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Ecce HomoUniversalis (1 Viewer)


Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Maastricht - Netherlands
Political Leaning
Guess I missed this section. Anyway, I'm a dutch student in psychology aged 18 with interests in philosophy and politics. I'm libertarian and despise the stigmatising and diabolising of one's opponents.

And since you don't have a dutch emoticon on that large list, I will make an attempt here at crooked nationalism:


Mr U

PS. I'm open to donations. Cash and creditcards ONLY please.
No, I only kill blond girls in my cellar, and that's on the mainland. :)

Thank y'all for the welcomes :)

Mr U
With all possible politeness, no. Why translate Ecce from Latin, and Homo from Greek? Not even I am that chaotic.

Mr U
HU-210 said:
No, I only kill blond girls in my cellar, and that's on the mainland. :)

Thank y'all for the welcomes :)

Mr U

That's funny.

Ummm, well, I hope that's funny.

Otherwise...not so funny.

Oh, and welcome to the forum.

Hope to see you on the threads!


We should not mourn our losses, but rather find excellence in knowing that we had such experiences. I shall remember your car, always.

Mr U

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