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Egyptian Journalist Describes 'Absolute Prosperity' in Gaza (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
With Hamas telling tales of deprivation and suffering in Gaza, Egyptian journalist Ashraf Abu al-Houl has added his report to others who were surprised to discover a “prosperous” Gaza in which prices are low and luxury businesses are booming. Al-Houl's story of his trip to Gaza and his realization that “in actual terms, Gaza is not under siege” was written up in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

"A sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast. Further, the site of the merchandise and luxuries filling the Gaza shops amazed me,” he reported.

Concerned that his initial impression of prosperity may have been misleading, “I toured the new resorts, most of which are quite grand, as well as the commercial markets, to verify my hypothesis. The resorts and markets have come to symbolize prosperity, and to prove that the siege is formal or political, not economic,” Al-Houl said.

Egyptian Journalist Describes 'Absolute Prosperity' in Gaza - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Slowly, the truth comes out, and shall set you all free.

from the same article, and it is important to note:

The evident prosperity is not enjoyed by all, or even most, of Gaza's residents, according to Al-Houl. The problem is the vast differences in the distribution of wealth. The luxury resorts and wide range of consumer goods are enjoyed by “only a few groups,” he said, primarily those who own smuggling tunnels to Egypt and those who work for international organizations such as the United Nations' UNRWA and who do not include or aid the rest of the population.

Most of the new resorts “are owned by members, or associates, of Hamas,” he reported. “In addition, the Hamas municipalities charge high fees, in Gaza terms, for the use of public beaches,” he added.

Al-Houl quoted political activist Mustafa Ibrahim as saying that while Gaza's rich invest in the leisure industry, 80% of residents rely on UNRWA, and unemployment is approximately 45%. “This creates a distorted picture,” Ibrahim explained.


This confirms what I said in the "shopping mall" thread and it's utterly disgusting.
from the same article, and it is important to note:

The evident prosperity is not enjoyed by all, or even most, of Gaza's residents, according to Al-Houl. The problem is the vast differences in the distribution of wealth. The luxury resorts and wide range of consumer goods are enjoyed by “only a few groups,” he said, primarily those who own smuggling tunnels to Egypt and those who work for international organizations such as the United Nations' UNRWA and who do not include or aid the rest of the population.

Most of the new resorts “are owned by members, or associates, of Hamas,” he reported. “In addition, the Hamas municipalities charge high fees, in Gaza terms, for the use of public beaches,” he added.

Al-Houl quoted political activist Mustafa Ibrahim as saying that while Gaza's rich invest in the leisure industry, 80% of residents rely on UNRWA, and unemployment is approximately 45%. “This creates a distorted picture,” Ibrahim explained.


This confirms what I said in the "shopping mall" thread and it's utterly disgusting.

It just shows how reality and the media aren't always on the same page too.
It just shows how reality and the media aren't always on the same page too.

It really depends on the media one follows.
I was very well aware of the situation described above in Gaza through the media that I follow.

I'll post some articles later.

What truth is that exactly? The fact that a terrorist organization is getting wealthier by the day and only shares its riches with like minded people and leaves the rest of the country it's supposed to be running to poverty? I'm really not sure what truth I'm supposed to be celebrating here.
What truth is that exactly? The fact that a terrorist organization is getting wealthier by the day and only shares its riches with like minded people and leaves the rest of the country it's supposed to be running to poverty? I'm really not sure what truth I'm supposed to be celebrating here.
Hamas is now a dictatorship. A violent and corrupt dictatorship. It has closed the door on new elections, and ruthlessly crushes all internal dissent within Gaza.
Hamas is now a dictatorship. A violent and corrupt dictatorship. It has closed the door on new elections, and ruthlessly crushes all internal dissent within Gaza.

Heh. And to think some Western governments actually recognize these barbarians as a legitimate government.
What truth is that exactly? The fact that a terrorist organization is getting wealthier by the day and only shares its riches with like minded people and leaves the rest of the country it's supposed to be running to poverty? I'm really not sure what truth I'm supposed to be celebrating here.

I was aiming that squarely at folks that believe Gaza is... an open air prison because of the EVIL Israelis. The truth, is far different picture then that.
What truth is that exactly? The fact that a terrorist organization is getting wealthier by the day and only shares its riches with like minded people and leaves the rest of the country it's supposed to be running to poverty? I'm really not sure what truth I'm supposed to be celebrating here.

Well, at least I will celebrate the fact that you recognize the true cause of the poverty.

You may be one of the very few Europeans here who does.
Does anyone notice how even the so-called luxury business seems to fall short compared to most of the world? That picture of the mall struck me for seeming to be cramped and generally unpleasant in appearance. Even the poor people malls (with anchor stores like J.C. Penney and Sears rather than Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus) in the U.S. look much better than these. Calling these "luxury" malls is the best example of blatant propaganda I can find.

