense, as most younger people will vote later in the day, due to working. This was the case last time around, anyway.

We'll see what happens...the conservatives need to get a majority vote in order to keep power, as the other parties will most likely form a coalition if they only get a minority. I'm feeling good, but not so good that I won't vote myself. ;)
Any truth to reports people in blackface are being turned away from the polls? I've heard it several places.
I thought I'd see what was going on in Canada today, so I found this article that shows conservative Scheer pulling ahead. Are the latest polls like the U.S's exit polls?

Canada election results live: Polls, analysis, reaction and all the latest updates | The Independent

They are not exit polls, it is illegal publish those till polls close to my understanding. The Conservatives may be polling higher according to some polls (most have them in a virtual tie) but a lot of that is hyper-focused in the Prairie provinces with not that many seats. The Liberals have much better support in key areas like Ontario.
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They are not exit polls, it is illegal publish those till polls close to my understanding. The Conservatives may be polling higher according to some polls (most have them in a virtual tie) but a lot of that is hyper-focused in the Prairie provinces with not that many seats. The Liberals have much better support in key areas like Ontario.

Hope you had a good turn out today. Good weather brings out the voters.
And thanks for your explanation.
Great news:
Bernier and the PPC are dead. He has officially lost his seat.
Great news:
Bernier and the PPC are dead. He has officially lost his seat.

It is rather surprising on the voting % going to center left of center in this election. I am surprised at how bad the PPC did, I would have expected 3-4 % of the vote. The conservative party should have done better with the vote splitting on the center left of center parties as well
Great news:
Bernier and the PPC are dead. He has officially lost his seat.

Honestly, I would have preferred them to stick around and split the conservative vote. A PPC that's vibrant enough to eat Conservative votes, but never form government is ideal.

Just once, I would love for the political right to have to eat **** on vote splitting since the merge of the Alliance and PCs.
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It is rather surprising on the voting % going to center left of center in this election. I am surprised at how bad the PPC did, I would have expected 3-4 % of the vote. The conservative party should have done better with the vote splitting on the center left of center parties as well

Honestly, the PPC not getting any seats is the real victory story of this election.
Honestly, I would have preferred them to stick around and split the conservative vote. A PPC that's vibrant enough to eat Conservative votes, but never form government is ideal.

Just once, I would love for the political right to have to eat **** on vote splitting since the merge of the Alliance and PCs.

lol...yeah...I mean, I hear you, but I think I rather hear the news that Canada doesn't house enough **** heads to make that happen... :)
Honestly, the PPC not getting any seats is the real victory story of this election.

Looks good on 'em. Looks good on the Tories, too, getting more votes but fewer seats than the #%$&%@#& Liberals. I bet we never hear another word about electoral reform from Trudeau.
For the first time since Trudeau 1.0 flashed the finger to protesters I voted for someone who isn't a Liberal- I went Green. Didn't matter, my riding is pretty loyal to the NDP but the Conservative was a close second, Green a distant third.
lol...yeah...I mean, I hear you, but I think I rather hear the news that Canada doesn't house enough **** heads to make that happen... :)

The ----- heads however could be smart enough to vote for a party that could get elected , rather than for one that represents there ideals. I am sure the number of ---- heads in Canada number more than just 2 % of the voting population
Looks good on 'em. Looks good on the Tories, too, getting more votes but fewer seats than the #%$&%@#& Liberals. I bet we never hear another word about electoral reform from Trudeau.
For the first time since Trudeau 1.0 flashed the finger to protesters I voted for someone who isn't a Liberal- I went Green. Didn't matter, my riding is pretty loyal to the NDP but the Conservative was a close second, Green a distant third.

Trudeau might not have a choice, the NDP and Greens have to push for it, being in a minority government will provide them with added ability to pressure the liberals.

Centre, left of centre received a good 55 % of the vote (not sure where the BQ lies on the political spectrum). A proportional electoral system would have Canada probably never have a majority government again. Probably lead to more regional parties as well. Had the Conservatives won I expect we would see a new political party rise from Alberta and Sask again.

Heck in my riding the Conservative had 6 times the vote of his nearest competitor
The ----- heads however could be smart enough to vote for a party that could get elected , rather than for one that represents there ideals. I am sure the number of ---- heads in Canada number more than just 2 % of the voting population

Oh...to be sure, there are **** heads in Canada. Just not enough. :)

These days I think that counts as a win... :lol:
Trudeau might not have a choice, the NDP and Greens have to push for it, being in a minority government will provide them with added ability to pressure the liberals.

Centre, left of centre received a good 55 % of the vote (not sure where the BQ lies on the political spectrum). A proportional electoral system would have Canada probably never have a majority government again. Probably lead to more regional parties as well. Had the Conservatives won I expect we would see a new political party rise from Alberta and Sask again.

Heck in my riding the Conservative had 6 times the vote of his nearest competitor

That, the bolded, is probably how it happened- the Conservatives won their seats by blow-outs and the Liberals won closer races. Sheer will claim a victory and I can't argue with him. I'm just glad the Tories didn't win, even though I wish nearly anyone else was leader of the Libs.
Another bit of good news happened in Vancouver-Granville, Jody W-R winning as an independent.
Electoral reform was never real high on my anxiety list. We had a referendum here (BC) and I voted to keep the first-past-the-post status quo mostly because the options as presented looked too open to manipulation.
Trudeau might not have a choice, the NDP and Greens have to push for it, being in a minority government will provide them with added ability to pressure the liberals.

Centre, left of centre received a good 55 % of the vote (not sure where the BQ lies on the political spectrum). A proportional electoral system would have Canada probably never have a majority government again. Probably lead to more regional parties as well. Had the Conservatives won I expect we would see a new political party rise from Alberta and Sask again.

Heck in my riding the Conservative had 6 times the vote of his nearest competitor

BQ leader said he would only support that which benefits Quebec. He'll be annoying, as the Bloc always is. But common ground can be found with the left, simply because he can be bought. It's just a matter of framing.
BQ leader said he would only support that which benefits Quebec. He'll be annoying, as the Bloc always is. But common ground can be found with the left, simply because he can be bought. It's just a matter of framing.

Where on the spectrum would you put the Bloc? The PQ were kind of socialist if I remember right but we don't hear much about the Bloc out here on the edge.
Where on the spectrum would you put the Bloc? The PQ were kind of socialist if I remember right but we don't hear much about the Bloc out here on the edge.

I honestly don't know. The whole separatist thing made me not really care. But at a glance, it appears to be a weird mix of nationalism and left leaning policy...maybe left libertarian nationalist would be the best way to describe them?

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