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Eat Like Trump for A Day (1 Viewer)

Borderline blue rare is how I take mine - nothing on it but salt and/or pepper.

Doesn't need anything if it's cooked right, and is a good cut.

I go from rare to med-rare (but prefer the rare side). I cook mine in a screaming hot cast iron pan for 2 minutes per side, then 1 minute per side while basting with butter. Perfect med-rare and it needs absolutely nothing.
I'll have the hummus platter and the bean burger. A glass of water will do.

I was thinking how delicious the Hyannis Port sandwich sounded. :lol:

And I'll take one of his Diet Cokes. You can have my Diet Coke when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
I missed this earlier. My twin 3 1/2 yr old grandsons, together push the cheese and gravy off the pizza, taking an hour or two to eat the remaining crust between the two of them. Then they manage to get their greasy little paws on everything, I do mean everything.

Not as bad as my younger brother, who put ketchup on everything till his dying day. Ketchup on chocolate ice cream was his favorite. My sisters would want to toss lunch when they watched him eat peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches on rye. His kids leave a bottle of ketchup on his gravesite on his birthdays. As a young child, for two years, his only acceptable dinner was pasgetti with ketchup. He would cry when my father brought us all out for White Castle and Carvel. Still makes me want to retch.
I still buy White Castle 'till today.

Thye can be wrapped in Saran and refrigerated, lasting for several days if you don't get pickles on them. Then nuke them wrapped in a sheet of paper towel, for a quick 20-25 seconds. Hit them with some freshly ground black pepper, good mustard, Sriracha, or believe it or not - Taco Bell Diablo Sauce! They're a great midnight snack or quick lunch!
I still buy White Castle 'till today.

Thye can be wrapped in Saran and refrigerated, lasting for several days if you don't get pickles on them. Then nuke them wrapped in a sheet of paper towel, for a quick 20-25 seconds. Hit them with some freshly ground black pepper, good mustard, Sriracha, or believe it or not - Taco Bell Diablo Sauce! They're a great midnight snack or quick lunch!

LOL. Last White Castle burger I had was at 3AM on 95th and Cicero in the 1980s after a long night at Reilly’s Daughter.

Never again.
No wonder Trump is always crabby and up at night angrily tweeting. He's probably belching and farting all the time also.

Partly explains Melania's separate room.
LOL! Trump is an obese man. To deny that is to deny reality.

No, no, no. He is exactly one pound under obese. You can trust his doctor... you know, the one who goes by 'Candy Man.'
LOL. Last White Castle burger I had was at 3AM on 95th and Cicero in the 1980s after a long night at Reilly’s Daughter.

Never again.

There's another on 63rd & Cicero, and one on 79th & Pulaski too.

I once saw a formal wedding party eating-in at the one on 79th St.!

Sadly, the one on Archer & Kedzie in Brighton, a couple blocks down from Leon's Ribs, recently closed.

I still buy White Castle 'till today.

Thye can be wrapped in Saran and refrigerated, lasting for several days if you don't get pickles on them. Then nuke them wrapped in a sheet of paper towel, for a quick 20-25 seconds. Hit them with some freshly ground black pepper, good mustard, Sriracha, or believe it or not - Taco Bell Diablo Sauce! They're a great midnight snack or quick lunch!

Who needs White Castle? Just go with the condiments. :)
Not true...

India is not the origin of ketchup at all.

With your logic, Peru was the origin of TBone steak- they just used alpaca steaks instead of beef, and the letter T in Inka is actually I, so it was a leg bone.

As usual, FOS, and humorless.
Because those type of statement are BS gossip, and disgusting for a grown man to make or repeat, true or not.

I could say I knew your mother, but you are too young to be one of my bastards. Hey, it's only a post. So what if I am lying? It's only a post.

Lol, so even if it's true, I'm disgusting if I mention that the president boned a pornstar without a condom? Wow. I didn't think it would cause anyone so much grievance.

I would ask if you were Donald Trump or something and that's why this is bothering you so much, but your sentence structure is way better. IDK.

And btw, stating a well known claim about the president, a public figure, isn't quite the same as you lying that you ****ed my deceased mother. I'm not lying. You are. Big difference.
Lol, so even if it's true, I'm disgusting if I mention that the president boned a pornstar without a condom? Wow. I didn't think it would cause anyone so much grievance.

I would ask if you were Donald Trump or something and that's why this is bothering you so much, but your sentence structure is way better. IDK.

And btw, stating a well known claim about the president, a public figure, isn't quite the same as you lying that you ****ed my deceased mother. I'm not lying. You are. Big difference.

Now I'm impressed, a gramatarian.