Are there any pictures of actual luxury in Gaza?
from the same article, and it is important to note:

The evident prosperity is not enjoyed by all, or even most, of Gaza's residents, according to Al-Houl. The problem is the vast differences in the distribution of wealth..

There are inequalities in wealth in every country on earth, perhaps all of them should be allowed to fire rockets at their neighbors as well?
Does anyone notice how even the so-called luxury business seems to fall short compared to most of the world? That picture of the mall struck me for seeming to be cramped and generally unpleasant in appearance. Even the poor people malls (with anchor stores like J.C. Penney and Sears rather than Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus) in the U.S. look much better than these. Calling these "luxury" malls is the best example of blatant propaganda I can find.

Are there any pictures of actual luxury in Gaza?

I understand that the standard of living in Gaza is higher than Turkey. Seems worth investigating, though I haven't had time to dig on my own.

You care to take a shot?
Does anyone notice how even the so-called luxury business seems to fall short compared to most of the world? That picture of the mall struck me for seeming to be cramped and generally unpleasant in appearance. Even the poor people malls (with anchor stores like J.C. Penney and Sears rather than Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus) in the U.S. look much better than these. Calling these "luxury" malls is the best example of blatant propaganda I can find.

Are there any pictures of actual luxury in Gaza?
1. This is somewhat a duplicate topic to my Gaza is an "Open air Prison", "Ghetto", Refugee Camp..." etc. Or at least overlapping.
So most of what I had to say and post including Pictures Was Already posted There.
Including my last:
http://www.debatepolitics.com/middl...on-ghetto-refugee-camp-24.html#post1058885656 and of Course the OP and Others.
which contains...
ie, .: Roots Club :.

2. While this is not up to Rodeo Drive or New Bond Street.. the issue of course is did Gaza require a 'Flotilla' to avoid "starving".
That has been answered. BS!

3. Some additional pictures from Google image searches from various Message boards and websites.
(No I can't vouch for them all or their sources, but they look correct and easy to check. Some of our Israeli posters may even be familiar with them.)
Gaza city
Bank of palestine center
15 floors
construction by dar el handasah jordan

The most prestigious and well-known tower in the most important road in Gaza and it is the place where M&H Co. offices are located.
This tower consists of 2 (parking) underground floors, ground floor, mezzanine and 13 floors in addition to electro mechanic works that included facilitating number of 4 high speed elevators ( 2 m/sec.), water tank (100 cubic), water pumps, sewerage, alarm system, AC installation, fire resistance system.

Downtown Gaza
Al-Mashtal Movenpic Hotel - Gaza


10 floors
first luxury five star hotel in Gaza overlooking the Mediterranean Sea , 250 rooms
executed by: Aquaria, US$ 30 million

Gaza Hotel
No, Not Paris, but Not even close to ie, Somalia.
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There are inequalities in wealth in every country on earth, perhaps all of them should be allowed to fire rockets at their neighbors as well?

Why ? did anyone on this forum say that Hamas should be allowed to fire rockets at civilians ?
I was aiming that squarely at folks that believe Gaza is... an open air prison because of the EVIL Israelis. The truth, is far different picture then that.

That's too easy, like a Western movie designate who the "bad guys" and the "good guys" are and you've understood the entire ecenario. Politics are a wee bit more intricate.
I understand that the standard of living in Gaza is higher than Turkey. Seems worth investigating, though I haven't had time to dig on my own.

It isn't worth investigating because it's obviously wrong. Who the hell told you that tripe?

1. This is somewhat a duplicate topic to my Gaza is an "Open air Prison", "Ghetto", Refugee Camp..." etc. Or at least overlapping.
So most of what I had to say and post including Pictures Was Already posted There.
Including my last:
http://www.debatepolitics.com/middl...on-ghetto-refugee-camp-24.html#post1058885656 and of Course the OP and Others.
which contains...
ie, .: Roots Club :.

2. While this is not up to Rodeo Drive or New Bond Street.. the issue of course is did Gaza require a 'Flotilla' to avoid "starving".
That has been answered. BS!

3. Some additional pictures from Google image searches from various Message boards and websites.
(No I can't vouch for them all or their sources, but they look correct and easy to check. Some of our Israeli posters may even be familiar with them.)

I also think you need to learn something about what constitutes luxury. Those look like they may at best be the equivalent of your average Holiday Inn. If this is all the upper class of Gaza can afford then it just shows how badly they're doing.

No, Not Paris, but Not even close to ie, Somalia.

Are we talking the hellish part of Somalia or the parts that are relatively stable? Mogadishu is a war zone so I doubt you will find much impressive there, though the security zone protected by AU forces may be an exception since the Green Zone has looked quite fancy even in the worse periods of the Iraq War.
It isn't worth investigating because it's obviously wrong. Who the hell told you that tripe?

found something here:
GDP almost as high as Turkey – riteman - My Telegraph


"Life expectancy for Gaza Arabs at 72 years is nearly five years more than the world average"

"Gaza’s GDP is almost as high as turkey’s and much higher than most of Africa which receives a fraction of the aid that Gaza gets."

