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Durham (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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Let's hear from the cultists now, just a few days removed from the false narrative placed on the Durham filing by the fake hate media.

Come on, don't hide.

Your media makes fools of you. When will you renounce cult realizing you are being played for a dupe?

It's OK to be conservative. It is not OK to have false facts which the last 5 years has become the norm.

Argue about philosophy as we once did, don't deny reality.

Be Americans again.

Let's hear from the cultists now, just a few days removed from the false narrative placed on the Durham filing by the fake hate media.

Come on, don't hide.

Your media makes fools of you. When will you renounce cult realizing you are being played for a dupe?

It's OK to be conservative. It is not OK to have false facts which the last 5 years has become the norm.

Argue about philosophy as we once did, don't deny reality.

Be Americans again.

You have your reality, they have theirs. Who's to say which is real?
Not one cultist has dared to face the music. The truth. That his insidious media has again made them a fool.


Facts are facts no matter how ****ed up an individual is.

Durham presents facts, the left presents emotional appeals and deflection.

Let's hear from the cultists now, just a few days removed from the false narrative placed on the Durham filing by the fake hate media.

Come on, don't hide.

Your media makes fools of you. When will you renounce cult realizing you are being played for a dupe?

It's OK to be conservative. It is not OK to have false facts which the last 5 years has become the norm.

Argue about philosophy as we once did, don't deny reality.

Be Americans again.

NYT is spinning, deflecting, and obfuscating - like you do. I know you won't read this, but some here will, at least those who want to know the truth. The Misleading Claim That Durham’s Reference to Trump White House Records Was Misleading
Durham further asserts, moreover, that Sussmann based his framing of Trump as a Russian spy on data Joffe had mined from EOP Internet traffic. There is no reason to doubt that this is true — indeed, in their pushback, Sussmann apologists are not claiming that EOP traffic mined by Joffe formed no part of Sussmann’s presentation to the CIA; they are claiming that the DNS data from EOP is from the Obama years (and they want you to believe it must all be from the Obama years, even though a small portion of it is almost certainly from Trump’s first weeks in office). Again, Durham was entirely transparent about that.

Again, NYT is spinning because they are complicit in spreading the Russia Hoax.
he does, then where is the proof????

Durham is bringing indictments. He's doing so very carefully and without leaks and media drama.

Unlike every investigation that democrats run, which is intended only to feed media narratives.

This is an actual investigation, and the only time we hear what's going on is when court documents are filed. As it should be.
Durham is bringing indictments. He's doing so very carefully and without leaks and media drama.

Unlike every investigation that democrats run, which is intended only to feed media narratives.

This is an actual investigation, and the only time we hear what's going on is when court documents are filed. As it should be.
never mind a prosecutor discredited him yesterday!!
Durham is bringing indictments. He's doing so very carefully and without leaks and media drama.

Unlike every investigation that democrats run, which is intended only to feed media narratives.

This is an actual investigation, and the only time we hear what's going on is when court documents are filed. As it should be.
Then why did you say this:

All in good time. Step-by-step, one Clinton stooge at a time. It's all going back to Hillary, her emails, and server.

Your getting your "leaks" from somewhere. Someone is feeding you lies.

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