Ah, he who repeats a lie is liar. Unless you participated or were an eyewitness, your claim has no foundation. A claim is not a truth.

Vulgarity is disgusting.
Now I'm impressed, a gramatarian.

Ah, he who repeats a lie is liar. Unless you participated or were an eyewitness, your claim has no foundation. A claim is not a truth.

Vulgarity is disgusting.

Yea, I'm sure he paid her 130k to keep a lie from getting out, lol. You're idea that a claim has no foundation unless you witnessed it is insane btw. That's like saying that you don't really know that the gettysburg address actually happened because you weren't there. In reality, you must address each claim separately based on the profundity of the claim and the trustworthiness of the person(s) making the claim. I have met stormy daniels. She seems nice enough. As of right now she hasn't been caught in any lie what so ever. Trump lies about anything and everything. Stormy has also provided accounts of trumps apartment and his actions that strongly corroborate her account. It's very likely to be true. It doesn't matter if it upsets you, that's reality.

As for the "vulgarity is disgusting" bit, you need to find someone else to peddle that to. We are in a forum full of adults. If just hearing a claim that the president had unprotected sex with a porn star offends your sensibilities then I strongly urge you to grow thicker skin or to put me on ignore. Because I'm not going to censor myself simply because you are offended by something that shouldn't offend you.
Yea, I'm sure he paid her 130k to keep a lie from getting out, lol. You're idea that a claim has no foundation unless you witnessed it is insane btw. That's like saying that you don't really know that the gettysburg address actually happened because you weren't there. In reality, you must address each claim separately based on the profundity of the claim and the trustworthiness of the person(s) making the claim. I have met stormy daniels. She seems nice enough. As of right now she hasn't been caught in any lie what so ever. Trump lies about anything and everything. Stormy has also provided accounts of trumps apartment and his actions that strongly corroborate her account. It's very likely to be true. It doesn't matter if it upsets you, that's reality.

As for the "vulgarity is disgusting" bit, you need to find someone else to peddle that to. We are in a forum full of adults. If just hearing a claim that the president had unprotected sex with a porn star offends your sensibilities then I strongly urge you to grow thicker skin or to put me on ignore. Because I'm not going to censor myself simply because you are offended by something that shouldn't offend you.

I have no doubt you are addicted to supermarket tabloids, Page Six, and the National Enquirer.

I can always read a copy of the Gettysburg Address. The original was written on scrap paper.
I have no doubt you are addicted to supermarket tabloids, Page Six, and the National Enquirer.

Not even sure what page six is.

Weren't you just trying to teach me about how it's wrong to make claims about people unless you were there to witness it? Have you seen me viewing these things? Is there a reason you find it not important to take your own advice? Or were you just saying that stuff not because you actually meant it but because it seemed convenient at the time?.... But I think I already know the answer to that one. :mrgreen:
Doesn't need anything if it's cooked right, and is a good cut.

I go from rare to med-rare (but prefer the rare side). I cook mine in a screaming hot cast iron pan for 2 minutes per side, then 1 minute per side while basting with butter. Perfect med-rare and it needs absolutely nothing.

Looks like we have something in common. Could this mean love? :lamo
Now I'm impressed, a gramatarian.

Ah, he who repeats a lie is liar. Unless you participated or were an eyewitness, your claim has no foundation. A claim is not a truth.

Vulgarity is disgusting.

LOL! You mean like where ketchup and mustard came from? Lies like that?
The tongue-in-cheek video in the OP is what it is, and, to be sure, Trump does appear to enjoy Mickey D's and other fast foods. That said, his non-fast food meal preferences seem to be pretty much what he's been eating since he was a kid. That doesn't surprise me since so much about that man is puerile. Fortunately for the folks who work in the WH, there are other dining options, quite acceptable ones, in fact, not the least of which is the WH mess which offers cuisine typical of business-class hotels. (Visitors to the WH for meals in the mess are welcome to take their menu with them.)




As for eating what Trump does for a day, well, for a day, I wouldn't have any real objection, save for the diet soft drinks (yuck!), to doing so for a day. Doing so multiple days in a week, however, is probably not something I could or would do.

How do I get a job there? :lol:
LOL! You mean like where ketchup and mustard came from? Lies like that?

I think mustard comes from England, you know Grey Poupon and all that. :lol:
How do I get a job there? :lol:

Apply. Despite attestations to the contrary, the bar for working there these days isn't nearly so high as it used to be; neither is the demand for the jobs being offered there.
Apply. Despite attestations to the contrary, the bar for working there these days isn't nearly so high as it used to be; neither is the demand for the jobs being offered there.

Apparently tons of Marines want to be posted there.

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