Media fakes Gaza humanitarian crisis, and Turkey


Life expectancy: Turkey, 72.23 years, Gaza, 73.68 years.

Infant mortality: Turkey, 24.84, Gaza, 17.71 per 1,000 births.

Literacy: Turkey, 88.7%, Gaza, 91.9%. (It is much lower in Egypt and other Arab countries, where Israel did not establish colleges and universities in the 1970s and 1980s.)

GDP: Gaza’s is higher than most of Africa. (Source for the comparisons and for aid to Africa: CIA World Factbook.) [I thank a reader for pointing out that originally I had understated Turkey's GDP. The CIA World Factbook that my source used actually had a figure 10 times what the source said it did. Wikipedia has a similar estimate to the CIA's.]

so I see I probably did actually hear this from somewhere re GDP, though it turned out to be wrong. However, as quality of life is more than just money (right?), looks like Gaza fares pretty well on social indicators as compared to Turkey.

I also think you need to learn something about what constitutes luxury. Those look like they may at best be the equivalent of your average Holiday Inn. If this is all the upper class of Gaza can afford then it just shows how badly they're doing.


"As one Japanese journalist put it, “Gaza and the West Bank are the only places in the world where I have seen refugees drive Mercedes.”"

This is not the Congo, or Sudan. Or Yemen. Or even Egypt.

Are we talking the hellish part of Somalia or the parts that are relatively stable? Mogadishu is a war zone so I doubt you will find much impressive there, though the security zone protected by AU forces may be an exception since the Green Zone has looked quite fancy even in the worse periods of the Iraq War.[/QUOTE]
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That's too easy, like a Western movie designate who the "bad guys" and the "good guys" are and you've understood the entire ecenario. Politics are a wee bit more intricate.

So, that's why you refer to the the Jewish state as a "cancer" and a "monster"?
found something here:
GDP almost as high as Turkey – riteman - My Telegraph


"Life expectancy for Gaza Arabs at 72 years is nearly five years more than the world average"

"Gaza’s GDP is almost as high as turkey’s and much higher than most of Africa which receives a fraction of the aid that Gaza gets."

Media fakes Gaza humanitarian crisis, and Turkey


Life expectancy: Turkey, 72.23 years, Gaza, 73.68 years.

Infant mortality: Turkey, 24.84, Gaza, 17.71 per 1,000 births.

Literacy: Turkey, 88.7%, Gaza, 91.9%. (It is much lower in Egypt and other Arab countries, where Israel did not establish colleges and universities in the 1970s and 1980s.)

The two sources you give appear to be non-professional blogs. I looked at what the one cited with regards to the CIA Factbook and silly me, I bothered to check economic statistics and the unemployment rate and poverty rate is several times that of Turkey. So it seems Gaza has the health benefits of Israel, absent the economic ones, which is really the whole point of the blockade. It certainly is more relevant to the subject of the article.
The two sources you give appear to be non-professional blogs. I looked at what the one cited with regards to the CIA Factbook and silly me, I bothered to check economic statistics and the unemployment rate and poverty rate is several times that of Turkey. So it seems Gaza has the health benefits of Israel, absent the economic ones, which is really the whole point of the blockade. It certainly is more relevant to the subject of the article.

The truth is more taht Gaza prospers for those in Power, who actively keep large numbers in poverty for political/religious reasons. Quite criminal if you ask me.
The truth is more taht Gaza prospers for those in Power, who actively keep large numbers in poverty for political/religious reasons. Quite criminal if you ask me.

That's an absurd claim because these people are hardly living large and I assure you if we were to compare similar groups in any part of the world you will find much of the same disparities. It's just a tactic to blame Hamas for a situation Israel intentionally created. Israel wanted Gaza to suffer economically and clear it has suffered. Yet somehow Israel getting exactly what it wanted with its policy is actually not Israel's fault.
So, that's why you refer to the the Jewish state as a "cancer" and a "monster"?

Why ? am I expected to call my official enemy a blooming rose or a bird of paradise ?
The truth is more taht Gaza prospers for those in Power, who actively keep large numbers in poverty for political/religious reasons. Quite criminal if you ask me.

If that was the case (political reasons) they wouldn't have allowed the inauguration of a shopping centre right after the flotilla incident. They are just thugs if you asked me even very dumb thugs. That's the exact opposite of smart propagandists.
Why ? am I expected to call my official enemy a blooming rose or a bird of paradise ?

Your hypocrisy is absolutely astounding, considering you just said

That's too easy, like a Western movie designate who the "bad guys" and the "good guys" are and you've understood the entire ecenario. Politics are a wee bit more intricate.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
Why ? am I expected to call my official enemy a blooming rose or a bird of paradise ?

Your hypocrisy is absolutely astounding, considering you just said

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Don't be so amazed. Perhaps you should read other posts of mine to notice that I blame the Arabs as well for the mess ?

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